• 顺序表

    #include "sq_list.h"    // 顺序表类
    #define DEFAULT_SIZE 3
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cctype> 
    using namespace std;
    template<class ElemType>
    SqList<ElemType>::SqList(int size){    //操作结果:构造一个最大元素个数为size的空顺序表 
        maxSize = size;
        elems = new ElemType[maxSize] ;
        count = 0;
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>:: CreateList(int num)
    {   if (num>maxSize) return false; //参数非法
        for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
        return true;
    template <class ElemType>
    int SqList<ElemType>::Length(){
        cout << count;
        return count;
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::Empty(){
            cout << "is empty
            return true;
            cout << "not empty
            return false;
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::Full(){
        if(count == maxSize){
            cout << "is full
            return true;
            cout << "not full
            return false;
    template <class ElemType>
    //bool SetElem(int position, ElemType e);// 设置指定位置的元素值
    bool SqList<ElemType>::SetElem(int position, int tag){
        ElemType e;
        int insert = 1;
        int deleta = 2;
        //int position;
        if(tag ==0){            //direct use
            cout << "please input the position of the element you want to change:";
            cin >> position;
            cout << "please input the value of the element you want to change:";
            cin >> e;    
            if(position < 1 || position > Length()){
            cout << "wrong size
    set operation failed.";
            return false;
            elems[position-1] = e;
            return true;
        }else if(tag == insert){                        // insert
            if(position < 1 || position > Length()+1){
                cout << "wrong size
    set operation failed.";
                return false;
                //elems[position-1] = e;
                //e = elems[position-1];
                elems[position-1] = elems[position-2];
                return true;
            if(position < 1 || position > Length()+1){
                cout << "wrong size
    set operation failed.";
                return false;
                //elems[position-1] = e;
                //e = elems[position-1];
                elems[position-1] = elems[position];
                return true;
    //bool GetElem(int position, ElemType &e) ;    // 求指定位置的元素
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::GetElem(){
        int position;
        cout << "input the position of the element:";
        cin >> position;
        if(position < 1 || position > Length()){
            cout << "area error
            return false;
            //e = elems[position-1];
            cout << "the element is: " << elems[position-1];
            return true;
    template <class ElemType>
    ElemType SqList<ElemType>::GetElemValue(int position){
        if(position < 0 || position > Length()-1){
            cout << "area error
            return elems[0];
            return elems[position];
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>:: Locate (){
             ElemType e;
             cout << "input the value of an element: ";
             cin >> e;
             int i;
            for( i=0; i<count; i++)
                   cout << "find it
                //return  i<count?i+1:0 ;            
           if(i < count){
               return true;
               return false;
           //return  i<count?true:false ;
    //          bool Insert(int position,  ElemType e);// 插入元素
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::Insert(){
        int position;
        ElemType e;
        ElemType tmp;
        cout << "input the position of the element:";
        cin >> position;
            return false;
        }else if(position < 1 || position > Length()+1){
            cout << "overflower.";
            return false;
            cout << "input the value of the element: ";
            cin >> e;
            for(int pos = Length(); pos >= position; --pos){
                SetElem(pos+1, 1);
            return true;
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::Delete(int position){
        // position范围错
        cout << "input the position of the element: ";
        cin >> position;
        if (position < 1 || position > count){     
            return false;    
        } else{       // 用e返回被删除元素的值
           ElemType e=elems[position-1];
           // 被删除元素之后的元素依次左移
           for (int curPosition = position ; curPosition < count; curPosition++)
           {     elems[curPosition-1]=elems[curPosition];  } 
           count--;      // 删除后元素个数将自减1
           return true; 
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::DeleteOne(int position){
        if (position < 1 || position > count){     
            return false;    
            ElemType e=elems[position-1];
           // 被删除元素之后的元素依次左移
           for (int curPosition = position ; curPosition < count; curPosition++)
           {     elems[curPosition-1]=elems[curPosition];  } 
           count--;      // 删除后元素个数将自减1
           return true; 
    template <class ElemType>
    void SqList<ElemType>::Traverse(){
        for (int curPosition = 0; curPosition <= count-1; 
            cout<<elems[curPosition ]<<'	';
    template <class ElemType>
    void SqList<ElemType>:: Clear(){
        count = 0;
    template <class ElemType>
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::Gather(){        //定义集合操作函数 
        cout << "input two gathers
    " << "gather #1:
        SqList<char> gath1;
        cout << "gather #2:
        SqList<char> gath2;
        int tago;
        int tagi;
        int tags = 0;
        int tagr = 0;
        cout << "their intersection:
        for (tago = 0; tago < DEFAULT_SIZE; ++tago){
            for (tagi = 0; tagi < DEFAULT_SIZE; ++tagi){
                if(gath1.GetElemValue(tago) == gath2.GetElemValue(tagi)){
                    cout << gath1.GetElemValue(tago);
        cout << "
    their sum:
        for(tago = 0; tago < DEFAULT_SIZE; ++tago){
            for(tagi = 0; tagi < DEFAULT_SIZE; ++tagi){
                if(((tago != tagi) && (gath1.GetElemValue(tago) == gath1.GetElemValue(tagi))) ){
                    tags = 1;
                if((tago != tagi) && (gath2.GetElemValue(tago) == gath2.GetElemValue(tagi)) || gath2.GetElemValue(tago) == gath1.GetElemValue(tagi) ){
                    tagr = 1;
            if(tags == 0){
                cout << gath1.GetElemValue(tago);
            if(tagr == 0){
                cout << gath2.GetElemValue(tago);
            tags = 0;
            tagr = 0;
        cout << "
    #1 substract #2:
        for(tago = 0; tago < gath1.Length(); ++tago){
            for(tagi = 0; tagi < DEFAULT_SIZE; ++tagi){
                if(gath1.GetElemValue(tago) == gath2.GetElemValue(tagi)){
        for(tago = 0; tago < gath1.Length(); ++tago){
            cout << gath1.GetElemValue(tago);
        return true;
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>:: CreateListOrder(int num){
        if (num>maxSize) return false; //参数非法
        for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
        ElemType temp;
        for(int wawa = 0; wawa < num-1; ++wawa)
            for(int gaga = wawa+1; gaga < num; ++gaga)
                if(elems[wawa] > elems[gaga])
                    temp = elems[wawa];
                    elems[wawa] = elems[gaga];
                    elems[gaga] = temp;
        return true;
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::InsertOrder(){
        // 线性表已满
         if (Full()){    return false;    }
    {    // 插入位置之后的元素右移
        ElemType e;
        cout << "insert an element with order:";
        cin >> e;
        int position = 1;
        for(;position<count; position++){
            if(e > elems[position-1]) break;
          for (int curPosition = count-1; curPosition >= position-1;  curPosition--){  elems[curPosition+1]= elems[curPosition];}
          elems[position-1]=e;       //将e赋值到position位置处
           count++;               // 插入后元素个数将自增1
            return true;             // 插入成功
    template <class ElemType>
    bool SqList<ElemType>::WordEdit(int LineNum, int WordNum){
        SqList<char> sc[LineNum];
        for(int word_line = 0; word_line < LineNum; ++word_line){
        for(int output_line = 0; output_line < LineNum; ++output_line){
            cout << "
        cout << "
        int Cmp_Length = 0;
        for(int line_tag = 0; line_tag < LineNum; ++line_tag){
            Cmp_Length += sc[line_tag].Length();
            cout << Cmp_Length << endl;
        cout << Cmp_Length << endl;
        int Alpha_Num = 0, Space_Num = 0, Number_Num = 0, Total_Num = 0;
        for(int test_tag = 0; test_tag < LineNum; ++test_tag){
            for(int word_tag = 0; word_tag < WordNum; ++word_tag){
                if(isalpha(sc[test_tag].elems[word_tag]))    Alpha_Num++;
                if(isblank(sc[test_tag].elems[word_tag]))     Space_Num++;
                if(isdigit(sc[test_tag].elems[word_tag]))    Number_Num++;
        cout << "英文字符个数:" << Alpha_Num << endl
             << "空格数:" << Space_Num << endl
             << "数字数:" << Number_Num << endl
             << "总数:" << Total_Num << endl;
        return false;
    int main(void){
        SqList<int> sl;
        SqList<char> sr;
        int num = DEFAULT_SIZE;
        int c = 0;
        int position;
        int tag = 0;
        while (c != 16){
            cout << endl << "1. 输入线性表,创建顺序表";
            cout << endl << "2. 求线性表长度";
            cout << endl << "3. 判断线性表是否为空";
            cout << endl << "4. 判断线性表是否已满";
            cout << endl << "5. 修改线性表某元素值";
            cout << endl << "6. 求线性表某位置元素值";
            cout << endl << "7. 在线性表中查找元素";
            cout << endl << "8. 在线性表中插入元素";
            cout << endl << "9. 在线性表中删除元素";
            cout << endl << "10. 遍历线性表";
            cout << endl << "11. 清空线性表";
            cout << endl << "12. 销毁线性表";
            cout << endl << "13. 集合运算"; 
            cout << endl << "14. 创建有序顺序表";
            cout << endl << "15. 文章编辑";
            cout << endl << "16. 退出";
            cout << endl << "选择功能(1~16):";
            cin >> c;
            switch (c){
                case 1:sl.CreateList(num);    break;
                case 2:sl.Length();    break;
                case 3:sl.Empty(); break;
                case 4:sl.Full(); break;
                case 5:sl.SetElem(position, tag); break;            
                case 6:sl.GetElem(); break;         
                case 7:sl.Locate(); break;
                case 8:sl.Insert(); break;                //待测试
                case 9:sl.Delete(position); break;
                case 10:sl.Traverse(); break;
                case 11:sl.Clear(); break;
                case 12:sl.~SqList(); break;
                case 13:sr.Gather(); break;
                case 14:sl.CreateListOrder(num); break;
                case 15:sr.WordEdit(DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE);
        return 0;


    #ifndef __SQ_LIST_H__
    #define __SQ_LIST_H__
    #define DEFAULT_SIZE 3
    // 顺序表类模板
    template <class ElemType>
    class SqList 
        // 顺序表实现的数据成员:
            int count;            // 元素个数
            int maxSize;        // 顺序表最大元素个数
            ElemType *elems;    // 元素存储空间
        // 顺序表的方法声明:
            SqList(int size = DEFAULT_SIZE);    // 初始化线性表
             virtual~SqList();   // 销毁线性表
             bool CreateList(int num); //构建顺序表
             void Clear();        // 将线性表清空
             int Length() ;    // 求线性表长度        
             bool Empty() ;    // 判断线性表是否为空
             bool Full() ;    // 判断线性表是否已满
            bool SetElem(int position, int tag);// 设置指定位置的元素值
            bool GetElem() ;    // 求指定位置的元素
            bool Locate (); //元素定位
              bool Insert();// 插入元素
              bool Delete(int position);// 删除元素    
            void Traverse() ;            // 遍历线性表
            ElemType GetElemValue(int position);
            bool Gather();
            bool DeleteOne(int position);
            bool CreateListOrder(int num);
            bool InsertOrder();
            bool WordEdit(int LineNum, int WordNum);    //文章编辑 
    // 顺序表类模板的实现部分由学生自己完成


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jzl123/p/6586564.html
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