const int maxn = 1e6 + 5; int v[maxn],tree[maxn][26]; //tree里存每个节点的编号,v数组里存各个编号对应的节点的(所表示字符串or字符串前缀)的个数 int dep[maxn]; int nowrt; int k,t,n; void add(string s){ int root = 1; for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++){ if(tree[root][s[i]-'A']){ root = tree[root][s[i]-'A']; } else{ nowrt++; tree[root][s[i]-'A'] = nowrt; dep[nowrt] = dep[root] + 1; //dep数组保存的是层数,即某编号表示的字符串(或其某个前缀)的长度 root = nowrt; } v[root]++; } }
tree[y][x]存储的是 字典(子)树y的子树x的编号,而每个节点的编号则作为v的下标查询此处的字符串(或某字符串前缀出现的次数)
bool find(string s){ int root = 1; for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) if(tree[root][s[i]-'A']) root = tree[root][s[i]-'A']; else return false; return true; }
Prepare for CET-6
In order to prepare the CET-6 exam, xiaoming is reciting English words recently. Because he is already very clever, he can only recite n words to get full marks. He is going to memorize K words every day. But he found that if the length of the longest prefix shared by all the strings in that day is ai, then he could get ai laziness value. The lazy xiaoming must hope that the lazier the better, so what is the maximum laziness value he can get?
For example:
The group {RAINBOW, RANK, RANDOM, RANK} has a laziness value of 2 (the longest prefix is 'RA').
The group {FIRE, FIREBALL, FIREFIGHTER} has a laziness value of 4 (the longest prefix is 'FIRE').
The group {ALLOCATION, PLATE, WORKOUT, BUNDLING} has a laziness value of 0 (the longest prefix is '').
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case begins with a line containing the two integers N and K. Then, N lines follow, each containing one of Pip's strings.
Each of Pip's strings contain at least one character.
Each string consists only of letters from A to Z.
K divides N.
The total number of characters in Pip's strings across all test cases is at most .
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the maximum sum of scores possible.
int dfs(int x){ int ans = 0, num = v[x]; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++){ if(tree[x][i] && v[tree[x][i]] >= k) ans += dfs(tree[x][i]); //向下dfs直至叶节点 num -= v[tree[x][i]]/k*k; //该节点减去其所有(被匹配过了的)子节点的个数 } return ans+(num/k)*(dep[x]);