操作系统:Cenos 6.7
python版本: python3.5
#!/usr/local/python/bin/python3.5 import pymysql import time, datetime import smtplib import os from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header # zabbix数据库信息 zdbhost = 'zabbix服务器ip' zdbuser = 'zabbix数据库用户名' zdbpass = 'zabbix数据库密码' zdbport = 3306 zdbname = 'zabbix' d = datetime.datetime.now() day = datetime.date.today() keys = { 'trends_uint': [ 'net.if.in[eth0]', 'net.if.out[eth0]', 'vfs.fs.size[/,used]', 'vm.memory.size[available]', ], 'trends': [ 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]', 'system.cpu.util[,idle]', ], } class ReportForm: def __init__(self): self.conn = pymysql.connect(host=zdbhost, user=zdbuser, passwd=zdbpass, port=zdbport, db=zdbname) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.groupname = 'Linux servers' self.IpInfoList = self.__getHostList() # return self.IpInfoList def __getHostList(self): sql = '''select groupid from groups where name = '%s' ''' % self.groupname self.cursor.execute(sql) groupid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] print(groupid) sql = '''select hostid from hosts_groups where groupid = %s''' % groupid self.cursor.execute(sql) hostlist = self.cursor.fetchall() IpInfoList = {} for i in hostlist: hostid = i[0] sql = '''select host from hosts where status = 0 and hostid = %s''' % hostid ret = self.cursor.execute(sql) if ret: IpInfoList[self.cursor.fetchone()[0]] = {'hostid': hostid} return IpInfoList def __getItemid(self, hostid, itemname): sql = '''select itemid from items where hostid = %s and key_ = '%s' ''' % (hostid, itemname) if self.cursor.execute(sql): itemid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] else: itemid = None return itemid def getTrendsValue(self, itemid, start_time, stop_time): resultlist = {} for type in ['min', 'max', 'avg']: sql = '''select %s(value_%s) as result from trends where itemid = %s and clock >= %s and clock <= %s''' % (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if result == None: result = 0 resultlist[type] = result return resultlist def getTrends_uintValue(self, itemid, start_time, stop_time): resultlist = {} for type in ['min', 'max', 'avg']: sql = '''select %s(value_%s) as result from trends_uint where itemid = %s and clock >= %s and clock <= %s''' % (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if result: resultlist[type] = int(result) else: resultlist[type] = 0 return resultlist def get_week(self, d): dayscount = datetime.timedelta(days=d.isoweekday()) dayto = d - dayscount sixdays = datetime.timedelta(days=6) dayfrom = dayto - sixdays date_from = datetime.datetime(dayfrom.year, dayfrom.month, dayfrom.day, 0, 0, 0) date_to = datetime.datetime(dayto.year, dayto.month, dayto.day, 23, 59, 59) ts_first = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime(dayfrom.year, dayfrom.month, dayfrom.day, 0, 0, 0).timetuple())) ts_last = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime(dayto.year, dayto.month, dayto.day, 23, 59, 59).timetuple())) return ts_first, ts_last def getLastMonthData(self, hostid, table, itemname): ts_first = self.get_week(d)[0] ts_last = self.get_week(d)[1] itemid = self.__getItemid(hostid, itemname) # function = getattr(self, 'get %s Value' % table.capitalize()) function = getattr(self, 'get%sValue' % table.capitalize()) return function(itemid, ts_first, ts_last) def getinfo(self): for ip, resultdict in zabbix.IpInfoList.items(): print("正在查询 IP:%-15s hostid:%5d 的信息!" % (ip, resultdict['hostid'])) for table, keylists in keys.items(): for key in keylists: print(" 正在统计 key_:%s" % key) data = zabbix.getLastMonthData(resultdict['hostid'], table, key) zabbix.IpInfoList[ip][key] = data def writeToXls(self): dayscount = datetime.timedelta(days=d.isoweekday()) dayto = d - dayscount sixdays = datetime.timedelta(days=6) dayfrom = dayto - sixdays date_from = datetime.date(dayfrom.year, dayfrom.month, dayfrom.day) date_to = datetime.date(dayto.year, dayto.month, dayto.day) '''生成xls文件''' try: import xlsxwriter # 创建文件 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('/usr/monitor/week/%s_%s巡检报告.xlsx' % (date_from, date_to)) # 创建工作薄 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # 写入标题(第一行) i = 0 for value in ["主机", "CPU平均空闲值", "CPU最小空闲值", "可用平均内存(单位M)", "可用最小内存(单位M)", "CPU5分钟负载", "进入最大流量(单位Kbps)", "进入平均流量(单位Kbps)", "出去最大流量(单位Kbps)", "出去平均流量(单位Kbps)"]: worksheet.write(0, i, value) i = i + 1 # 写入内容: j = 1 for ip, value in self.IpInfoList.items(): worksheet.write(j, 0, ip) worksheet.write(j, 1, '%.2f' % value['system.cpu.util[,idle]']['avg']) worksheet.write(j, 2, '%.2f' % value['system.cpu.util[,idle]']['min']) worksheet.write(j, 3, '%dM' % int(value['vm.memory.size[available]']['avg'] / 1024 / 1024)) worksheet.write(j, 4, '%dM' % int(value['vm.memory.size[available]']['min'] / 1024 / 1024)) worksheet.write(j, 5, '%.2f' % value['system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]']['avg']) worksheet.write(j, 6, value['net.if.in[eth0]']['max'] / 1000) worksheet.write(j, 7, value['net.if.in[eth0]']['avg'] / 1000) worksheet.write(j, 8, value['net.if.out[eth0]']['max'] / 1000) worksheet.write(j, 9, value['net.if.out[eth0]']['avg'] / 1000) j = j + 1 workbook.close() except Exception as e: print(e) def __del__(self): '''关闭数据库连接''' self.cursor.close() self.conn.close() def sendmail(self): sender = '发送者邮箱' receiver = ['接收者1', '接收者2', '接收者3'] subject = '上周巡检报告' smtpserver = 'smtp.126.com' username = '发送者邮箱' password = 'smtp认证密码' msg = MIMEText('上周巡检报告已生成,请检查。 报告目录:/usr/monitor 由于邮件无法发送excel文档,请使用ftp登录' '查看。 ftp地址:xxx:端口 ftp用户名:xxx ', 'plain', 'utf-8') # 中文需参数‘utf-8',单字节字符不需要 msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8') msg['From'] = 'Robot<发送者邮箱>' msg['To'] = "接收者名字" smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect('smtp.126.com') smtp.login(username, password) smtp.sendmail(sender, receiver, msg.as_string()) print('发送成功!') smtp.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": zabbix = ReportForm() zabbix.getinfo() zabbix.writeToXls() zabbix.sendmail()
说明: 由于邮件无法发送附件为excel,所以我这里写了一个发送通知邮件的方法,需要通过ftp登录并下载。