• 动态加载并获取usercontrol生成的html



        方案一: 在用户控件中添加公共属性和公共方法以供外部程序调用。

    ddl.ascx.cs code:

    partial class ddl : System.Web.UI.UserControl { public List<string> sourceList { get; set; } //公共属性 public void setValue() //公共方法 { List<string> currentSource = this.sourceList; foreach (string str in currentSource) { ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Value = str; item.Text = str; _ddl.Items.Add(item); } } }
    userControlTest.aspx.cs code:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { List<string> testList=new List<string> (); testList.Add("xiaochun"); testList.Add("xiaochun"); testList.Add("xiaochun"); testList.Add("xiaochun"); testList.Add("xiaochun"); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); UserControl userControl = new UserControl(); string pathString = "/usercontrol/ddl.ascx"; //注意这里不能为绝对路径 ddl currentControl= userControl.LoadControl(pathString) as ddl; currentControl.sourceList = testList; //调用公共属性 currentControl.setValue(); //调用公共方法 if (currentControl is ddl) { currentControl.RenderControl(writer); Response.Write( sw.ToString()); } } }

       方案二:采用一个公共类A去继承 System.Web.UI.UserControl,然后再在其中添加接口。然后usercontrol去继承这个公共类A然后


                 公共类 BaseQueryControl

        public abstract class BaseQueryControl:UserControl  //注意这里要继承UserControl
            public abstract void SetDataSourceBind(object source); //这里是接口


     public partial class EnumeratorControl : BaseQueryControl //继承公共类
        {public override void SetDataSourceBind(object source) //重载方法
                if (source!=null)
                    this.ddl.DataSource = source;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/msql/p/2848100.html
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