• iOS银行卡合法性校验


    + (BOOL)checkCardNo:(NSString*)cardNo;//判断银行卡

    + (BOOL)checkCardNo:(NSString*)cardNo{

        int oddsum = 0;     //奇数求和

        int evensum = 0;    //偶数求和

        int allsum = 0;

        int cardNoLength = (int)[cardNo length];

        int lastNum = [[cardNo substringFromIndex:cardNoLength-1] intValue];


        cardNo = [cardNo substringToIndex:cardNoLength - 1];

        for (int i = cardNoLength -1 ; i>=1;i--) {

            NSString *tmpString = [cardNo substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i-1, 1)];

            int tmpVal = [tmpString intValue];

            if (cardNoLength % 2 ==1 ) {

                if((i % 2) == 0){

                    tmpVal *= 2;


                        tmpVal -= 9;

                    evensum += tmpVal;


                    oddsum += tmpVal;



                if((i % 2) == 1){

                    tmpVal *= 2;


                        tmpVal -= 9;

                    evensum += tmpVal;


                    oddsum += tmpVal;





        allsum = oddsum + evensum;

        allsum += lastNum;

        if((allsum % 10) == 0)

            return YES;


            return NO;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ningmengcao-ios/p/5783773.html
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