• 使用es6特性封装async-mysql



     1 {
     2     "name": "async-mysql",
     3     "version": "1.0.0",
     4     "main": "index.js",
     5     "author": {
     6         "name": "kazetotori/fxqn",
     7         "email": "kakkouto98045@live.com"
     8     },
     9     "files": [
    10         "lib",
    11         "index.js"
    12     ],
    13     "dependencies": {
    14         "mysql": "2.12.0",
    15         "bluebird": "3.4.6"
    16     }
    17 }


    1 module.exports.Connection = require('./lib/Connection').Connection;
    2 module.exports.Pool = require('./lib/Pool').Pool;


      1 const mysql = require('mysql');
      2 const bluebird = require('bluebird');
      3 const Promise = bluebird.Promise;
      4 var $originConn = Symbol('originConn');
      5 var $isPoolConn = Symbol('isPoolConn');
      6 var $isAlive = Symbol('isAlive');
      8 /**
      9  * This function is the factory of the standard promise callback.
     10  * @param {Function} resolve
     11  * @param {Function} reject
     12  * @return {Function} The standard promise callback.
     13  */
     14 function promiseFn(resolve, reject) {
     15     return (err, rst) => {
     16         if (err) reject(err);
     17         else resolve(rst);
     18     }
     19 }
     23 /**
     24  * Connection is the class that contains functions that each returns promise.
     25  * These functions are just converted from a Mysql.Connection Object.
     26  */
     27 class Connection {
     29     /**
     30      * Constructor, initialize the connection object.
     31      * @param {Object} config The configuration of the connection.
     32      * @param {Boolean} isPoolConn Orders the connection is in a pool or not.
     33      */
     34     constructor(config, isPoolConn = false) {
     35         if (config.query)
     36             this[$originConn] = config;
     37         else
     38             this[$originConn] = mysql.createConnection(config);
     39         this[$isPoolConn] = isPoolConn;
     40         this[$isAlive] = true;
     41     }
     43     /**
     44      * Connection config
     45      */
     46     get config() { return this[$originConn].config; }
     48     /**
     49      * Orders the connection is in a pool or not.
     50      */
     51     get isPoolConnection() { return this[$isPoolConn]; }
     53     /**
     54      * Orders the connection is destroyed or not.
     55      */
     56     get isAlive() { return this[$isAlive]; }
     58     /**
     59      * Orders the threadId of the connection.
     60      */
     61     get threadId() { return this[$originConn].threadId; }
     63     /**
     64      * Add listener of this connection.
     65      */
     66     get on() { return this[$originConn].on; };
     68     /**
     69      * Ternimate the connection immediately whether there's any query in quene or not.
     70      */
     71     destroy() {
     72         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
     73             this[$originConn].destroy();
     74             this[$isAlive] = false;
     75             resolve();
     76         });
     77     }
     79     /**
     80      * Ternimate the connection. This function will ternimate the connection after any query being complete.
     81      */
     82     end() {
     83         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
     84             this[$originConn].end(promiseFn(resolve, reject))
     85         })
     86             .then(() => {
     87                 this[$isAlive] = false;
     88             })
     89     }
     91     /**
     92      * Execute sql command with parameters.
     93      * @param {String} cmd The sql command would be executed.
     94      * @param {Array} params Parameters.
     95      * @return {Promise<any>} The sql result.
     96      */
     97     query(cmd, params) {
     98         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
     99             let conn = this[$originConn];
    100             let args = [cmd];
    101             let callback = promiseFn(resolve, reject);
    102             if (params)
    103                 args.push(params);
    104             args.push(callback);
    105             conn.query(...args);
    106         });
    107     }
    109     /**
    110      * Begin transaction of the connection. Following queries would not be useful until the function commit or rollback called.
    111      * @return {Promise<undefined>}
    112      */
    113     beginTran() {
    114         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    115             let conn = this[$originConn];
    116             conn.beginTransaction(promiseFn(resolve, reject));
    117         });
    118     }
    120     /**
    121      * Commit a transaction.
    122      * @return {Promise<undefined>}
    123      */
    124     commit() {
    125         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    126             let conn = this[$originConn];
    127             conn.commit((err) => {
    128                 if (err) this.rollback().then(() => reject(err));
    129                 else resolve();
    130             })
    131         });
    132     }
    134     /**
    135      * Rollback a transaction
    136      * @return {Promise<undefined>}
    137      */
    138     rollback() {
    139         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    140             let conn = this[$originConn];
    141             conn.rollback(() => resolve());
    142         });
    143     }
    144 }
    147 /**
    148  * PoolConnection is the class extending from Connection.
    149  * Any object of this class is the connection in a connection pool.
    150  */
    151 class PoolConnection extends Connection {
    152     constructor(originConn) {
    153         super(originConn, true);
    154     }
    156     /**
    157      * Release the connection and put it back to the pool.
    158      * @return {Promise<undefined>}
    159      */
    160     release() {
    161         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    162             this[$originConn].release();
    163             resolve();
    164         });
    165     }
    166 }
    170 module.exports.Connection = Connection;
    171 module.exports.PoolConnection = PoolConnection;


    const Promise = require('bluebird').Promise;
    const mysql = require('mysql');
    const PoolConnection = require('./Connection').PoolConnection;
    var $originPool = Symbol('originPool');
    var $isAlive = Symbol('isAlive');
     * Pool is the class that contains functions each returns promise.
     * These functions are just converted from the Mysql.Pool object.
    class Pool {
         * Constructor, initialize the pool.
         * @param {Object} config The pool config.
        constructor(config) {
            this[$originPool] = mysql.createPool(config);
            this[$isAlive] = true;
         * Orders the pool config.
        get config() { return this[$originPool].config; }
         * Orders the pool is destroyed or not.
        get isAlive() { return this[$isAlive]; }
         * Add listener to the pool.
        get on() { return this[$originPool].on; }
         * Get a connection object from the pool.
         * @return {Promise<PoolConnection>}
        getConn() {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                this[$originPool].getConnection((err, originConn) => {
                    if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                    let conn = new PoolConnection(originConn);
         * Ternimate the pool. This function would ternimate the pool after any query being complete.
        end() {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                this[$originPool].end((err) => {
                    if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                    this[$isAlive] = false;
         * Use a connection to query a sql command with parameters.
         * @param {String} cmd The sql command would be executed.
         * @param {Array} params Parameters.
         * @return {Promise<any>} 
        query(cmd, params) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                let args = [cmd];
                let callback = (err, rst) => {
                    if (err) reject(err);
                    else resolve(rst);
                if (params)
    module.exports.Pool = Pool;


    var $host = Symbol('host');
    var $port = Symbol('port');
    var $localAddr = Symbol('localAddr');
    var $socketPath = Symbol('socketPath');
    var $user = Symbol('user');
    var $pwd = Symbol('pwd');
    var $db = Symbol('db');
    var $charset = Symbol('charset');
    var $timezone = Symbol('timezone');
    var $connTimeout = Symbol('connTimeout');
    var $stringifyObjs = Symbol('stringifyObjs');
    var $typeCast = Symbol('typeCast');
    var $queryFormat = Symbol('queryFormat');
    var $supportBigNumbers = Symbol('supportBigNumbers');
    var $bigNumberStrings = Symbol('bigNumberStrings');
    var $dateStrings = Symbol('dateStrings');
    var $debug = Symbol('debug');
    var $trace = Symbol('trace');
    var $multiStmts = Symbol('multipleStatements');
    var $flags = Symbol('flags');
    var $ssl = Symbol('ssl');
    class MysqlConfig {
        constructor(config) {
            for (let k in config)
                this[k] = config[k];
        get host() { return this[$host] }
        set host(val) { this[$host] = val }
        get port() { return this[$port] }
        set port(val) { this[$port] = val }
        get localAddress() { return this[$localAddr] }
        set localAddress(val) { this[$localAddr] = val }
        get socketPath() { return this[$socketPath] }
        set socketPath(val) { this[$socketPath] = val }
        get user() { return this[$user] }
        set user(val) { this[$user] = val }
        get password() { return this[$pwd] }
        set password(val) { this[$pwd] = val }
        get database() { return this[$db] }
        set database(val) { this[$db] = val }
        get charset() { return this[$charset] }
        set charset(val) { this[$charset] = val }
        get timezone() { return this[$timezone] }
        set timezone(val) { this[$timezone] = val }
        get connectTimeout() { return this[$connTimeout] }
        set connectTimeout(val) { this[$connTimeout] = val }
        get stringifyObjects() { return this[$stringifyObjs] }
        set stringifyObjects(val) { this[$stringifyObjs] = val }
        get typeCast() { return this[$typeCast] }
        set typeCast() { this[$typeCast] = val }
        get queryFormat() { return this[$queryFormat] }
        set queryFormat(val) { this[$queryFormat] = val }
        get supportBigNumbers() { return this[$supportBigNumbers] }
        set supportBigNumbers(val) { this[$supportBigNumbers] = val }
        get bigNumberStrings() { return this[$bigNumberStrings] }
        set bigNumberStrings(val) { this[$bigNumberStrings] = val }
        get dateStrings() { return this[$dateStrings] }
        set dateStrings(val) { this[$dateStrings] = val }
        get debug() { return this[$debug] }
        set debug(val) { this[$debug] = val }
        get trace() { return this[$trace] }
        set trace(val) { this[$trace] = val }
        get multipleStatements() { return this[$multiStmts] }
        set multipleStatements(val) { this[$multiStmts] = val }
        get flags() { return this[$flags] }
        set flags(val) { this[$flags] = val }
        get ssl() { return this[$ssl] }
        set ssl(val) { this[$ssl] = val }
    module.exports.MysqlConfig = MysqlConfig;


    //Use this test.js need node version is higher than 7.0.0 .
    //And need the node arg "--harmony".
    const config = {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "root",
        "database": "testDB",
        "charset": "UTF8_GENERAL_CI",
        "timezone": "local",
        "connectTimeout": 10000,
        "connectionLimit": 10
    const Pool = require('./lib/Pool').Pool;
    const Connection = require('./lib/Connection').Connection;
    var pool = new Pool(config);
    var conn = new Connection(config);
    async function poolTest() {
        let result = await pool.query('SELECT * FROM tbltest WHERE name=?', ['wr']);
        let poolConn = await pool.getConn();
        result = await poolConn.query('SELECT * FROM tbltest WHERE name=?', ['zs']);
        await pool.end();
    async function connTest() {
        let rst = await conn.query('SELECT * FROM tbltest WHERE name=?', ['ls']);
        await conn.beginTran();
        let count = (await conn.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltest WHERE name=?', ['??']))[0]['COUNT(*)'];
        await conn.query('INSERT INTO tbltest(name) VALUES(?)', ['zhangsan']);
        if (count > 0) {
            await conn.commit();
        else {
            await conn.rollback();
        rst = await conn.query('SELECT * FROM tbltest');
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kazetotori/p/6243233.html
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