姓名日期 | 周1 | 周2 | 周3 | 周4 | 周5 |
张三 | 7:35 18:02 |
7:35 18:02 |
7:46 | 17:56 | |
李四 | 7:35 18:02 |
7:02 18:00 18:02 |
Public Function cal(ByVal cs As Range) As Integer '计算单元格并返回相应值如下 '没打卡 1 '正常上下班 0 '迟到 2 '迟到超过2小时 11 '早退 3 '早退超过2小时 12 '迟到+早退 5 '迟到+早退分别都超过2小时 '只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 4 '只有上班打卡,迟到,没下班打卡 2+4=6 '只有下班打卡,没有上班打卡 7 '只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 3+7=10 '一天3次打卡记录30 '一天n次以上(n>3)打卡记录 N*10=10n '异常打卡 10:00-15:30打卡 8 Const morning_time = "08:00" Const evening_time = "17:30" '超过120分钟算旷工 Const offset_point = 120 '单元格每行是一个数组元素lines() Dim lines() As String '单元格有多少行 Dim count As Integer '没打卡-空值,返回1 相当于count=0 If IsEmpty(cs) Then cal = 1 Exit Function End If count = Len(cs.Text) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cs.Text, Chr(10), "")) + 1 '大于3次以上的打卡记录返回10*n If count >= 3 Then cal = count * 10 Exit Function End If '处理只有一条记录的,并计算是否上班 If count = 1 Then Dim offset_morning, offset_evening As Integer offset_morning = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time)) offset_evening = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time)) 'MsgBox offset_morning If CDate(cs.Text) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 cal = 4 'MsgBox cal Exit Function End If If CDate(cs.Text) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 只有下班打卡,没有上班班打卡 cal = 7 Exit Function End If If (CDate(cs.Text) > CDate(morning_time)) And (CDate(cs.Text) < CDate(evening_time)) Then If offset_morning < 120 Then '只有上班打卡,迟到,没有下班打卡 cal = 6 ElseIf offset_evening < 120 Then '只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 cal = 10 Else '异常打卡 cal = 8 End If Exit Function End If 'count=1 End If 'count=2 Dim line1, line2 As String Dim moring_tmp, evening_tmp As Integer morning_tmp = 0 evening_tmp = 0 '提取第一行打卡和第二行打卡时间line1是上班打卡,line2是下班打卡 line1 = Left(cs.Text, 5) line2 = Split(cs.Text, Chr(10))(1) 'MsgBox "line1:" & line1 'MsgBox "line2:" & line2 '分别给出 morning_tmp值:如果line1早于8点则返回0,晚于8点且不超过2小时为迟到2,超过2小时取值11 offset_morning = Hour(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time)) offset_evening = Hour(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time)) 'MsgBox offset_morning 'MsgBox offset_evening If CDate(line1) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 正常上班打卡早于8点 morning_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line1) > CDate(morning_time)) And (offset_morning < 120) Then ' 上班迟到 morning_tmp = 2 Else ' 上班迟到超过2小时 morning_tmp = 11 End If '分别给出 evening_tmp值:如果line2晚于于17:30则返回0,早于17:30且不超过2小时为早退取值3,超过2小时给值12, If CDate(line2) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 正常下班打卡 evening_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line2) < CDate(evening_time)) And (offset_evening < 120) Then ' 早退 evening_tmp = 3 Else ' 早退超过2小时 evening_tmp = 12 End If '最终cal= morning_tmp+evening_tmp cal = morning_tmp + evening_tmp End Function Public Function cals(ByVal cs As Range) As String '计算单元格并返回相应值如下 '没打卡 1 '正常上下班 0 '迟到 2 '迟到超过2小时 11 '早退 3 '早退超过2小时 12 '迟到+早退 5 '迟到+早退分别都超过2小时 '只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 4 '只有上班打卡,迟到,没下班打卡 2+4=6 '只有下班打卡,没有上班打卡 7 '只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 3+7=10 '一天3次打卡记录30 '一天n次以上(n>3)打卡记录 N*10=10n '异常打卡 10:00-15:30打卡 8 Const morning_time = "08:00" Const evening_time = "17:30" '超过120分钟算旷工 Const offset_point = 120 '单元格每行是一个数组元素lines() Dim lines() As String '单元格有多少行 Dim count As Integer '没打卡-空值,返回1 相当于count=0 If IsEmpty(cs) Then cals = "休息" Exit Function End If count = Len(cs.Text) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cs.Text, Chr(10), "")) + 1 '大于3次以上的打卡记录返回10*n If count >= 3 Then cals = "异常打卡" & CStr(count) & "次" Exit Function End If '处理只有一条记录的,并计算是否上班 If count = 1 Then Dim offset_morning, offset_evening As Integer offset_morning = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time)) offset_evening = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time)) 'MsgBox offset_morning If CDate(cs.Text) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 cals = "无下班打卡" 'MsgBox cal Exit Function End If If CDate(cs.Text) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 只有下班打卡,没有上班班打卡 cals = "无上班打卡" Exit Function End If If (CDate(cs.Text) > CDate(morning_time)) And (CDate(cs.Text) < CDate(evening_time)) Then If offset_morning < 120 Then '只有上班打卡,迟到,没有下班打卡 cals = "迟到,无下班打卡" ElseIf offset_evening < 120 Then '只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 cals = "早退,无上班打卡" Else '异常打卡 cals = "10点15点30之间异常打卡" End If Exit Function End If 'count=1 End If 'count=2 Dim line1, line2 As String Dim moring_tmp, evening_tmp As Integer morning_tmp = 0 evening_tmp = 0 '提取第一行打卡和第二行打卡时间line1是上班打卡,line2是下班打卡 line1 = Left(cs.Text, 5) line2 = Split(cs.Text, Chr(10))(1) 'MsgBox "line1:" & line1 'MsgBox "line2:" & line2 '分别给出 morning_tmp值:如果line1早于8点则返回0,晚于8点且不超过2小时为迟到2,超过2小时取值11 offset_morning = Hour(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time)) offset_evening = Hour(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time)) 'MsgBox offset_morning 'MsgBox offset_evening If CDate(line1) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 正常上班打卡早于8点 morning_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line1) > CDate(morning_time)) And (offset_morning < 120) Then ' 上班迟到 morning_tmp = 2 Else ' 上班迟到超过2小时 morning_tmp = 11 End If '分别给出 evening_tmp值:如果line2晚于于17:30则返回0,早于17:30且不超过2小时为早退取值3,超过2小时给值12, If CDate(line2) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 正常下班打卡 evening_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line2) < CDate(evening_time)) And (offset_evening < 120) Then ' 早退 evening_tmp = 3 Else ' 早退超过2小时 evening_tmp = 12 End If '最终cal= morning_tmp+evening_tmp 'MsgBox morning_tmp + evening_tmp Select Case (morning_tmp + evening_tmp) Case 0 cals = "全勤" Case 1 cals = "休息" Case 2 cals = "迟到" Case 3 cals = "早退" Case 4 cals = "无下班打卡" Case 5 cals = "迟到+早退" Case 6 cals = "上班迟到,下班没打卡" Case 7 cals = "无上班打卡" Case 8 cals = "10:00-15:30异常打卡" Case 10 cals = "早退,无上班打卡" Case 11 cals = "迟到超2小时" Case 12 cals = "早退超2小时" Case 23 cals = "迟到早退都超2小时" Case Else calse = "异常打卡" & CStr(morning_tmp + evening_tmp) & "次" End Select End Function
Public Function cal(ByVal cs As Range) As Integer
'计算单元格并返回相应值如下'没打卡 1'正常上下班 0'迟到 2'迟到超过2小时 11'早退 3'早退超过2小时 12'迟到+早退 5'迟到+早退分别都超过2小时'只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 4'只有上班打卡,迟到,没下班打卡 2+4=6'只有下班打卡,没有上班打卡 7'只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 3+7=10'一天3次打卡记录30'一天n次以上(n>3)打卡记录 N*10=10n'异常打卡 10:00-15:30打卡 8Const morning_time = "08:00"Const evening_time = "17:30"'超过120分钟算旷工Const offset_point = 120
'单元格每行是一个数组元素lines()Dim lines() As String'单元格有多少行Dim count As Integer
'没打卡-空值,返回1 相当于count=0If IsEmpty(cs) Then cal = 1 Exit FunctionEnd If
count = Len(cs.Text) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cs.Text, Chr(10), "")) + 1
'大于3次以上的打卡记录返回10*nIf count >= 3 Then cal = count * 10 Exit FunctionEnd If
'处理只有一条记录的,并计算是否上班If count = 1 Then
Dim offset_morning, offset_evening As Integer
offset_morning = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time))offset_evening = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time))'MsgBox offset_morning If CDate(cs.Text) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 cal = 4 'MsgBox cal Exit Function End If If CDate(cs.Text) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 只有下班打卡,没有上班班打卡 cal = 7 Exit Function End If If (CDate(cs.Text) > CDate(morning_time)) And (CDate(cs.Text) < CDate(evening_time)) Then If offset_morning < 120 Then '只有上班打卡,迟到,没有下班打卡 cal = 6 ElseIf offset_evening < 120 Then '只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 cal = 10 Else '异常打卡 cal = 8 End If Exit Function End If 'count=1End If
'count=2Dim line1, line2 As StringDim moring_tmp, evening_tmp As Integermorning_tmp = 0evening_tmp = 0'提取第一行打卡和第二行打卡时间line1是上班打卡,line2是下班打卡line1 = Left(cs.Text, 5)line2 = Split(cs.Text, Chr(10))(1)'MsgBox "line1:" & line1'MsgBox "line2:" & line2
'分别给出 morning_tmp值:如果line1早于8点则返回0,晚于8点且不超过2小时为迟到2,超过2小时取值11
offset_morning = Hour(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time))offset_evening = Hour(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time))
'MsgBox offset_morning'MsgBox offset_evening
If CDate(line1) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 正常上班打卡早于8点 morning_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line1) > CDate(morning_time)) And (offset_morning < 120) Then ' 上班迟到 morning_tmp = 2 Else ' 上班迟到超过2小时 morning_tmp = 11 End If
'分别给出 evening_tmp值:如果line2晚于于17:30则返回0,早于17:30且不超过2小时为早退取值3,超过2小时给值12,
If CDate(line2) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 正常下班打卡 evening_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line2) < CDate(evening_time)) And (offset_evening < 120) Then ' 早退 evening_tmp = 3 Else ' 早退超过2小时 evening_tmp = 12 End If
'最终cal= morning_tmp+evening_tmpcal = morning_tmp + evening_tmp
End Function
Public Function cals(ByVal cs As Range) As String
'计算单元格并返回相应值如下'没打卡 1'正常上下班 0'迟到 2'迟到超过2小时 11'早退 3'早退超过2小时 12'迟到+早退 5'迟到+早退分别都超过2小时'只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 4'只有上班打卡,迟到,没下班打卡 2+4=6'只有下班打卡,没有上班打卡 7'只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 3+7=10'一天3次打卡记录30'一天n次以上(n>3)打卡记录 N*10=10n'异常打卡 10:00-15:30打卡 8Const morning_time = "08:00"Const evening_time = "17:30"'超过120分钟算旷工Const offset_point = 120
'单元格每行是一个数组元素lines()Dim lines() As String'单元格有多少行Dim count As Integer
'没打卡-空值,返回1 相当于count=0If IsEmpty(cs) Then cals = "休息" Exit FunctionEnd If
count = Len(cs.Text) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cs.Text, Chr(10), "")) + 1
'大于3次以上的打卡记录返回10*nIf count >= 3 Then cals = "异常打卡" & CStr(count) & "次" Exit FunctionEnd If
'处理只有一条记录的,并计算是否上班If count = 1 Then
Dim offset_morning, offset_evening As Integer
offset_morning = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(morning_time))offset_evening = Hour(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(cs.Text) - CDate(evening_time))'MsgBox offset_morning If CDate(cs.Text) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 只有上班打卡,没有下班打卡 cals = "无下班打卡" 'MsgBox cal Exit Function End If If CDate(cs.Text) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 只有下班打卡,没有上班班打卡 cals = "无上班打卡" Exit Function End If If (CDate(cs.Text) > CDate(morning_time)) And (CDate(cs.Text) < CDate(evening_time)) Then If offset_morning < 120 Then '只有上班打卡,迟到,没有下班打卡 cals = "迟到,无下班打卡" ElseIf offset_evening < 120 Then '只有下班打卡,早退,没有上班打卡 cals = "早退,无上班打卡" Else '异常打卡 cals = "10点15点30之间异常打卡" End If Exit Function End If 'count=1End If
'count=2Dim line1, line2 As StringDim moring_tmp, evening_tmp As Integermorning_tmp = 0evening_tmp = 0'提取第一行打卡和第二行打卡时间line1是上班打卡,line2是下班打卡line1 = Left(cs.Text, 5)line2 = Split(cs.Text, Chr(10))(1)'MsgBox "line1:" & line1'MsgBox "line2:" & line2
'分别给出 morning_tmp值:如果line1早于8点则返回0,晚于8点且不超过2小时为迟到2,超过2小时取值11
offset_morning = Hour(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line1) - CDate(morning_time))offset_evening = Hour(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time)) * 60 + Minute(CDate(line2) - CDate(evening_time))
'MsgBox offset_morning'MsgBox offset_evening
If CDate(line1) <= CDate(morning_time) Then ' 正常上班打卡早于8点 morning_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line1) > CDate(morning_time)) And (offset_morning < 120) Then ' 上班迟到 morning_tmp = 2 Else ' 上班迟到超过2小时 morning_tmp = 11 End If
'分别给出 evening_tmp值:如果line2晚于于17:30则返回0,早于17:30且不超过2小时为早退取值3,超过2小时给值12,
If CDate(line2) >= CDate(evening_time) Then ' 正常下班打卡 evening_tmp = 0 ElseIf (CDate(line2) < CDate(evening_time)) And (offset_evening < 120) Then ' 早退 evening_tmp = 3 Else ' 早退超过2小时 evening_tmp = 12 End If
'最终cal= morning_tmp+evening_tmp
'MsgBox morning_tmp + evening_tmpSelect Case (morning_tmp + evening_tmp)
Case 0cals = "全勤"Case 1 cals = "休息"Case 2 cals = "迟到"Case 3 cals = "早退"Case 4 cals = "无下班打卡"Case 5 cals = "迟到+早退"Case 6 cals = "上班迟到,下班没打卡"Case 7 cals = "无上班打卡"Case 8 cals = "10:00-15:30异常打卡"Case 10 cals = "早退,无上班打卡"Case 11 cals = "迟到超2小时"Case 12 cals = "早退超2小时"Case 23 cals = "迟到早退都超2小时"Case Else calse = "异常打卡" & CStr(morning_tmp + evening_tmp) & "次"
End Select
End Function