• [BEC][hujiang] Lesson02 Unit1:Working life ---Reading


    1.1Working Life p7 reading attitudes to work

    Question6: 对于Attitude问题

    1 I be willing/ unwilling to do sth

    2 I prefer….

    3 I want…

    4 I expect…

    5 I ask for…

    Question 7:Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggests to you.     预测能力




           dateline(电头) 报道发生的时间地点,时间可省略

           5Ws: when, where, who, what , why

           news lead(消息导语)   报刊中的第一段,报道重点

           news story(正文部分)


           Young workers want it all, now


      2.冒号(colon)表示 : a.某人说  b. be动词(am,is,are

      3.破折号(dash)表示: 间接引用


    take off



           打折   It takes 20 percent off

           休假   take three days off

           经济腾飞   take-off period

    answer the question 7

    Young workers’ expectation and attitudes to work. They want a lot,and they want immediately right now. And From the sub-title, we can predict that maybe someone is ?? to work


    Detroit : n底特律(美国密歇根州最大城市)

    Start a career/ start a business . 创业

    Make a career 在事业上有所成就

    Carve (out) a career for oneself. 谋求发展,闯出一番事业

    Be prepared to do sth = Be ready to do sth.


    Interview 简介

    Phone interview:核实教育背景,语言表达能力。 迅速的回答问题

    Case interview(案例面试)

    Stress interview(压力面试) e.g.How do you handle rejection

    Radio executive收音机经理主管

    Open with

           Be open with sb with sth 对某人毫不隐瞒某事


           e.g. You can open a saving account at any time with an initial deposit of $15


                  open a credit 开立信用证

               open the books: 开立新账

    open account: 未结清账户、赊账

    open check: 普通支票、非划线支票

    open-end contract: 开放型合同


    entitlement : n.权利

       entitlement Generation: 小皇帝 , 啃老族,养尊处优的一代

       be entitled to: 有权利获得 + 名词/不定式

           be entitled to high praise: 值得高度的赞扬

           entitlement payments: 公民权利性付款(如社会保障金等)


    give sb a deep impression: 给某人留下深刻印象

    expectation: n.期望、期望值

           arouse expectations: 引起期望

    hold great expectations: 抱有很大的期望

    have high expectation for salary

    flexibility n.伸缩性、灵活性、浮动

          flexibility of budget system: 预算制度的浮动

    appetite: n.胃口;兴趣

           lose appetite : 没有胃口、失去兴趣

           spoil/ruin sb’s appetite :毁掉了某人的兴趣

           appetite for: 对…..有兴趣,对…..向往 He has amazing appetite for knowledge


    sense of loyalty to a company : 员工忠诚度


                  1.benefit system/benefit package工资福利制度

                  2.promotion prospects 发展潜力

                  3. job satisfaction (opportunity for advancement and training))培训机会和晋升空间

                  4.effective management style企业的人力资源管理制度


    twenty-somethings: 二十多岁的年轻人

    make the transition to : 转型, 从….过渡到

    typically: 特别地   especially   adv.

    Be used to 习惯于

    Instant gratification: 即时满足、快速满足

    Instant: adj.速溶的、方便的

           Instant noodle: 方便面         instant coffee: 速溶咖啡

    Instant agendas: 即时会议议程

    缩写Inst: 本月  (instant month)  ult:上月(last month)    old-fashion用法


    codding parents: 溺爱孩子的父母

    fail to do: 没能做到

    prepare sb. For sth: 使某人在心理上有所准备

           He had himself prepared for bad news


    Veteran: n.老兵,老员工

       Veteran Day: 退伍军人节


    Have reply for: 对….回复

    Be spoiled by : 被毁坏、被宠坏 My holiday was spoiled by the bad weather

    Spoiled goods: 损毁货物

    Too strong :太过了

    Deserve: v应受、值得

    Deserve to be rewarded      deserve punishment

    Break one’s back for sb 为某人把腰折了  把腰累折了

    Break one’s leg 把腿摔坏了


    End up doing sth 以…收场

    My friend lost his wallet, so I ended up paying the meal

    Psychologist 心理学家

    Bury oneself in sth 专心致志于   I buried myself in my studies

    Cubicle 狭小的空间,办公室座位  Follow orders: 听从命令

    On earth: 究竟


    A good idea soaked into that veteran worker.那位老员工的头脑里有了一个好主意


    Little appetite for hard work == not interested in working hard

    Twenty-somethings == people in their twenties

    Instant gratification == getting what you want as soon as you demand it

    Coddling parents and colleges == parents who overprotect and spoil young people

    We were spoiled by your generation == your generation gave us everything we wanted.

    Break our backs for you == to work very hard for you

    Bury themselves in a cubicle == to sit quietly in a little office

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pandy/p/3592984.html
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