• [经典语录][电影]全民情敌/Hitch



    H:You ever heard of Michelangelo?  (听说过米开朗琪罗吗?)
    A:Yeah  (听说过)
    H:Heard of the Sistine Chapel?  (听说过西斯廷大教堂吗?(教堂中有米开朗琪罗绘制的天顶画))
    A:Yeah  (听过啊)
    H:Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel  (我就是米开朗琪罗,你就是西斯廷大教堂)
    A:You saying you can do this?  (那你能搞定?)
    H:My name is Alex Hitches.  (我的名字叫阿列克斯.西斯)
    H:Let's go paint that ceiling  (我们去画那副天顶画吧)


    H:Tonight I want you to meditate on the image of an iceberg  (今晚我要你想象一下冰山的形象)
    H:Do you know why I want you to do that?  (你知道为什么我要你这么做吗?)
    A:Because I'm cool?  (因为我很酷?)
    H:No  (不)
    A:I know. I'm not  (我知道我不酷)
    H:I‘m saying that you are an iceberg  (我是说你是一座冰山)
    H:in that over 90% of your mass is below the surface  (90%的重量都在水面下)
    A:I know I’m heavy. I am  (我知道我分量不清,这没错)
    H:I'm talking about who you are  (我在说你是什么样的人)
    H:It's a metaphor  (这是个比喻)
    H:Accounting, business, all of that is just a small part of much deeper, richer Albert  (会计,生意,那都只是有内涵又富有的艾伯特的一小部分)


    H:Special issues: Allegra Cole is a celebrity...  (注意:奥丽格拉是名人…)
    H:which means that when people talk to her, they'll ignore you completely.  (这意味着别人跟她讲话时,会忽略你)
    H:She's classy, so she'll introduce you.  (她很有教养,所以她会介绍你)
    H:When she does, shake hands hard and speak up. Let them know you're there.   (这时你要用力握手、大声说话、让他们知道有你这个人)
    H:Show her you can handle being her escort.   (表现出你可以做她的护花使者)



    S:Oh, God. You're a morning person, aren't you?  (天哪,你是早起型的人,对吧?)
    H:Well, like I always tell my clients:   (我一向都告诉我的客户…)
    H:Begin each day as if it were on purpose.   (每一天都要很有目标的开始)


    H:Wow.I don't believe this.  (天啊,我真不敢相信)
    H:That's your source?  (那就是你的消息来源?)
    S:You buried yourself, Alex.  (是你搞死了你自己)
    H:Then you weren't listening.  (你根本没注意听)
    S:I heard every word.  (我听得很清楚)
    S:You're a scam artist.  (你是骗王之王)
    S:You trick women into getting...Into getting out of their own way...  (欺骗女人…让她们放下心防…)
    H:so great guys like Albert Brennaman have a fighting chance.  (好让艾伯特这种好男人有机会)
    H:Now, I want everybody to take a good look at this right now.  (我要大家仔细看清楚)
    H:Because this right here...  (因为这里发生的事…)
    H:this is exactly why falling in love is so goddamn hard.  (就是因为这样恋爱才这么难)


    (C: 女神Cole)

    H:Miss Cole, thank you very much for seeing me.  (珂儿小姐,谢谢你肯见我)
    C:You said it was a matter of life and death.  (你说这是生死攸关的事)
    H:That man would've sold his soul to make you happy.  那个男人愿意为你出卖灵魂)
    C:So what does that make you, the devil?  (那你是什么?魔鬼?)
    H:My job is not to deceive, Miss Cole. It's to create opportunities.  (我不欺骗,而是创造机会)
    H:Like the boardroom.  (就像那场会议(委托人是听取了男主的建议在一次会议上踊跃表现,赢得了女神的关注))
    H:Would you have noticed him otherwise?  (换做其他情况你会注意他吗)
    C:Yes.  (会)
    H:Really?  (真的)
    C:Eventually.  (终究会的)
    C:Maybe.  (也许会吧……)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/plwang1990/p/3060956.html
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