using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; namespace Util { public class HtmlDiff { private StringBuilder content; private string oldText, newText; private string[] oldWords, newWords; Dictionary<string, List<int>> wordIndices; private string[] specialCaseOpeningTags = new string[] { "<strong[\\>\\s]+", "<b[\\>\\s]+", "<i[\\>\\s]+", "<big[\\>\\s]+", "<small[\\>\\s]+", "<u[\\>\\s]+", "<sub[\\>\\s]+", "<sup[\\>\\s]+", "<strike[\\>\\s]+", "<s[\\>\\s]+" }; private string[] specialCaseClosingTags = new string[] { "</strong>", "</b>", "</i>", "</big>", "</small>", "</u>", "</sub>", "</sup>", "</strike>", "</s>" }; //private string[] imgOpenTag = new string[] { "<img[\\>\\s]+" }; /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Diff"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldText">The old text.</param> /// <param name="newText">The new text.</param> public HtmlDiff(string oldText, string newText) { this.oldText = oldText; this.newText = newText; this.content = new StringBuilder(); } /// <summary> /// Builds the HTML diff output /// </summary> /// <returns>HTML diff markup</returns> public string Build() { this.SplitInputsToWords(); this.IndexNewWords(); var operations = this.Operations(); foreach (var item in operations) { this.PerformOperation(item); } return this.content.ToString(); } private void IndexNewWords() { this.wordIndices = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.newWords.Length; i++) { string word = this.newWords[i]; if (this.wordIndices.ContainsKey(word)) { this.wordIndices[word].Add(i); } else { this.wordIndices[word] = new List<int>(); this.wordIndices[word].Add(i); } } } private void SplitInputsToWords() { this.oldWords = ConvertHtmlToListOfWords(this.Explode(this.oldText)); this.newWords = ConvertHtmlToListOfWords(this.Explode(this.newText)); } //把html字符串分成<>,空格和单个字符串,然后比较 private string[] ConvertHtmlToListOfWords(string[] characterString) { Mode mode = Mode.character; string current_word = String.Empty; List<string> words = new List<string>(); foreach (var character in characterString) { switch (mode) { case Mode.character: if (this.IsStartOfTag(character)) { if (current_word != String.Empty) { words.Add(current_word); } current_word = "<"; mode = Mode.tag; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(character, "\\s")) { if (current_word != String.Empty) { words.Add(current_word); } current_word = character; mode = Mode.whitespace; } else { if (current_word != string.Empty) { words.Add(current_word); } current_word = character; } break; case Mode.tag: if (this.IsEndOfTag(character)) { current_word += ">"; words.Add(current_word); current_word = ""; if (IsWhiteSpace(character)) { mode = Mode.whitespace; } else { mode = Mode.character; } } else { current_word += character; } break; case Mode.whitespace: if (this.IsStartOfTag(character)) { if (current_word != String.Empty) { words.Add(current_word); } current_word = "<"; mode = Mode.tag; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(character, "\\s")) { current_word += character; } else { if (current_word != String.Empty) { words.Add(current_word); } current_word = character; mode = Mode.character; } break; default: break; } } if (current_word != string.Empty) { words.Add(current_word); } return words.ToArray(); } private bool IsStartOfTag(string val) { return val == "<"; } private bool IsEndOfTag(string val) { return val == ">"; } private bool IsWhiteSpace(string value) { return Regex.IsMatch(value, "\\s", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } private string[] Explode(string value) { return Regex.Split(value, "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } private void PerformOperation(Operation operation) { switch (operation.Action) { case Action.equal: this.ProcessEqualOperation(operation); break; case Action.delete: this.ProcessDeleteOperation(operation, "diffdel"); break; case Action.insert: this.ProcessInsertOperation(operation, "diffins"); break; case Action.none: break; case Action.replace: this.ProcessReplaceOperation(operation); break; default: break; } } private void ProcessReplaceOperation(Operation operation) { this.ProcessDeleteOperation(operation, "diffmod"); this.ProcessInsertOperation(operation, "diffmod"); } private void ProcessInsertOperation(Operation operation, string cssClass) { this.InsertTag("ins", cssClass, this.newWords.Where((s, pos) => pos >= operation.StartInNew && pos < operation.EndInNew).ToList()); } private void ProcessDeleteOperation(Operation operation, string cssClass) { var text = this.oldWords.Where((s, pos) => pos >= operation.StartInOld && pos < operation.EndInOld).ToList(); this.InsertTag("del", cssClass, text); } private void ProcessEqualOperation(Operation operation) { var result = this.newWords.Where((s, pos) => pos >= operation.StartInNew && pos < operation.EndInNew).ToArray(); this.content.Append(String.Join("", result)); } /// <summary> /// This method encloses words within a specified tag (ins or del), and adds this into "content", /// with a twist: if there are words contain tags, it actually creates multiple ins or del, /// so that they don't include any ins or del. This handles cases like /// old: '<p>a</p>' /// new: '<p>ab</p><p>c</b>' /// diff result: '<p>a<ins>b</ins></p><p><ins>c</ins></p>' /// this still doesn't guarantee valid HTML (hint: think about diffing a text containing ins or /// del tags), but handles correctly more cases than the earlier version. /// /// P.S.: Spare a thought for people who write HTML browsers. They live in this ... every day. /// </summary> /// <param name="tag"></param> /// <param name="cssClass"></param> /// <param name="words"></param> private void InsertTag(string tag, string cssClass, List<string> words) { while (true) { if (words.Count == 0) { break; } var nonTags = ExtractConsecutiveWords(words, x => !this.IsTag(x)); string specialCaseTagInjection = string.Empty; bool specialCaseTagInjectionIsBefore = false; //标签是插入在前还是在后 //string text = this.WrapText(string.Join("", words.ToArray()), tag, cssClass); //this.content.Append(text); if (nonTags.Length != 0) { string text = this.WrapText(string.Join("", nonTags), tag, cssClass); this.content.Append(text); } else { // Check if strong tag if (this.specialCaseOpeningTags.FirstOrDefault(x => Regex.IsMatch(words[0], x, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) != null) { specialCaseTagInjection = "<ins class='mod'>"; //判断是否是图片,是图片设specialCaseTagInjectionIsBefore=true //if (imgOpenTag.FirstOrDefault(x => Regex.IsMatch(words[0], x)) != null) //{ // specialCaseTagInjectionIsBefore = true; //} //if (tag == "del") //{ words.Clear(); //} } else if (this.specialCaseClosingTags.Contains(words[0])) { specialCaseTagInjection = "</ins>"; specialCaseTagInjectionIsBefore = true; //if (tag == "del") //{ words.Clear(); //} } else if (Regex.IsMatch(words[0], "<img[\\>\\s]+")) // 图片 { specialCaseTagInjectionIsBefore = true; specialCaseTagInjection = string.Format("<{0} class='{1}'>", tag, cssClass); this.content.Append(specialCaseTagInjection + String.Join("", this.ExtractConsecutiveWords(words, x => this.IsTag(x)))); specialCaseTagInjection = string.Format("</{0}>", tag); words.Clear(); } } if (words.Count == 0 && specialCaseTagInjection.Length == 0) { break; } if (specialCaseTagInjectionIsBefore) { this.content.Append(specialCaseTagInjection + String.Join("", this.ExtractConsecutiveWords(words, x => this.IsTag(x)))); } else { this.content.Append(String.Join("", this.ExtractConsecutiveWords(words, x => this.IsTag(x))) + specialCaseTagInjection); } } } private string WrapText(string text, string tagName, string cssClass) { return string.Format("<{0} class='{1}'>{2}</{0}>", tagName, cssClass, text); } private string[] ExtractConsecutiveWords(List<string> words, Func<string, bool> condition) { int? indexOfFirstTag = null; for (int i = 0; i < words.Count; i++) { string word = words[i]; if (!condition(word)) { indexOfFirstTag = i; break; } } if (indexOfFirstTag != null) { var items = words.Where((s, pos) => pos >= 0 && pos < indexOfFirstTag).ToArray(); if (indexOfFirstTag.Value > 0) { words.RemoveRange(0, indexOfFirstTag.Value); } return items; } else { var items = words.Where((s, pos) => pos >= 0 && pos <= words.Count).ToArray(); words.RemoveRange(0, words.Count); return items; } } /// <summary> /// 是否是标签<img>,<b> /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsTag(string item) { bool isTag = IsOpeningTag(item) || IsClosingTag(item); return isTag; } private bool IsOpeningTag(string item) { return Regex.IsMatch(item, "^\\s*<[^>]+>\\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } private bool IsClosingTag(string item) { return Regex.IsMatch(item, "^\\s*</[^>]+>\\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } private List<Operation> Operations() { int positionInOld = 0, positionInNew = 0; List<Operation> operations = new List<Operation>(); var matches = this.MatchingBlocks(); matches.Add(new Match(this.oldWords.Length, this.newWords.Length, 0)); for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { var match = matches[i]; bool matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInOld = (positionInOld == match.StartInOld); bool matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInNew = (positionInNew == match.StartInNew); Action action = Action.none; if (matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInOld == false && matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInNew == false) { action = Action.replace; } else if (matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInOld == true && matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInNew == false) { action = Action.insert; } else if (matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInOld == false && matchStartsAtCurrentPositionInNew == true) { action = Action.delete; } else // This occurs if the first few words are the same in both versions { action = Action.none; } if (action != Action.none) { operations.Add( new Operation(action, positionInOld, match.StartInOld, positionInNew, match.StartInNew)); } if (match.Size != 0) { operations.Add(new Operation( Action.equal, match.StartInOld, match.EndInOld, match.StartInNew, match.EndInNew)); } positionInOld = match.EndInOld; positionInNew = match.EndInNew; } return operations; } private List<Match> MatchingBlocks() { List<Match> matchingBlocks = new List<Match>(); this.FindMatchingBlocks(0, this.oldWords.Length, 0, this.newWords.Length, matchingBlocks); return matchingBlocks; } private void FindMatchingBlocks(int startInOld, int endInOld, int startInNew, int endInNew, List<Match> matchingBlocks) { var match = this.FindMatch(startInOld, endInOld, startInNew, endInNew); if (match != null) { if (startInOld < match.StartInOld && startInNew < match.StartInNew) { this.FindMatchingBlocks(startInOld, match.StartInOld, startInNew, match.StartInNew, matchingBlocks); } matchingBlocks.Add(match); if (match.EndInOld < endInOld && match.EndInNew < endInNew) { this.FindMatchingBlocks(match.EndInOld, endInOld, match.EndInNew, endInNew, matchingBlocks); } } } private Match FindMatch(int startInOld, int endInOld, int startInNew, int endInNew) { int bestMatchInOld = startInOld; int bestMatchInNew = startInNew; int bestMatchSize = 0; Dictionary<int, int> matchLengthAt = new Dictionary<int, int>(); for (int indexInOld = startInOld; indexInOld < endInOld; indexInOld++) { var newMatchLengthAt = new Dictionary<int, int>(); string index = this.oldWords[indexInOld]; if (!this.wordIndices.ContainsKey(index)) { matchLengthAt = newMatchLengthAt; continue; } foreach (var indexInNew in this.wordIndices[index]) { if (indexInNew < startInNew) { continue; } if (indexInNew >= endInNew) { break; } int newMatchLength = (matchLengthAt.ContainsKey(indexInNew - 1) ? matchLengthAt[indexInNew - 1] : 0) + 1; newMatchLengthAt[indexInNew] = newMatchLength; if (newMatchLength > bestMatchSize) { bestMatchInOld = indexInOld - newMatchLength + 1; bestMatchInNew = indexInNew - newMatchLength + 1; bestMatchSize = newMatchLength; } } matchLengthAt = newMatchLengthAt; } return bestMatchSize != 0 ? new Match(bestMatchInOld, bestMatchInNew, bestMatchSize) : null; } } public class Match { public Match(int startInOld, int startInNew, int size) { this.StartInOld = startInOld; this.StartInNew = startInNew; this.Size = size; } public int StartInOld { get; set; } public int StartInNew { get; set; } public int Size { get; set; } public int EndInOld { get { return this.StartInOld + this.Size; } } public int EndInNew { get { return this.StartInNew + this.Size; } } } public class Operation { public Action Action { get; set; } public int StartInOld { get; set; } public int EndInOld { get; set; } public int StartInNew { get; set; } public int EndInNew { get; set; } public Operation(Action action, int startInOld, int endInOld, int startInNew, int endInNew) { this.Action = action; this.StartInOld = startInOld; this.EndInOld = endInOld; this.StartInNew = startInNew; this.EndInNew = endInNew; } } public enum Mode { character, tag, whitespace, } public enum Action { equal, delete, insert, none, replace } }
HtmlDiff html=new HtmlDiff(string 旧版本,string 新版本);
string 比对后字符=html.Build();