• openstack计算节点的zone划分

    初步了解了一些openstack zone的使用方法,觉得比较实用,在此分享给大家:

    nova aggregate-list  

    Print a list of all aggregates.  

    # nova aggregate-create <name> <availability-zone>  

    Create a new aggregate named <name> in availability zone <availability-zone>. Returns the ID of the newly created aggregate.  

    # nova aggregate-delete <id>  

    Delete an aggregate with id <id>.  

    # nova aggregate-details <id>  

    Show details of the aggregate with id <id>.   

    # nova aggregate-add-host <id> <host>  

    Add host with name <host> to aggregate with id <id>.  

    # nova aggregate-remove-host <id> <host>  

    Remove the host with name <host> from the aggregate with id <id>.  

    # nova aggregate-set-metadata <id> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]  

    Add or update metadata (key-value pairs) associated with the aggregate with id <id>.  

    # nova aggregate-update <id> <name> [<availability_zone>]  

    Update the aggregate's name and optionally availability zone.    

    # nova host-list  

    List all hosts by service.  

    # nova host-update --maintenance [enable | disable]  

    Put/resume host into/from maintenance.



    [root@openstack ~]# nova aggregate-list


    | Id | Name | Availability Zone |



    [root@openstack03 ~]# nova aggregate-create clusterA cluster-12C-128G


    | Id | Name     | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata                             |


    | 1  | clusterA | cluster-12C-128G  |       | 'availability_zone=cluster-12C-128G' |


    [root@openstack03 ~]# nova aggregate-create clusterB cluster-12C-48G


    | Id | Name     | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata                            |


    | 2  | clusterB | cluster-12C-48G   |       | 'availability_zone=cluster-8C-48G' |


    [root@openstack03 ~]# nova aggregate-list


    | Id | Name     | Availability Zone |


    | 1  | clusterA | cluster-12C-128G  |

    | 2  | clusterB | cluster-8C-48G   |


    [root@openstack03 ~]# nova aggregate-list


    | Id | Name     | Availability Zone |


    | 1  | clusterA | cluster-12C-128G  |

    | 3  | clusterB | cluster-8C-48G    |


    [root@openstack03 ~]# nova aggregate-add-host 1 node01

    Host node01 has been successfully added for aggregate 1 


    | Id | Name     | Availability Zone | Hosts    | Metadata                             |


    | 1  | clusterA | cluster-12C-128G  | 'node01' | 'availability_zone=cluster-12C-128G' |


    [root@openstack03 ~]# nova aggregate-add-host 2 node02

    Host node02 has been successfully added for aggregate 2 


    | Id | Name     | Availability Zone | Hosts              | Metadata                             |


    | 1  | clusterA | cluster-8C-48G  | 'node02' | 'availability_zone=cluster-8C-48G' |


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/myiaas/p/4161319.html
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