JSR-000203 More New I/O APIs for the Java Platform - Early Draft Review
API的Early Draft Review出来了,就意味很快就要真的出来啦!!
API的Early Draft Review出来了,就意味很快就要真的出来啦!!
static class IOTransaction {
public ByteBuffer buffer() { }
public long position() { }
public long updatePosition(int transferred) { }
static class WriteHandler implements CompletionHandler<Integer> {
public WriteHandler(AsynchronousFileChannel ch) { }
private AsynchronousFileChannel channel() { }
public void completed(IoFuture<Integer> result) {
int bytesTransferred;
try {
bytesTransferred = result.getNow();
} catch (ExecutionException x) { }
IOTransaction transaction = (IOTransaction)result.attachment();
ByteBuffer buffer = transaction.buffer();
if (buffer.remaining() > 0) {
long position = transaction.updatePosition(bytesTransferred);
channel().write(buffer, position, transaction, this);
FileReference file =
List<IOTransaction> transactionList =
AsynchronousFileChannel ch = AsynchronousFileChannel.open(file, OpenFlag.WRITE);
WriteHandler handler = new WriteHandler(ch);
for (IOTransaction transaction: transactionList) {
// use the transaction as the attachment
ch.write(transaction.buffer(), transaction.position(), transaction, handler);
public ByteBuffer buffer() { }
public long position() { }
public long updatePosition(int transferred) { }
static class WriteHandler implements CompletionHandler<Integer> {
public WriteHandler(AsynchronousFileChannel ch) { }
private AsynchronousFileChannel channel() { }
public void completed(IoFuture<Integer> result) {
int bytesTransferred;
try {
bytesTransferred = result.getNow();
} catch (ExecutionException x) { }
IOTransaction transaction = (IOTransaction)result.attachment();
ByteBuffer buffer = transaction.buffer();
if (buffer.remaining() > 0) {
long position = transaction.updatePosition(bytesTransferred);
channel().write(buffer, position, transaction, this);
FileReference file =
List<IOTransaction> transactionList =
AsynchronousFileChannel ch = AsynchronousFileChannel.open(file, OpenFlag.WRITE);
WriteHandler handler = new WriteHandler(ch);
for (IOTransaction transaction: transactionList) {
// use the transaction as the attachment
ch.write(transaction.buffer(), transaction.position(), transaction, handler);