Example 1: Input: haystack = "hello", needle = "ll" Output: 2 Example 2: Input: haystack = "aaaaa", needle = "bba" Output: -1 Clarification: What should we return when needle is an empty string? This is a great question to ask during an interview. For the purpose of this problem, we will return 0 when needle is an empty string. This is consistent to C's strstr() and Java's indexOf(). Constraints: haystack and needle consist only of lowercase English characters.
解法:KMP(字符串匹配算法)-> DP(动态规划)
- 目标字符串 txt
- 模式匹配串(子串)pat
KMP算法的思想:只根据 pat 构建一个状态转移提示字典dp。
- dp[j][c]:在当前状态 j 的情况下,遇到字符c,则需要迁移到的目标状态。
- 状态转移:dp[j][c]=
- 若c==pat[j],则向下一个状态迁移:j+1
- 若c!=pat[j],则返回 影子状态 X
这里,我们引入 影子状态X 的概念:
- 该状态处于当前状态 j 的一个单位后滞状态。且0~X与0~j字符串拥有相同前缀。
⚠️ 如何确定 影子状态X :
状态为前面的状态X的时候,遇到当前的字符 pat[j] 的迁移方法,
- forward:继续向后迁移状态?相同前缀一起扩展一个字符。
- backward:返回上一个影子状态?相同前缀不再存在。缩小相同前缀的长度。
使用 j 来记录当前状态,初始化为 0。
使用 i 遍历txt,更新每次的状态 j = dp[j][txt[i]]
如果 j = final状态,则返回 i-j+1 为子串开始index
1 class Solution { 2 //dp[j][c]:if we meet the char c when it is in status j, we should move to which status? 3 // case_1: c == pat[j]: dp[j][c] = j+1; 4 // other: dp[j][c] = dp[X][c] (X:the shadow status of j) 5 //base case: dp[0][pat[0]] = 1 otherwise dp[0][other] = 0 6 //how to fix X: 7 //X is just one latter status after j, 8 //and X has the same prefix string with j. 9 //so we can exploit initialized dp[][] to update X. 10 //X = dp[X][pat[j]] 11 //has the same move(forward or backward) with preceding status j :dp[j][pat[j]] 12 private: 13 vector<vector<int>> dp; 14 public: 15 void KMP(string pat) { // DP 16 int m = pat.length(); 17 dp.resize(m, vector<int>(256, 0));//the total number of ASCII is 256 18 dp[0][pat[0]] = 1; 19 int X=0; 20 for(int j=1; j<m; j++) { 21 for(int c=0; c<256; c++) { 22 if(c == pat[j]) { 23 dp[j][c] = j+1; 24 } else { 25 dp[j][c] = dp[X][c]; 26 } 27 } 28 //update the shadow status X 29 X = dp[X][pat[j]]; 30 } 31 } 32 int strStr(string haystack, string needle) { 33 int m = needle.length(), n = haystack.length(); 34 if(m==0) return 0; 35 KMP(needle); 36 //use dp[][] to know how to transform in each status j 37 int j = 0; 38 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { 39 j = dp[j][haystack[i]]; 40 if(j==m) { 41 return i-j+1; 42 } 43 } 44 return -1; 45 } 46 };