• WLAN 802.11 a/b/g PHY Specification and EDVT Measurement V

    Receive Minimum Input Level (Sensitivity)


    Receiver Adjacent Channel Rejection (ACR)

    -For IEEE802.11b (11Mbps), For 802.11b (2Mbps)
    For 2Mbps, 8% PER Maximum of DUT, where –74dBm Input Power from Golden Unit at ideal frequency and -39dBm Power from Adjacent Channel Interface at 25Mhz away from the Ideal frequency with PSDU length 1024Bytes and 2Mbps Transmit Rate
    For 11Mbps, 8% PER Maximum of DUT, where –70dBm Input Power from Golden Unit at Ideal frequency and -35dBm Power from Adjacent Channel Interface at  25Mhz away from the ideal frequency with PSDU length 1024Bytes and 11Mbps Transmit Rate
    ACR (dBm) = Minimum Power at DUT Input from Modulated Interference (dBm) - Power at DUT Input from Golden Unit (dBm)
    Signal from Golden and Modulated Interference is unsynchronized

    For IEEE802.11a (OFDM), For 802.11g 19.5.2 (OFDM)
    For 802.11a, 10% PER Maximum of DUT, where Input Power (shown in the following table) from Golden Unit at ideal frequency and the Power from Modulated Adjacent Channel Interface (shown in the following table) 20MHz away from the ideal frequency with PSDU length 1000Bytes
    For 802.11g, 10% PER Maximum of DUT, where Input Power (shown in the following table) from Golden Unit at ideal frequency and the Power from Modulated Adjacent Channel Interface (shown in the following table) at 25MHz away from the ideal frequency with PSDU length 1000Bytes
    ACR (dBm) = Minimum Power at DUT Input from Modulated Interference (dBm) - Power at DUT Input from Golden Unit (dBm)
    Signal from Golden and OFDM Modulated Interference is unsynchronized


    Receiver Non-Adjacent Channel Rejection (NACR)


    Conductive Throughput Test

    Test Condition
    -Test Environment
    ex DUT and AP in different shielding room or box
    -Test AP
    Brand : ex Netgear, Model : ex FWAG114
    -Wired AP PC
    Model : Dell D500, CPU Pentium 4 1.2GHz, RAM 512MB, OS Windows 2000 SP4
    -Ethernet Card in Wired AP PC
    Model : ex Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection
    -Test Client
    Project Number ex T60H881 ,
    Description, ex Intel PCI 11b/g WLAN Card, Sample number 19
    ECN ex Delete C869=0.5pF, Add C855 = 0.75pF and Change R68 = 121 ohm
    -Test NDSI Driver of Client
    Version ex (5/13/04), TIC ex 84423
    Microsoft 0 configuration
    -Wireless Client PC
    Model : ex HP D220m/P2, CPU : ex Pentium 4 2.6GHz , RAM : ex 256MB, OS Windows XP Professional SP1

    -Test Utility
    Ex Chariot Console version 4.0 Build level 850 and Endpoint version 4.0)
    File Size : ex 100Kbytes
    Test Time : ex 1 min

    Power Calibration Condition
    -Spectrum Analyzer
    SA Setting, RBW = 100K, VBW =30K, Sweep=500ms, RMS Detector, MAX Hold
    -Protocol Tools
    Intersil LAN Evaluation,
    PER Test (Broadcasting, Packet Size= 10K)
    -Calibration Result :
    ex 5dBm at DUT input port from SA while no attenuator set from HP 8494B/5B while LAN evaluation is running
    Rx Conductive Throughput and TX Conductive Throughput
    -TX Throughput share the same attenuation setting as RX, just for reference

    Average RX Throughput
    Around 20Mbps for 11g from (from -20dBm to –70dBm)
    Around 5Mbps for 11b from (from -10dBm to –80dBm); 6Mpcs for Cisco 350 AP
    Relative Precision
    Normal (< 5), Warning (5~10), Danger (>10)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangbaobaoi/p/10273455.html
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