public class test_20190923 { public static void main(String... as) { // 基本类型转换 低精度到高精度隐式转换 高精度到低精度显式转换 // 1.byte to any byte b = 1; short s = b; int i = b; long l = b; float f = b; double d = b; // 2.short to any short s2 = 1; byte b2 = (byte) s2; int i2 = s2; long l2 = s2; float f2 = s2; double d2 = s2; // to any int i3 = 1; byte b3 = (byte) i3; short s3 = (short) i3; long l3 = i3; float f3 = i3; double d3 = i3; // 4.long to any long l4 = 1l; byte b4 = (byte) l4; short s4 = (short) l4; int i4 = (int) l4; float f4 = l4; double d4 = l4; // 5.float to any float f5 = 1.0f; byte b5 = (byte) f5; short s5 = (short) f5; int i5 = (int) f5; long l5 = (long) f5; double d5 = f5; // 6.double to any double d6 = 1.00d; byte b6 = (byte) d6; short s6 = (short) d6; int i6 = (int) d6; long l6 = (long) d6; float f6 = (float) d6; // 7.char to any char c7 = 'a'; byte b7 = (byte) c7; short s7 = (short) c7; int i7 = c7; long l7 = c7; float f7 = c7; double d7 = c7; } }