• 转载:OU Management with PowerShell

    I’ve got a few questions on Active Directory Organizational Unit management with PowerShell so I thought I would post a few examples on OU-related operations (using Active Directory cmdlets - note that for some of those like browsing OUs using AD provider is a viable alternative).

    The first thing obstacle that you meet when deciding to start working with OUs is that at the moment (in version 1.0.1) specific cmdlets for OUs have not made it into the snapin yet. Which of course won’t stop us - as there are the wonderful *-QADObject cmdlets that help us survive while waiting for all type-specific cmdlets to become available.

    So here we go:

    Get the list of OUs:

    PS C:> Get-QADObject -Type OrganizationalUnit
    Name Type DN
    ---- ---- --
    Domain Controllers organizationalUnit OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ps64,DC=local
    Microsoft Excha... organizationalUnit OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=ps64,DC=local

    Create New OU in domain root:

    PS C:\> New-QADObject -Type organizationalUnit -Name TestOU -ParentContainer ps64.local/

    Name Type DN
    ---- ---- --
    TestOU organizationalUnit OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local

    Create 5 test users in the new OU:

    PS C:> 1..5 | ForEach { New-QADUser -ParentContainer ps64.local/TestOU -Name ("TestUser" + $_)}

    Name Type DN
    ---- ---- --
    TestUser1 user CN=TestUser1,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser2 user CN=TestUser2,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser3 user CN=TestUser3,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser4 user CN=TestUser4,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser5 user CN=TestUser5,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local

    Get a list of users in an OU (and all nested OUs):

    PS C:\> Get-QADUser -SearchRoot ps64.local/TestOU

    Name Type DN
    ---- ---- --
    TestUser1 user CN=TestUser1,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser2 user CN=TestUser2,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser3 user CN=TestUser3,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser4 user CN=TestUser4,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser5 user CN=TestUser5,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local

    Get only users placed directly in the OU (and not in sub-OUs):

    PS C:\> Get-QADUser -SearchRoot ps64.local/TestOU -SearchScope OneLevel

    Name Type DN
    ---- ---- --
    TestUser1 user CN=TestUser1,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser2 user CN=TestUser2,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser3 user CN=TestUser3,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser4 user CN=TestUser4,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser5 user CN=TestUser5,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local

    Modify all users from an OU:

    PS C:\> Get-QADUser -SearchRoot ps64.local/TestOU | Set-QADUser -City TestCity

    PS C:> Get-QADUser -SearchRoot ps64.local/TestOU | Format-Table Name, City

    Name City
    ---- ----
    TestUser1 TestCity
    TestUser2 TestCity
    TestUser3 TestCity
    TestUser4 TestCity
    TestUser5 TestCity

    Get statistics on the number of objects in each OU:

    PS C:\> Get-QADObject -Type organizationalUnit | foreach { Write-Host $_.Name: (Get-QADObject -SearchRoot $_.DN).Count}

    Domain Controllers : 5

    Microsoft Exchange Security Groups : 6

    TestOU : 6

    Get the list of AD objects by OU:

    PS C:\> Get-QADObject -Type organizationalUnit | foreach { Write-Host ([char]10) $_.Name ([char]10); Get-QADObject -SearchRoot $_.DN }

    Domain Controllers
    Name Type DN
    ---- ---- --
    Domain Controllers organizationalUnit OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ps64,DC=local
    SPB9880 computer CN=SPB9880,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ps64,DC=local
    RID Set rIDSet CN=RID Set,CN=SPB9880,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ps64,DC=local
    NTFRS Subscript... nTFRSSubscriptions CN=NTFRS Subscriptions,CN=SPB9880,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ps64,DC=local
    Domain System V... nTFRSSubscriber CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=NTFRS Subscriptions,CN=SPB9880,OU=Do...
    Microsoft Exchange Security Groups
    Microsoft Excha... organizationalUnit OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=ps64,DC=local
    Exchange Servers group CN=Exchange Servers,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=ps64,DC=local
    Exchange Organi... group CN=Exchange Organization Administrators,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,...
    Exchange Recipi... group CN=Exchange Recipient Administrators,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=...
    Exchange View-O... group CN=Exchange View-Only Administrators,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=...
    ExchangeLegacyI... group CN=ExchangeLegacyInterop,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestOU organizationalUnit OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser1 user CN=TestUser1,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser2 user CN=TestUser2,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser3 user CN=TestUser3,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser4 user CN=TestUser4,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local
    TestUser5 user CN=TestUser5,OU=TestOU,DC=ps64,DC=local


    • For CSV-based OU/user provisioning just add import-csv as I described in earlier posts.
    • All the user operations are applicable to other types as well -just use *-QADGroup, *-QADComputer, etc. instead of *-QADUser.
    • The last statistics examples can be also made specific for users, groups, etc. by just changing the Get-QADObject cmdlet to a more specific one.

    源文档 <http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2007/05/04/ou-management-with-powershell/>

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