• 实现单例的三个方法

    # 方法一: 使用一个类方法实现单例模式
    import settings
    class Mysql:
        __instance = None
        def __init__(self, host,port):
            self.host = host
            self.port = port
        def singleton(cls):
            if not cls.__instance:     # 判断__instance 是否有值,
                cls.__instance = cls(settings.HOST, settings.PORT)   # 没有值就去settings文件中取默认的值
            return cls.__instance  # 返回值
    obj1 = Mysql("", 3306)
    obj2 =  Mysql("", 3304)
    print(obj1 is obj2) # False
    obj3 = Mysql.singleton()  # 第一次调用 singleton 方法 __instance 中是None
    obj4 = Mysql.singleton()  # 第二次调用 singleton 方法 __instance 中是上一次调用的返回值,就是这样实现单例模式的!!!
    print(obj3 is obj4)  # True
    # 方法二:定制元类实现单例模式
    import settings
    class Mymeta(type):
        def __init__(self, name, bases, dic):   # 定义类Mysql时自动触发
            #  事先先从配置文件中取配置来造一个Mysql的实例出来
            self.__instance = object.__new__(self)  # 产生一个空对象
            self.__init__(self.__instance, settings.HOST, settings.PORT)  # 初始化对象
            super().__init__(name, bases, dic)   # 继承
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):   # 实例化时自动触发
            if args or kwargs:   # 判断实例化时有没有传值
                obj = object.__new__(self)
                self.__init__(obj, *args, **kwargs)
                return obj
            return self.__instance
    class Mysql(metaclass=Mymeta):
        def __init__(self, host, port):
            self.host = host
            self.port = port
    obj1 = Mysql()
    obj2 = Mysql()
    obj3 = Mysql()
    obj4 = Mysql('', 3306)
    print(obj1 is obj4)    # False
    print(obj1 is obj2 is obj3)   # True
    # 方法三: 定义一个装饰器实现单例模式
    import settings
    def singleton(cls):
        _instance = cls(settings.HOST, settings.PORT)
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            print(args, kwargs)
            if args or kwargs:    # or 或 , 就是args 和 kwargs 中有一个有值就是True
                obj = cls(*args, **kwargs)
                return obj
            return _instance
        return wrapper
    class Mysql:
        def __init__(self, host, port):
            self.host = host
            self.port = port
    obj1 = Mysql()
    obj2 = Mysql()
    obj3 = Mysql()
    obj4 = Mysql('', 3306)
    print(obj1 is obj4)   # False
    print(obj1 is obj2 is obj3)    # True
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaobei/p/9326015.html
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