• 维基百科:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyweight_pattern
GoF:Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.
Wikipedia:In computer programming, flyweight is a software design pattern. A flyweight is an object that minimizes memory use by sharing as much data as possible with other similar objects; it is a way to use objects in large numbers when a simple repeated representation would use an unacceptable amount of memory. Often some parts of the object state can be shared, and it is common practice to hold them in external data structures and pass them to the flyweight objects temporarily when they are used.
• 设计意图
• 结构图
• 结构说明
▶ Flyweight
▶ ConcreteFlyweight
▶ UnsharedConcreteFlyweight
▶ FlyweightFactory
▶ Client
• 享元共享示意图
• 例子一
#include <map> #include <list> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Instances of CoffeeFlavour will be the Flyweights. class CoffeeFlavour { private: string m_strFlavourName; public: CoffeeFlavour(const string &strFlavourName = "Unknown") : m_strFlavourName(strFlavourName) {} public: const char *GetFlavourName() const { return m_strFlavourName.c_str(); } }; typedef const CoffeeFlavour * const CPCCoffeeFlavour; // Menu acts as a FlyweightFactory and cache for CoffeeFlavour Flyweight objects class Menu { typedef map<string, CPCCoffeeFlavour> FlavoursMap; typedef map<string, CPCCoffeeFlavour>::iterator FlavoursMapIterator; public: ~Menu() { FlavoursMapIterator it = m_FlavoursMap.begin(); for (; m_FlavoursMap.end() != it; it++) { CPCCoffeeFlavour cpcCoffeeFlavour = it->second; if (cpcCoffeeFlavour) { delete cpcCoffeeFlavour; } } m_FlavoursMap.clear(); } private: FlavoursMap m_FlavoursMap; public: CPCCoffeeFlavour LookUp(const string &strFlavourName) { FlavoursMapIterator it = m_FlavoursMap.find(strFlavourName); if (m_FlavoursMap.end() == it) { m_FlavoursMap.insert( pair<string, CPCCoffeeFlavour>(strFlavourName, ::new CoffeeFlavour(strFlavourName)) ); } return m_FlavoursMap[strFlavourName]; } int GetCoffeeFlavourCount() { return m_FlavoursMap.size(); } }; class Order { private: int m_nTableNumber; CPCCoffeeFlavour m_cpcCoffeeFlavour; public: Order(int nTableNumber, CPCCoffeeFlavour cpcCoffeeFlavour) : m_nTableNumber(nTableNumber), m_cpcCoffeeFlavour(cpcCoffeeFlavour) {} public: void Serve() { cout << left; cout << "Serving " << setw(10) << m_cpcCoffeeFlavour->GetFlavourName() << " to table " << setw(3) << m_nTableNumber << endl; } }; class CoffeeShop { private: Menu m_CoffeeMenu; list<Order> m_CoffeeOrders; public: void TakeOrder(const string &strFlavourName, int nTableNumber) { CPCCoffeeFlavour cpcFlavour = m_CoffeeMenu.LookUp(strFlavourName); m_CoffeeOrders.push_back(Order(nTableNumber, cpcFlavour)); } void Service() { list<Order>::iterator it = m_CoffeeOrders.begin(); for (; m_CoffeeOrders.end() != it; it++) { it->Serve(); } } string Report() { stringstream ss; ss << "Total CoffeeFlavour Objects Made: " << m_CoffeeMenu.GetCoffeeFlavourCount(); return ss.str(); } }; int main() { CoffeeShop shop; shop.TakeOrder("Cappuccino", 2 ); shop.TakeOrder("Frappe", 1 ); shop.TakeOrder("Espresso", 1 ); shop.TakeOrder("Frappe", 897); shop.TakeOrder("Cappuccino", 97 ); shop.TakeOrder("Frappe", 3 ); shop.TakeOrder("Espresso", 3 ); shop.TakeOrder("Cappuccino", 3 ); shop.TakeOrder("Espresso", 96 ); shop.TakeOrder("Frappe", 552); shop.TakeOrder("Cappuccino", 121); shop.TakeOrder("Espresso", 121); shop.Service(); cout << shop.Report() << endl; return 1; }