public class Random23 { static int countWays(int p, int q, int r, int last) { if (p < 0 || q < 0 || r < 0) return 0; if (p == 1 && q == 0 && r == 0 && last == 0) return 1; // Same case as above for 'q' and 'r' if (p == 0 && q == 1 && r == 0 && last == 1) return 1; if (p == 0 && q == 0 && r == 1 && last == 2) return 1; if (last == 0) return countWays(p - 1, q, r, 1) + countWays(p - 1, q, r, 2); if (last == 1) return countWays(p, q - 1, r, 0) + countWays(p, q - 1, r, 2); if (last == 2) return countWays(p, q, r - 1, 0) + countWays(p, q, r - 1, 1); return 0; } // Returns count of required arrangements static int countUtil(int p, int q, int r) { return countWays(p, q, r, 0) + // Last required balls is type P countWays(p, q, r, 1) + // Last required balls is type Q countWays(p, q, r, 2); // Last required balls is type R } public static void main(String[] args) { int p = 11, q = 11, r = 11; System.out.print(countUtil(p, q, r)); } }
public class Random22 { public static void main(String[] args) { Random22 ra = new Random22(); Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in); while(in.hasNext()){ String[] temp=in.nextLine().split(" "); int x = Integer.parseInt(temp[0]); int y = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]); int z = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]); long result = ra.getAll(x, y, z); System.out.println(result); } } //long result; long[][][][] dp; public long getAll(int x,int y,int z){ long result = 0; dp = new long[x+1][y+1][z+1][4]; result+= dsf(1, x - 1, y, z); result+= dsf(2, x, y - 1, z); result+=dsf(3,x,y,z-1); return result; } public long dsf(int index,int x,int y,int z){ if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0){ dp[0][0][0][index] = 1; return 1; } long s = 0; if (index == 1){ if (y >0){ long t = dp[x][y-1][z][2]; if ( t!= 0){ s+=t; }else { s+=dsf(2,x,y-1,z); } } if (z > 0){ long t = dp[x][y][z-1][3]; if ( t!= 0){ s+=t; }else { s+=dsf(3,x,y,z-1); } } }else if (index == 2){ if (x >0){ long t = dp[x-1][y][z][1]; if ( t!= 0){ s+=t; }else { s+=dsf(1,x-1,y,z); } } if (z > 0){ long t = dp[x][y][z-1][3]; if ( t!= 0){ s+=t; }else { s+=dsf(3,x,y,z-1); } } }else { if (x >0){ long t = dp[x-1][y][z][1]; if ( t!= 0){ s+=t; }else { s+=dsf(1,x-1,y,z); } } if (y >0){ long t = dp[x][y-1][z][2]; if ( t!= 0){ s+=t; }else { s+=dsf(2,x,y-1,z); } } } dp[x][y][z][index] = s; return s; } }