• CV编程常用的获取鼠标圈定区域的方法





      1 #include <cv.h>
      2 #include <highgui.h>
    //-------------- 控制获取区域个数 4 const int MAX_OBJECTS = 1; 5
      //-------- 对参数封装 cvSetMouseCallback 所需参数
      6 typedef struct params {
      7   CvPoint loc1[MAX_OBJECTS];
      8   CvPoint loc2[MAX_OBJECTS];
      9   IplImage* objects[MAX_OBJECTS];
     10   char* win_name;
     11   IplImage* orig_img;
     12   IplImage* cur_img;
     13   int n;
     14 } params;
     16 int GetRegions( IplImage*, CvRect** );
     17 void mouse( int, int, int, int, void* );
     19 int main(void)
     20 {
     21     IplImage *frame, *frame_copy;
     22     CvCapture *video;
     23     CvScalar color;
     24     CvRect* regions;
     26     char *video_file = "E:\\Coding\\acivs\\1.AVI";
     28     video = cvCaptureFromFile( video_file );
     29     if(!video)
     30     {
     31         printf("Cannot open the video file!!!");
     32         return -1;
     33     }
     35     int frmNo = 0, nObjects = 0;
     36     while( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) )
     37     {
     38         frame_copy = cvCloneImage( frame );
     39         if(frmNo == 0)
     40         {
     41             printf("Please select a region to track !");
     42             while( nObjects == 0 )
     43             {
     44                 nObjects = GetRegions( frame, &regions );
     45                 if( nObjects == 0 )
     46                     printf( "Please select a object\n" );
     47             }
     48         }
     49         else
     50         {
     51             printf("This is the %d st frame\n", frmNo);
     53         }
     54         frmNo++;
     55         cvReleaseImage(&frame_copy);
     56     }
     58     cvReleaseCapture( &video );
     59     return 0;
     60 }
     61 //-------- 获取的区域 regions
     62 int GetRegions( IplImage* frame, CvRect** regions )
     63 {
     64   char* win_name = "First frame";
     65   params p;
     66   CvRect* r;
     67   int i, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h;
     69   /* use mouse callback to allow user to define object regions */
     70   p.win_name = win_name;
     71   p.orig_img = cvCloneImage( frame );
     72   p.cur_img = NULL;
     73   p.n = 0;
     74   cvNamedWindow( win_name, 1 );
     75   cvShowImage( win_name, frame );
     76   cvSetMouseCallback( win_name, &mouse, &p );
     77   cvWaitKey( 0 );
     78   cvDestroyWindow( win_name );
     79   cvReleaseImage( &(p.orig_img) );
     80   if( p.cur_img )
     81     cvReleaseImage( &(p.cur_img) );
     83   /* extract regions defined by user; store as an array of rectangles */
     84   if( p.n == 0 )
     85     {
     86       *regions = NULL;
     87       return 0;
     88     }
     89   r = (CvRect *)malloc( p.n * sizeof( CvRect ) );
     90   for( i = 0; i < p.n; i++ )
     91     {
     92       x1 = MIN( p.loc1[i].x, p.loc2[i].x );
     93       x2 = MAX( p.loc1[i].x, p.loc2[i].x );
     94       y1 = MIN( p.loc1[i].y, p.loc2[i].y );
     95       y2 = MAX( p.loc1[i].y, p.loc2[i].y );
     96       w = x2 - x1;
     97       h = y2 - y1;
     99       /* ensure odd width and height */
    100       w = ( w % 2 )? w : w+1;
    101       h = ( h % 2 )? h : h+1;
    102       r[i] = cvRect( x1, y1, w, h );
    103     }
    104   *regions = r;
    105   return p.n;
    106 }
    108 void mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param )
    109 {
    110   params* p = (params*)param;
    111   CvPoint* loc;
    112   int n;
    113   IplImage* tmp;
    114   static int pressed = FALSE;
    116   /* on left button press, remember first corner of rectangle around object */
    117   if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN )
    118     {
    119       n = p->n;
    120       if( n == MAX_OBJECTS )
    121     return;
    122       loc = p->loc1;
    123       loc[n].x = x;
    124       loc[n].y = y;
    125       pressed = TRUE;
    126     }
    128   /* on left button up, finalize the rectangle and draw it in black */
    129   else if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP )
    130     {
    131       n = p->n;
    132       if( n == MAX_OBJECTS )
    133     return;
    134       loc = p->loc2;
    135       loc[n].x = x;
    136       loc[n].y = y;
    137       cvReleaseImage( &(p->cur_img) );
    138       p->cur_img = NULL;
    139       cvRectangle( p->orig_img, p->loc1[n], loc[n], CV_RGB(0,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );
    140       cvShowImage( p->win_name, p->orig_img );
    141       pressed = FALSE;
    142       p->n++;
    143     }
    145   /* on mouse move with left button down, draw rectangle as defined in white */
    146   else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE  &&  flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON )
    147     {
    148       n = p->n;
    149       if( n == MAX_OBJECTS )
    150     return;
    151       tmp = cvCloneImage( p->orig_img );
    152       loc = p->loc1;
    153       cvRectangle( tmp, loc[n], cvPoint(x, y), CV_RGB(255,255,255), 1, 8, 0 );
    154       cvShowImage( p->win_name, tmp );
    155       if( p->cur_img )
    156     cvReleaseImage( &(p->cur_img) );
    157       p->cur_img = tmp;
    158     }
    159 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/moondark/p/2582013.html
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