• 【HDOJ3341】Lost's revenge(AC自动机,DP)

    题意:给出一个n个模式串,一个目标串,问把目标串重新排位最多能产生多少个模式串,可以重叠且所有串只包含A C G T。 











      1 var map:array[1..600,1..4]of longint;
      2     q,a,size,fa:array[0..16000]of longint;
      3     hash:array[0..40,0..40,0..40,0..40]of longint;
      4     dp:array[0..600,0..16000]of longint;
      5     ch:string;
      6     n,cnt,i,j,k,x,t,y,ans,len,s,cas,a1,c1,g1,t1,u,s1,v,s2,num:longint;
      7     flag:boolean;
      9 function min(x,y:longint):longint;
     10 begin
     11  if x<y then exit(x);
     12  exit(y);
     13 end;
     15 function max(x,y:longint):longint;
     16 begin
     17  if x>y then exit(x);
     18  exit(y);
     19 end;
     21 procedure build;
     22 var i,u:longint;
     23 begin
     24  u:=1;
     25  for i:=1 to len do
     26  begin
     27   if map[u,a[i]]=0 then
     28   begin
     29    inc(cnt); map[u,a[i]]:=cnt;
     30   end;
     31   u:=map[u,a[i]];
     32  end;
     33  inc(size[u]);
     34 end;
     36 procedure acauto;
     37 var t,w,i,p,son,u:longint;
     38 begin
     39  t:=0; w:=1; q[1]:=1;
     40  while t<w do
     41  begin
     42   inc(t); u:=q[t];
     43   size[u]:=size[u]+size[fa[u]];
     44   for i:=1 to 4 do
     45    if map[u,i]>0 then
     46    begin
     47     son:=map[u,i];
     48     p:=fa[u];
     49     if u=1 then fa[son]:=1
     50      else fa[son]:=map[p,i];
     51     inc(w); q[w]:=son;
     52    end
     53     else
     54     begin
     55      p:=fa[u];
     56      if u=1 then map[u,i]:=1
     57       else map[u,i]:=map[p,i];
     58     end;
     59  end;
     60 end;
     62 begin
     63  assign(input,'hdoj3341.in'); reset(input);
     64  assign(output,'hdoj3341.out'); rewrite(output);
     65  while not eof do
     66  begin
     67   readln(n);
     68   if n=0 then break;
     69   inc(cas);
     70   for i:=1 to cnt do
     71   begin
     72    size[i]:=0; fa[i]:=0;
     73   end;
     74   for i:=1 to cnt do
     75    for j:=1 to 4 do map[i,j]:=0;
     76   for i:=0 to a1 do
     77    for j:=0 to c1 do
     78     for k:=0 to g1 do
     79      for x:=0 to t1 do hash[i,j,k,x]:=0;
     81   cnt:=1;
     82   for i:=1 to n do
     83   begin
     84    readln(ch);
     85    len:=length(ch);
     86    for j:=1 to len do
     87    begin
     88     case ch[j] of
     89      'A':a[j]:=1;
     90      'C':a[j]:=2;
     91      'G':a[j]:=3;
     92      'T':a[j]:=4;
     93     end;
     94    end;
     95    build;
     96   end;
     97   acauto;
     98   readln(ch);
     99   len:=length(ch); a1:=0; c1:=0; g1:=0; t1:=0;
    100   for i:=1 to len do
    101   begin
    102    case ch[i] of
    103     'A':inc(a1);
    104     'C':inc(c1);
    105     'G':inc(g1);
    106     'T':inc(t1);
    107    end;
    108   end;
    109   num:=0;
    110   for i:=0 to a1 do
    111    for j:=0 to c1 do
    112     for k:=0 to g1 do
    113      for x:=0 to t1 do
    114      begin
    115       inc(num); hash[i,j,k,x]:=num;
    116      end;
    118  for i:=1 to cnt do
    119   for j:=0 to a1 do
    120    for k:=0 to c1 do
    121     for x:=0 to g1 do
    122      for y:=0 to t1 do dp[i,hash[j,k,x,y]]:=-1;
    123   dp[1,hash[0,0,0,0]]:=0;
    125   ans:=0;
    126   for i:=0 to a1 do
    127    for j:=0 to c1 do
    128     for k:=0 to g1 do
    129      for x:=0 to c1 do
    130      begin
    131       if i+j+k+x=0 then continue;
    132       s1:=hash[i,j,k,x];
    133       for u:=1 to cnt do
    134        for t:=1 to 4 do
    135        begin
    136         v:=map[u,t];
    137         s2:=0;
    138         if (t=1)and(i>=1) then s2:=hash[i-1,j,k,x]
    139         else if (t=2)and(j>=1) then s2:=hash[i,j-1,k,x]
    140          else if (t=3)and(k>=1) then s2:=hash[i,j,k-1,x]
    141           else  if (t=4)and(x>=1) then s2:=hash[i,j,k,x-1];
    142         if s2=0 then continue;
    143         if dp[u,s2]=-1 then continue;
    144         dp[v,s1]:=max(dp[v,s1],dp[u,s2]+size[v]);
    145         ans:=max(ans,dp[v,s1]);
    146        end;
    147      end;
    148   writeln('Case ',cas,': ',ans);
    149  end;
    150  close(input);
    151  close(output);
    152 end.

     UPD(2018.10.27):C++重写 果然C++常数小

      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<string>
      4 #include<cmath>
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #include<algorithm>
      7 #include<map>
      8 #include<set>
      9 #include<queue>
     10 #include<vector>
     11 using namespace std;
     12 typedef long long ll;
     13 typedef unsigned int uint;
     14 typedef unsigned long long ull;
     15 typedef pair<int,int> PII;
     16 typedef vector<int> VI;
     17 #define fi first
     18 #define se second
     19 #define MP make_pair
     20 #define N   610
     21 #define M   7010
     22 #define eps 1e-8
     23 #define pi  acos(-1)
     24 #define oo  1e9
     25 #define MOD 10007
     27 int nxt[N][4],q[N],size[N],fa[N],num[41][41][41][41],dp[N][16010],
     28     A,C,G,T,len,cnt;
     29 char b[M],ch[M];
     31 void build()
     32 {
     33     int u=1;
     34     for(int i=1;i<=len;i++)
     35     {
     36         int t;
     37         if(b[i]=='A') t=0;
     38         if(b[i]=='C') t=1;
     39         if(b[i]=='G') t=2;
     40         if(b[i]=='T') t=3;
     41         if(!nxt[u][t]) nxt[u][t]=++cnt;
     42         u=nxt[u][t];
     43     }
     44     size[u]++;
     45 }
     47 void acauto()
     48 {
     49     int t=0; int w=1; q[1]=1;
     50     while(t<w)
     51     {
     52         int u=q[++t];
     53         size[u]+=size[fa[u]];
     54         for(int i=0;i<=3;i++)
     55         {
     56              if(nxt[u][i])
     57               {
     58                  int son=nxt[u][i];        
     59                  int p=fa[u];
     60                  if(u==1) fa[son]=1;
     61                   else fa[son]=nxt[p][i];
     62                  q[++w]=son;
     63              }
     64               else
     65               {
     66                  int p=fa[u];
     67                  if(u==1) nxt[u][i]=1;
     68                   else nxt[u][i]=nxt[p][i];
     69               }
     70         }
     71     }
     72 }
     76 int main()
     77 {
     78     //freopen("hdoj3341.in","r",stdin);
     79     //freopen("hdoj3341.out","w",stdout);
     80     int n;
     81     int cas=0;
     82     A=C=G=T=cnt=0;
     83     while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) 
     84     {
     85         if(n==0) break;
     86         cas++;
     87         for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) size[i]=fa[i]=0;
     88         for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)
     89          for(int j=0;j<=3;j++) nxt[i][j]=0;
     90         for(int i=0;i<=A;i++)
     91          for(int j=0;j<=C;j++)
     92           for(int k=0;k<=G;k++)
     93            for(int x=0;x<=T;x++) num[i][j][k][x]=0; 
     94         cnt=1;
     95         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%s",b+1); len=strlen(b+1); build();}
     96         acauto();
     97         scanf("%s",ch+1);
     98         len=strlen(ch+1);
     99         A=C=G=T=0;
    100         for(int i=1;i<=len;i++)
    101         {
    102             if(ch[i]=='A') A++;
    103             if(ch[i]=='C') C++;
    104             if(ch[i]=='G') G++;
    105             if(ch[i]=='T') T++;
    106         }
    107         int s=0;
    108         for(int i=0;i<=A;i++)
    109          for(int j=0;j<=C;j++)
    110           for(int k=0;k<=G;k++)
    111            for(int x=0;x<=T;x++) num[i][j][k][x]=++s;
    112         for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)
    113          for(int j=0;j<=A;j++)
    114           for(int k=0;k<=C;k++)
    115            for(int x=0;x<=G;x++)
    116             for(int y=0;y<=T;y++) dp[i][num[j][k][x][y]]=-1;
    117         dp[1][num[0][0][0][0]]=0;   
    118         int ans=0;
    119         for(int i=0;i<=A;i++)
    120          for(int j=0;j<=C;j++)
    121           for(int k=0;k<=G;k++)
    122            for(int x=0;x<=T;x++)
    123            {
    124                     if(i+j+k+x==0) continue;
    125                     int s1=num[i][j][k][x];
    126                     for(int u=1;u<=cnt;u++)
    127                  for(int t=0;t<=3;t++)
    128                    {
    129                        int v=nxt[u][t];
    130                        int s2=0;
    131                        if(t==0&&i>=1) s2=num[i-1][j][k][x];
    132                        if(t==1&&j>=1) s2=num[i][j-1][k][x];
    133                     if(t==2&&k>=1) s2=num[i][j][k-1][x];
    134                     if(t==3&&x>=1) s2=num[i][j][k][x-1];
    135                     if(s2==0||dp[u][s2]==-1) continue;
    136                     dp[v][s1]=max(dp[v][s1],dp[u][s2]+size[v]);
    137                     ans=max(ans,dp[v][s1]);
    138                  }
    139             }
    140         printf("Case %d: %d
    141     }
    142     return 0;
    143 }
  • 相关阅读:
    X oracle 11g 旧的归档日志无法清理
    问题 C: B C++时间类的运算符重载
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/myx12345/p/7632521.html
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