• oracle impdp/expdp 的权限问题

    直接运行 impdp base/reliance-123 network_link=dblink_dev schemas=base remap_schema=base:base
    ORA-39002: invalid operation
    ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
    ORA-39145: directory object parameter must be specified and non-null

    网上说要把在 data_dump_dir 上的 read,write 的权限赋予scott。按照此说法做后,发现问题依然。
    grant dba to scott 权限后,问题解决。

    其实问题的核心不在于dba权限,而在于 EXP_FULL_DATABASE / IMP_FULL_DATABASE 角色。

    oracle的官方文档中早就有了此问题和原因(Oracle® Database Utilities):
    The following is an example of using the default DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object available to privileged users. This example assumes that the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles have been granted to the user hr. After the DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object has been created, a privileged user need not use the DIRECTORY parameter. Dump files, log files, and SQL files will be written to the path associated with DATA_PUMP_DIR.

    SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY data_pump_dir AS '/usr/dba/dpumpfiles':

    > expdp hr/hr DUMPFILE=emp.dmp LOGFILE=emp.log TABLES=hr.employees

    The emp.dmp and emp.log files will be written to /usr/dba/dpumpfiles.

    If the DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object had not first been created by a DBA, then the following error messages would have been displayed:

    ORA-39002: invalid operation
    ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
    ORA-39087: directory name DATA_PUMP_DIR is invalid

    Remember that the default DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object is not available to nonprivileged users. In the following example, user sh is a nonprivileged user. Therefore, because no directory object is specified, error messages are generated and the export is not performed.

    > expdp sh/sh DUMPFILE=sales.dmp LOGFILE=sales.log TABLES=sh.sales
    ORA-39002: invalid operation
    ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
    ORA-39145: directory object parameter must be specified and non-null

    Thomas Kyte建议的要从头到尾看 Oracle Concept Guide,绝对是见很正确的事。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/maple42/p/3941558.html
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