• vC web管理无法访问解决办法

    localhost:~ # service-control --status vsphere-client
    INFO:root:Service: vsphere-client, Action: status
    Service: vsphere-client, Action: status
    2019-06-14T18:06:08.933Z Running command: ['/sbin/service', u'vsphere-client', 'status']
    2019-06-14T18:06:09.229Z Done running command
    vsphere-client ()
    vsphere-client ()
    localhost:~ # service-control --start vsphere-client
    INFO:root:Service: vsphere-client, Action: start
    Service: vsphere-client, Action: start
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.572Z Running command: ['/sbin/chkconfig', u'vsphere-client']
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.674Z Done running command
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.675Z Running command: ['/sbin/service', u'vsphere-client', 'status']
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.866Z Done running command
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.867Z Running command: ['/sbin/chkconfig', '--force', u'vsphere-client', 'on']
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.910Z Done running command
    2019-06-14T18:07:37.911Z Running command: ['/sbin/service', u'vsphere-client', 'start']
    2019-06-14T18:07:43.073Z Done running command
    2019-06-14T18:07:43.074Z Successfully started service vsphere-client
    localhost:~ # service-control --status vsphere-client
    INFO:root:Service: vsphere-client, Action: status
    Service: vsphere-client, Action: status
    2019-06-14T18:07:48.323Z Running command: ['/sbin/service', u'vsphere-client', 'status']
    2019-06-14T18:07:49.836Z Done running command
    vsphere-client ()
    vsphere-client ()
    localhost:~ # su - root
    Last login: Fri Jun 14 18:04:53 UTC 2019 from on pts/0
    Connected to service

    * List APIs: "help api list"
    * List Plugins: "help pi list"
    * Enable BASH access: "shell.set --enabled True"
    * Launch BASH: "shell"

    Command> shell
    ---------- !!!! WARNING WARNING WARNING !!!! ----------

    Your use of "pi shell" has been logged!

    The "pi shell" is intended for advanced troubleshooting operations and while
    supported in this release, is a deprecated interface, and may be removed in a
    future version of the product. For alternative commands, exit the "pi shell"
    and run the "help" command.

    The "pi shell" command launches a root bash shell. Commands within the shell
    are not audited, and improper use of this command can severely harm the

    Help us improve the product! If your scenario requires "pi shell," please
    submit a Service Request, or post your scenario to the
    https://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/vcenter/vc forum and add
    "appliance" tag.

    Directory: /root
    Fri Jun 14 18:08:50 UTC 2019
    localhost:~ # service-control --status vsphere-client
    INFO:root:Service: vsphere-client, Action: status
    Service: vsphere-client, Action: status
    2019-06-14T18:09:19.495Z Running command: ['/sbin/service', u'vsphere-client', 'status']
    2019-06-14T18:09:20.749Z Done running command
    vsphere-client ()
    vsphere-client ()

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