• 【CF732D】Exams(线性扫描,贪心,二分)


    1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10^5) 



     1 var a,b,c,d:array[1..110000]of longint;
     2     n,m,l,r,mid,last,i:longint;
     4 function isok(len:longint):boolean;
     5 var i,s:longint;
     6 begin
     7  fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);
     8  fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0);
     9  for i:=len downto 1 do
    10   if (a[i]>0)and(c[a[i]]=0) then
    11   begin
    12    b[i]:=a[i];
    13    c[a[i]]:=1;
    14   end;
    15  s:=0;
    16  for i:=1 to len do
    17   if b[i]=0 then inc(s)
    18    else
    19    begin
    20     if d[b[i]]>s then exit(false)
    21      else s:=s-d[b[i]];
    22    end;
    23  for i:=1 to m do
    24   if c[i]=0 then exit(false);
    25  exit(true);
    26 end;
    28 begin
    29  //assign(input,'cf732D.in'); reset(input);
    30  //assign(output,'cf732D.out'); rewrite(output);
    31  readln(n,m);
    32  for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]);
    33  for i:=1 to m do read(d[i]);
    34  l:=1; r:=n; last:=n+1;
    35  while l<=r do
    36  begin
    37   mid:=(l+r)>>1;
    38   if isok(mid) then begin last:=mid; r:=mid-1; end
    39    else l:=mid+1;
    40  end;
    41  if last=n+1 then writeln(-1)
    42   else writeln(last);
    43  //close(input);
    44  //close(output);
    45 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/myx12345/p/6035456.html
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