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RubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Python interpreter in the Ruby application’s process using FFI and provides a means for wrapping, converting, and calling Python objects and methods.
RubyPython uses FFI to marshal the data between the Ruby and Python VMs and make Python calls. You can:
Inherit from Python classes.
Configure callbacks from Python.
Run Python generators (on Ruby 1.9.2 or later).
The RubyPython homepage, project description, and main downloads can be found onRubyForge.
Source is kept in sync between Bitbucket and GitHub, but the Bitbucket repository is the canonical repository and where the issue tracker resides. We use Hg-Git to keep the two repositories in sync.
RubyPython is fairly easy to start using; there are three phases to its use:
Start the Python interpreter (RubyPython.start).
Import and use Python code (RubyPython.import).
Stop the Python interpreter (RubyPython.stop).
There are also two methods, RubyPython.session and that will start before running the code provided in the block and stop it afterwards.
basic usage
require "rubypython" RubyPython.start # start the Python interpreter cPickle = RubyPython.import("cPickle") p cPickle.dumps("Testing RubyPython.").rubify RubyPython.stop # stop the Python interpreter
specific python version
require "rubypython" RubyPython.start(:python_exe => "python2.7") # Can also be a full path cPickle = RubyPython.import("cPickle") p cPickle.dumps("Testing RubyPython.").rubify RubyPython.stop # stop the Python interpreter
# Easy RubyPython.start_from_virtualenv("/path/to/virtualenv") # Or verbose RubyPython.start(:python_exe => "/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python") RubyPython.activate
iterator support
# Python def readfile(): for line in open("/some/file"): yield line # Ruby readfile.to_enum.each do |line| puts line end # Python def iterate_list(): for item in [ 1, 2, 3 ]: yield item # Ruby items = [] iterate_list.to_enum.each { |item| items << item } puts items == [ 1, 2, 3 ] # => true
python to ruby callbacks
# Python def simple_callback(callback, value): return callback(value) # Ruby simple_callback(lambda { |v| v * v }, 4) # => 16 def triple(v) v * 3 end simple_callback(method(:triple), 4) # => 12