• 数据结构----链表Link




          . is_empty():链表是否为空

          . length():链表长度

          . travel():遍历整个链表

          . add(item):链表头部添加元素

          . append(item):链表尾部添加元素

          . insert(pos, item):指定位置添加元素

          . remove(item):删除节点

          . search(item):查找节点是否存在


     1 class Node(object):
     2     def __init__(self, item):
     3         self.item = item
     4         self.next = None
     7 class Link(object):
     8     def __init__(self):
     9         self._head = None
    11     def isEmpty(self):
    12         return self._head is None
    14     @property
    15     def length(self):
    16         node = self._head
    17         count = 0
    18         while node:
    19             count += 1
    20             node = node.next
    21         return count
    23     def travel(self):
    24         if self._head:
    25             cur_node = self._head
    26             while cur_node:
    27                 print(cur_node.item)
    28                 cur_node = cur_node.next
    29         else:
    30             raise ("<The object is empty!>")
    32     def add(self, item):
    33         node = Node(item)
    34         node.next = self._head
    35         self._head = node
    37     def append(self, item):
    38         node = Node(item)
    39         if self.isEmpty():
    40             self._head = node
    41         else:
    42             cur_node = self._head
    43             while cur_node:
    44                 pre_node, cur_node = cur_node, cur_node.next
    45             pre_node.next = node
    47     def insert(self, item, index):
    48         if index <= 0:  # 插入位置索引小于等于0都是在头部插入
    49             self.add(item)
    50         elif index >= self.length:  # 插入位置索引大于等于链表长度时都是在尾部插入
    51             self.append(item)
    52         else:  # 插入位置索引index在1到链表length-1之间
    53             node = Node(item)
    54             cur_node = self._head.next
    55             pre = self._head
    56             count = 1
    57             while cur_node:
    58                 if count == index:
    59                     pre.next, node.next = node, cur_node
    60                     break
    61                 pre, cur_node = cur_node, cur_node.next
    62                 count += 1
    64     def remove(self, item):
    65         if self.isEmpty():  # 空提示
    66             return "Failed because of Empty!"
    67         cur_node = self._head
    68         pre_node = None
    69         while cur_node:
    70             if cur_node.item == item:
    71                 if pre_node == None:  # 删除的索引为0
    72                     self._head = cur_node.next
    73                 else:
    74                     pre_node.next = cur_node.next
    75                 return item
    76             pre_node, cur_node = cur_node, cur_node.next
    77         raise ("Not found!")  # 最后没有找到报错
    79     def search(self, item):
    80         if self.isEmpty():
    81             raise ("<The object is empty!>")
    82         else:
    83             cur_node = self._head
    84             index = 0
    85             while cur_node:
    86                 if cur_node.item == item:
    87                     return index
    88                 index += 1
    89                 cur_node = cur_node.next
    90             return -1


    1 link = Link()
    2 link.append(2)
    3 link.append(3)
    4 link.add(4)
    5 link.insert(11, 1)
    6 link.remove(4)
    7 link.travel()
    8 print(link.length)
    9 print(link.search(11))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/open-yang/p/11367030.html
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