• 庖丁解牛-----Live555源码彻底解密(RTP解包)

    Live555 客户端解包







    Boolean DummySink::continuePlaying() {

      if (fSource == NULL) return False; // sanity check (should not happen)


      // Request the next frame of data from our input source.  "afterGettingFrame()" will get called later, when it arrives:

      fSource->getNextFrame(fReceiveBuffer, DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE,

                            afterGettingFrame, this,

                            onSourceClosure, this);

      return True;



    void FramedSource::getNextFrame(unsigned char* to, unsigned maxSize,

                       afterGettingFunc* afterGettingFunc,

                       void* afterGettingClientData,

                       onCloseFunc* onCloseFunc,

                       void* onCloseClientData) {

      // Make sure we're not already being read:

      if (fIsCurrentlyAwaitingData) {

        envir() << "FramedSource[" << this << "]::getNextFrame(): attempting to read more than once at the same time! ";




      fTo = to;

      fMaxSize = maxSize;

      fNumTruncatedBytes = 0; // by default; could be changed by doGetNextFrame()

      fDurationInMicroseconds = 0; // by default; could be changed by doGetNextFrame()

      fAfterGettingFunc = afterGettingFunc;

      fAfterGettingClientData = afterGettingClientData;

      fOnCloseFunc = onCloseFunc;

      fOnCloseClientData = onCloseClientData;

      fIsCurrentlyAwaitingData = True;





    void MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame() {


      if (!fAreDoingNetworkReads) {

    // Turn on background read handling of incoming packets:


        fAreDoingNetworkReads = True;

        TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler

          = (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&networkReadHandler;

         //如何获取数据:networkReadHandler1()函数不断从fRTPInterface所指向的socket读入, 最终执行语句fReorderingBuffer->storePacket(bPacket);实现。






      fSavedTo = fTo;

      fSavedMaxSize = fMaxSize;

      fFrameSize = 0; // for now

      fNeedDelivery = True;




    void MultiFramedRTPSource::networkReadHandler(MultiFramedRTPSource* source, int /*mask*/) {




    void MultiFramedRTPSource::networkReadHandler1() {

      BufferedPacket* bPacket = fPacketReadInProgress;

      if (bPacket == NULL) {

        // Normal case: Get a free BufferedPacket descriptor to hold the new network packet:

        bPacket = fReorderingBuffer->getFreePacket(this);



      // Read the network packet, and perform sanity checks on the RTP header:


      Boolean readSuccess = False;

      do {

    Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete = fPacketReadInProgress != NULL;


        if (!bPacket->fillInData(fRTPInterface, packetReadWasIncomplete)) {

          if (bPacket->bytesAvailable() == 0) {

         envir() << "MultiFramedRTPSource error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase "MAX_PACKET_SIZE" ";


          fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;



        if (packetReadWasIncomplete) {

          // We need additional read(s) before we can process the incoming packet:

          fPacketReadInProgress = bPacket;


        } else {

          fPacketReadInProgress = NULL;


    #ifdef TEST_LOSS


           // don't wait for 'lost' packets to arrive out-of-order later

        if ((our_random()%10) == 0) break; // simulate 10% packet loss



        // Check for the 12-byte RTP header:

        if (bPacket->dataSize() < 12) break;

        unsigned rtpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);

        Boolean rtpMarkerBit = (rtpHdr&0x00800000) != 0;

        unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data()));ADVANCE(4);

        unsigned rtpSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);


        // Check the RTP version number (it should be 2):

        if ((rtpHdr&0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) break;


        // Skip over any CSRC identifiers in the header:

        unsigned cc = (rtpHdr>>24)&0xF;

        if (bPacket->dataSize() < cc) break;



        // Check for (& ignore) any RTP header extension

        if (rtpHdr&0x10000000) {

          if (bPacket->dataSize() < 4) break;

          unsigned extHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)(bPacket->data())); ADVANCE(4);

          unsigned remExtSize = 4*(extHdr&0xFFFF);

          if (bPacket->dataSize() < remExtSize) break;




        // Discard any padding bytes:

        if (rtpHdr&0x20000000) {

          if (bPacket->dataSize() == 0) break;

          unsigned numPaddingBytes

         = (unsigned)(bPacket->data())[bPacket->dataSize()-1];

          if (bPacket->dataSize() < numPaddingBytes) break;



        // Check the Payload Type.

        if ((unsigned char)((rtpHdr&0x007F0000)>>16)

         != rtpPayloadFormat()) {




        // The rest of the packet is the usable data.  Record and save it:

        if (rtpSSRC != fLastReceivedSSRC) {

          // The SSRC of incoming packets has changed.  Unfortunately we don't yet handle streams that contain multiple SSRCs,

          // but we can handle a single-SSRC stream where the SSRC changes occasionally:

          fLastReceivedSSRC = rtpSSRC;



        unsigned short rtpSeqNo = (unsigned short)(rtpHdr&0xFFFF);

        Boolean usableInJitterCalculation

          = packetIsUsableInJitterCalculation((bPacket->data()),


        struct timeval presentationTime; // computed by:

        Boolean hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP; // computed by:


          .noteIncomingPacket(rtpSSRC, rtpSeqNo, rtpTimestamp,


                    usableInJitterCalculation, presentationTime,

                    hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, bPacket->dataSize());


        // Fill in the rest of the packet descriptor, and store it:

        struct timeval timeNow;

        gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);

        bPacket->assignMiscParams(rtpSeqNo, rtpTimestamp, presentationTime,

                        hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP, rtpMarkerBit,



        if (!fReorderingBuffer->storePacket(bPacket)) break;


        readSuccess = True;

      } while (0);

      if (!readSuccess) fReorderingBuffer->freePacket(bPacket);



      // If we didn't get proper data this time, we'll get another chance



    Boolean BufferedPacket::fillInData(RTPInterface& rtpInterface, Boolean& packetReadWasIncomplete) {

      if (!packetReadWasIncomplete) reset();


      unsigned numBytesRead;

      struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;

      unsigned const maxBytesToRead = bytesAvailable();

      if (maxBytesToRead == 0) return False; // exceeded buffer size when reading over TCP

      if (!rtpInterface.handleRead(&fBuf[fTail], maxBytesToRead, numBytesRead, fromAddress, packetReadWasIncomplete)) {

        return False;


      fTail += numBytesRead;

      return True;




    Boolean RTPInterface::handleRead(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferMaxSize,

                        unsigned& bytesRead, struct sockaddr_in& fromAddress, Boolean& packetReadWasIncomplete) {

      packetReadWasIncomplete = False; // by default

      Boolean readSuccess;

      if (fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {

        // Normal case: read from the (datagram) 'groupsock':

        readSuccess = fGS->handleRead(buffer, bufferMaxSize, bytesRead, fromAddress);

      } else {

        // Read from the TCP connection:

        bytesRead = 0;

        unsigned totBytesToRead = fNextTCPReadSize;

        if (totBytesToRead > bufferMaxSize) totBytesToRead = bufferMaxSize;

        unsigned curBytesToRead = totBytesToRead;

        int curBytesRead;

        while ((curBytesRead = readSocket(envir(), fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum,

                             &buffer[bytesRead], curBytesToRead,

                             fromAddress)) > 0) {

          bytesRead += curBytesRead;

          if (bytesRead >= totBytesToRead) break;

          curBytesToRead -= curBytesRead;


        fNextTCPReadSize -= bytesRead;

        if (fNextTCPReadSize == 0) {

          // We've read all of the data that we asked for

          readSuccess = True;

        } else if (curBytesRead < 0) {

          // There was an error reading the socket

          bytesRead = 0;

          readSuccess = False;

        } else {

          // We need to read more bytes, and there was not an error reading the socket

          packetReadWasIncomplete = True;

          return True;


        fNextTCPReadStreamSocketNum = -1; // default, for next time



      if (readSuccess && fAuxReadHandlerFunc != NULL) {

        // Also pass the newly-read packet data to our auxilliary handler:

        (*fAuxReadHandlerFunc)(fAuxReadHandlerClientData, buffer, bytesRead);


      return readSuccess;




    Boolean ReorderingPacketBuffer::storePacket(BufferedPacket* bPacket) {

      unsigned short rtpSeqNo = bPacket->rtpSeqNo();


      if (!fHaveSeenFirstPacket) {

        fNextExpectedSeqNo = rtpSeqNo; // initialization

        bPacket->isFirstPacket() = True;

        fHaveSeenFirstPacket = True;



      // Ignore this packet if its sequence number is less than the one

      // that we're looking for (in this case, it's been excessively delayed).

      if (seqNumLT(rtpSeqNo, fNextExpectedSeqNo)) return False;


      if (fTailPacket == NULL) {

        // Common case: There are no packets in the queue; this will be the first one:

        bPacket->nextPacket() = NULL;

        fHeadPacket = fTailPacket = bPacket;

        return True;



      if (seqNumLT(fTailPacket->rtpSeqNo(), rtpSeqNo)) {

        // The next-most common case: There are packets already in the queue; this packet arrived in order => put it at the tail:

        bPacket->nextPacket() = NULL;

        fTailPacket->nextPacket() = bPacket;

        fTailPacket = bPacket;

        return True;



      if (rtpSeqNo == fTailPacket->rtpSeqNo()) {

        // This is a duplicate packet - ignore it

        return False;



      // Rare case: This packet is out-of-order.  Run through the list (from the head), to figure out where it belongs:

      BufferedPacket* beforePtr = NULL;

      BufferedPacket* afterPtr = fHeadPacket;

      while (afterPtr != NULL) {

        if (seqNumLT(rtpSeqNo, afterPtr->rtpSeqNo())) break; // it comes here

        if (rtpSeqNo == afterPtr->rtpSeqNo()) {

          // This is a duplicate packet - ignore it

          return False;



        beforePtr = afterPtr;

        afterPtr = afterPtr->nextPacket();



      // Link our new packet between "beforePtr" and "afterPtr":

      bPacket->nextPacket() = afterPtr;

      if (beforePtr == NULL) {

        fHeadPacket = bPacket;

      } else {

        beforePtr->nextPacket() = bPacket;



      return True;


    该函数中有do while(0)的妙用,可以参考:



    void MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1() {


      while (fNeedDelivery) {

        // If we already have packet data available, then deliver it now.

    Boolean packetLossPrecededThis;


        BufferedPacket* nextPacket

          = fReorderingBuffer->getNextCompletedPacket(packetLossPrecededThis);

        if (nextPacket == NULL) break;



        fNeedDelivery = False;


        if (nextPacket->useCount() == 0) {

          // Before using the packet, check whether it has a special header

          // that needs to be processed:

          unsigned specialHeaderSize;


          if (!processSpecialHeader(nextPacket, specialHeaderSize)) {

         // Something's wrong with the header; reject the packet:


         fNeedDelivery = True;






        // Check whether we're part of a multi-packet frame, and whether

        // there was packet loss that would render this packet unusable:

        if (fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame) {

          if (packetLossPrecededThis || fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame) {

         // We didn't get all of the previous frame.

         // Forget any data that we used from it:

         fTo = fSavedTo; fMaxSize = fSavedMaxSize;

         fFrameSize = 0;


          fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame = False;

        } else if (packetLossPrecededThis) {

          // We're in a multi-packet frame, with preceding packet loss

          fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame = True;


        if (fPacketLossInFragmentedFrame) {

          // This packet is unusable; reject it:


          fNeedDelivery = True;




        // The packet is usable. Deliver all or part of it to our caller:

        unsigned frameSize;

        nextPacket->use(fTo, fMaxSize, frameSize, fNumTruncatedBytes,

                 fCurPacketRTPSeqNum, fCurPacketRTPTimestamp,

                 fPresentationTime, fCurPacketHasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP,


        fFrameSize += frameSize;


        if (!nextPacket->hasUsableData()) {

          // We're completely done with this packet now





        if (fCurrentPacketCompletesFrame) {

          // We have all the data that the client wants.

          if (fNumTruncatedBytes > 0) {

         envir() << "MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1(): The total received frame size exceeds the client's buffer size ("

             << fSavedMaxSize << ").  "

             << fNumTruncatedBytes << " bytes of trailing data will be dropped! ";


          // Call our own 'after getting' function, so that the downstream object can consume the data:

          if (fReorderingBuffer->isEmpty()) {

         // Common case optimization: There are no more queued incoming packets, so this code will not get

         // executed again without having first returned to the event loop.  Call our 'after getting' function

         // directly, because there's no risk of a long chain of recursion (and thus stack overflow):


          } else {

         // Special case: Call our 'after getting' function via the event loop.

         nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(0,

                                          (TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this);


        } else {

          // This packet contained fragmented data, and does not complete

          // the data that the client wants.  Keep getting data:

          fTo += frameSize; fMaxSize -= frameSize;

          fNeedDelivery = True;





    1)  getNextCompletedPacket


    BufferedPacket* ReorderingPacketBuffer

    ::getNextCompletedPacket(Boolean& packetLossPreceded) {

      if (fHeadPacket == NULL) return NULL;


      // Check whether the next packet we want is already at the head

      // of the queue:

      // ASSERT: fHeadPacket->rtpSeqNo() >= fNextExpectedSeqNo

      if (fHeadPacket->rtpSeqNo() == fNextExpectedSeqNo) {

        packetLossPreceded = fHeadPacket->isFirstPacket();

            // (The very first packet is treated as if there was packet loss beforehand.)

        return fHeadPacket;



      // We're still waiting for our desired packet to arrive.  However, if

      // our time threshold has been exceeded, then forget it, and return

      // the head packet instead:

      Boolean timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded;

      if (fThresholdTime == 0) {

        timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded = True; // optimization

      } else {

        struct timeval timeNow;

        gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);

        unsigned uSecondsSinceReceived

          = (timeNow.tv_sec - fHeadPacket->timeReceived().tv_sec)*1000000

          + (timeNow.tv_usec - fHeadPacket->timeReceived().tv_usec);

        timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded = uSecondsSinceReceived > fThresholdTime;


      if (timeThresholdHasBeenExceeded) {

        fNextExpectedSeqNo = fHeadPacket->rtpSeqNo();

            // we've given up on earlier packets now

        packetLossPreceded = True;

        return fHeadPacket;



      // Otherwise, keep waiting for our desired packet to arrive:

      return NULL;


    2)  processSpecialHeader


    Boolean H264VideoRTPSource

    ::processSpecialHeader(BufferedPacket* packet,

                           unsigned& resultSpecialHeaderSize) {

      unsigned char* headerStart = packet->data();

      unsigned packetSize = packet->dataSize();


      // The header has a minimum size of 0, since the NAL header is used

      // as a payload header

      unsigned expectedHeaderSize = 0;


      // Check if the type field is 28 (FU-A) or 29 (FU-B)

      fCurPacketNALUnitType = (headerStart[0]&0x1F);

      switch (fCurPacketNALUnitType) {

      case 24: { // STAP-A

        expectedHeaderSize = 1; // discard the type byte



      case 25: case 26: case 27: { // STAP-B, MTAP16, or MTAP24

        expectedHeaderSize = 3; // discard the type byte, and the initial DON



      case 28: case 29: { // // FU-A or FU-B

        // For these NALUs, the first two bytes are the FU indicator and the FU header.

        // If the start bit is set, we reconstruct the original NAL header:

        unsigned char startBit = headerStart[1]&0x80;

        unsigned char endBit = headerStart[1]&0x40;

        if (startBit) {

          expectedHeaderSize = 1;

          if (packetSize < expectedHeaderSize) return False;


          headerStart[1] = (headerStart[0]&0xE0)+(headerStart[1]&0x1F);

          fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame = True;

        } else {

          // If the startbit is not set, both the FU indicator and header

          // can be discarded

          expectedHeaderSize = 2;

          if (packetSize < expectedHeaderSize) return False;

          fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame = False;


        fCurrentPacketCompletesFrame = (endBit != 0);



      default: {

        // This packet contains one or more complete, decodable NAL units

        fCurrentPacketBeginsFrame = fCurrentPacketCompletesFrame = True;





      resultSpecialHeaderSize = expectedHeaderSize;

      return True;



    void BufferedPacket::use(unsigned char* to, unsigned toSize,

                   unsigned& bytesUsed, unsigned& bytesTruncated,

                   unsigned short& rtpSeqNo, unsigned& rtpTimestamp,

                   struct timeval& presentationTime,

                   Boolean& hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP,

                   Boolean& rtpMarkerBit) {

      unsigned char* origFramePtr = &fBuf[fHead];

      unsigned char* newFramePtr = origFramePtr; // may change in the call below

      unsigned frameSize, frameDurationInMicroseconds;

      getNextEnclosedFrameParameters(newFramePtr, fTail - fHead,

                        frameSize, frameDurationInMicroseconds);

      if (frameSize > toSize) {

        bytesTruncated += frameSize - toSize;

        bytesUsed = toSize;

      } else {

        bytesTruncated = 0;

        bytesUsed = frameSize;



      memmove(to, newFramePtr, bytesUsed);

      fHead += (newFramePtr - origFramePtr) + frameSize;



      rtpSeqNo = fRTPSeqNo;

      rtpTimestamp = fRTPTimestamp;

      presentationTime = fPresentationTime;

      hasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP = fHasBeenSyncedUsingRTCP;

      rtpMarkerBit = fRTPMarkerBit;


      // Update "fPresentationTime" for the next enclosed frame (if any):

      fPresentationTime.tv_usec += frameDurationInMicroseconds;

      if (fPresentationTime.tv_usec >= 1000000) {

        fPresentationTime.tv_sec += fPresentationTime.tv_usec/1000000;

        fPresentationTime.tv_usec = fPresentationTime.tv_usec%1000000;




    void BufferedPacket

    ::getNextEnclosedFrameParameters(unsigned char*& framePtr, unsigned dataSize,

                        unsigned& frameSize,

                        unsigned& frameDurationInMicroseconds) {

      // By default, use the entire buffered data, even though it may consist

      // of more than one frame, on the assumption that the client doesn't

      // care.  (This is more efficient than delivering a frame at a time)


      // For backwards-compatibility with existing uses of (the now deprecated)

      // "nextEnclosedFrameSize()", call that function to implement this one:

      frameSize = nextEnclosedFrameSize(framePtr, dataSize);


      frameDurationInMicroseconds = 0; // by default.  Subclasses should correct this.




    unsigned H264BufferedPacket

    ::nextEnclosedFrameSize(unsigned char*& framePtr, unsigned dataSize) {

      unsigned resultNALUSize = 0; // if an error occurs


      switch (fOurSource.fCurPacketNALUnitType) {

      case 24: case 25: { // STAP-A or STAP-B

        // The first two bytes are NALU size:

        if (dataSize < 2) break;

        resultNALUSize = (framePtr[0]<<8)|framePtr[1];

        framePtr += 2;



      case 26: { // MTAP16

        // The first two bytes are NALU size.  The next three are the DOND and TS offset:

        if (dataSize < 5) break;

        resultNALUSize = (framePtr[0]<<8)|framePtr[1];

        framePtr += 5;



      case 27: { // MTAP24

        // The first two bytes are NALU size.  The next four are the DOND and TS offset:

        if (dataSize < 6) break;

        resultNALUSize = (framePtr[0]<<8)|framePtr[1];

        framePtr += 6;



      default: {

        // Common case: We use the entire packet data:

        return dataSize;




      return (resultNALUSize <= dataSize) ? resultNALUSize : dataSize;




    void FramedSource::afterGetting(FramedSource* source) {

      source->fIsCurrentlyAwaitingData = False;

          // indicates that we can be read again

          // Note that this needs to be done here, in case the "fAfterFunc"

          // called below tries to read another frame (which it usually will)


    // fAfterGettingFunc就是afterGettingFrame函数

      if (source->fAfterGettingFunc != NULL) {


                          source->fFrameSize, source->fNumTruncatedBytes,






    void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,

                         struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned durationInMicroseconds) {

      DummySink* sink = (DummySink*)clientData;

      sink->afterGettingFrame(frameSize, numTruncatedBytes, presentationTime, durationInMicroseconds);


    void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,

                         struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {

      // We've just received a frame of data.  (Optionally) print out information about it:


      if (fStreamId != NULL) envir() << "Stream "" << fStreamId << ""; ";

      envir() << fSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fSubsession.codecName() << ": Received " << frameSize << " bytes";

      if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) envir() << " (with " << numTruncatedBytes << " bytes truncated)";

      char uSecsStr[6+1]; // used to output the 'microseconds' part of the presentation time

      sprintf(uSecsStr, "%06u", (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec);

      envir() << ". Presentation time: " << (int)presentationTime.tv_sec << "." << uSecsStr;

      if (fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {

        envir() << "!"; // mark the debugging output to indicate that this presentation time is not RTCP-synchronized


    #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_NPT

      envir() << " NPT: " << fSubsession.getNormalPlayTime(presentationTime);


      envir() << " ";



      // Then continue, to request the next frame of data:






    SPropRecord* parseSPropParameterSets(char const* sPropParameterSetsStr,

                                         // result parameter:

                                         unsigned& numSPropRecords) {

      // Make a copy of the input string, so we can replace the commas with ''s:

      char* inStr = strDup(sPropParameterSetsStr);

      if (inStr == NULL) {

        numSPropRecords = 0;

        return NULL;



      // Count the number of commas (and thus the number of parameter sets):

      numSPropRecords = 1;

      char* s;

      for (s = inStr; *s != ''; ++s) {

        if (*s == ',') {


          *s = '';




      // Allocate and fill in the result array:

      SPropRecord* resultArray = new SPropRecord[numSPropRecords];

      s = inStr;

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSPropRecords; ++i) {

        resultArray[i].sPropBytes = base64Decode(s, resultArray[i].sPropLength);

        s += strlen(s) + 1;



      delete[] inStr;

      return resultArray;




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lidabo/p/4483524.html
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