• go简单模拟Redis数据库对应{key, value}的存取功能


      1 package main
      3 import (
      4     "fmt"
      5 )
      7 type M_Rcd map[string]string
      9 type T_Tbl struct {
     10     tblname string
     11     record  M_Rcd
     12 }
     14 type T_Kvdb struct {
     15     dbname string
     16     tbl    []T_Tbl
     17 }
     19 func (this *T_Kvdb) createDB(db T_Kvdb) {
     20     this.dbname = db.dbname
     21     this.tbl = make([]T_Tbl, 5)
     22     fmt.Printf("
    create db "%s" success.
    ", this.dbname)
     23 }
     25 func (this *T_Kvdb) newTbl(tblname string) T_Tbl {
     26     var tbl T_Tbl
     27     var length int
     28     tbl.tblname = tblname
     29     tbl.record = make(M_Rcd)
     31     this.tbl = append(this.tbl, tbl)
     32     length = len(this.tbl)
     33     fmt.Printf("add new table "%s" to db "%s" success.
    ", tblname, this.dbname)
     34     return this.tbl[length-1]
     35 }
     37 /*
     38  * 思路:循环检索数据库是否有该表,如果有该表,则进一步检索是否有该Key,如有则输出
     39  */
     40 func (this *T_Kvdb) read(key string, tbl T_Tbl) {
     41     for i, _ := range this.tbl {
     42         if this.tbl[i].tblname == tbl.tblname {
     43             for k, v := range this.tbl[i].record {
     44                 if key == k {
     45                     fmt.Printf("find result : {%s}
    ", v)
     46                     return
     47                 }
     48             }
     49         }
     50     }
     51     fmt.Printf("have no table: "%s"
    ", tbl.tblname)
     52 }
     54 /*
     55  * 对表进行写数据
     56  * 参数:
     57  *        key:   键值
     58  *        value: 键值对应的数据
     59  *        tbl:   需要写如数据的表
     60  */
     61 func (this *T_Kvdb) write(key string, value string, tbl T_Tbl) {
     62     fmt.Printf("add {%s, %s} to table "%s"", key, value, tbl.tblname)
     63     for i, _ := range this.tbl {
     64         if this.tbl[i].tblname == tbl.tblname {
     65             this.tbl[i].record[key] = value /* 对Table写入数据 */
     66             fmt.Println(" success.")
     67             return
     68         }
     69     }
     71     fmt.Println("have no table: ", tbl.tblname)
     72 }
     74 /*
     75  * 删除表中key对应的{key, value}
     76  */
     77 func (this *T_Kvdb) delete(key string, tbl T_Tbl) {
     79     for i, _ := range this.tbl {
     80         if this.tbl[i].tblname == tbl.tblname {
     81             for k, _ := range this.tbl[i].record {
     82                 if key == k {
     83                     delete(this.tbl[i].record, key) // 删除key对应的数据{key, value}
     84                     fmt.Printf("delete key success.
     85                     this.show()
     86                     return
     87                 }
     88             }
     89         }
     90     }
     92     fmt.Printf("have no table: %s
    ", tbl.tblname)
     93 }
     95 /*
     96  * 显示DB里所有Table的数据:{key, value}
     97  */
     98 func (this *T_Kvdb) show() {
     99     fmt.Print("show [")
    100     for i, _ := range this.tbl {
    101         for key, value := range this.tbl[i].record {
    102             fmt.Print("{", key, ", ", value, "}")
    103         }
    104     }
    106     fmt.Print("]
    107 }
    109 /*
    110  * 销毁表的思路:
    111  *      如有表数组[5]={表0,表1,表2,表3,表4},现在需要删除{表2},则可以利用append函数重新组合表数组
    112  *      来达到删除{表2}. 重组表数组的语句为:append(表头到表2(此处是开区间),(此处是闭区间)表3到表尾)
    113  */
    114 func (this *T_Kvdb) destroy(tbl T_Tbl) {
    115     for i, _ := range this.tbl {
    116         if this.tbl[i].tblname == tbl.tblname {
    117             this.tbl = append(this.tbl[:i], this.tbl[i+1:]...)
    118             fmt.Printf("destroy table success.
    119             return
    120         }
    121     }
    122     fmt.Printf("have no table: 
    ", tbl.tblname)
    123 }
    125 func main() {
    126     var db T_Kvdb
    127     var tbl T_Tbl
    129     db.dbname = "student_management_system"
    130     db.createDB(db)
    131     tbl = db.newTbl("student")
    132     db.write("hezhixiong", "shanghai", tbl)
    133     db.write("zhangsan", "beijing", tbl)
    134     db.show()
    135     db.read("hezhixiong", tbl)
    136     db.delete("hezhixiong", tbl)
    137     fmt.Printf("db size = %d
    ", len(db.tbl))
    138     db.destroy(tbl)
    139     fmt.Printf("db size = %d
    ", len(db.tbl))
    140 }
    View Code


     1 create db "student_management_system" success.
     2 add new table "student" to db "student_management_system" success.
     3 add {hezhixiong, shanghai} to table "student" success.
     4 show [{hezhixiong, shanghai}]
     5 find result : {shanghai}
     6 delete key success.
     7 show []
     8 db size = 6
     9 destroy table success.
    10 db size = 5
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hezhixiong/p/4583564.html
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