• wince下用directx播放音频和视频

    //    wince下用directx播放音频和视频
    //    norains
    //    Monday  14-May-2007
    //        WinCE 5.0

            好,闲话至此,我们以具体代码看看是如何:         //获取CMedia的实例
            CMedia *m_pMedia = CMedia::GetInstance();

            SetNotifyWindow(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg,long lInstanceData)
            那么,现在以接收一个视频播放结束事件的代码片段为例子:         //自定义一个消息
            #define WM_GRAPHNOTIFY        (WM_USER + 13)
            LRESULT CMainWnd::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
                    case WM_GRAPHNOTIFY:
                        LONG evCode,evParam1,evParam2;
                        if(m_pMedia->GetEvent(&evCode,&evParam1,&evParam2) == TRUE)
                            if(evCode == EC_COMPLETE)
                        return 0;

            SetVolume(LONG lVolume, LONG lBalance)
            lVolume:设置音量的大小,范围为–10,000 到 0.
            lBalance:设置左右音量的均衡,范围是–10,000 到 10,000,默认是0.
            SetDisplayMode(DISPLAYMODE mode)

    //Media.h: interface for the CMedia class.
    //    1.2.0
    //    2007.05.08
    #ifndef MEDIA_H
    #define    MEDIA_H

    #include <mmsystem.h>
    #include <streams.h>

    //Macro define

    //The volume value
    #define MAX_VOLUME                    0
    #define MIN_VOLUME                    -10000

    //The balance value
    #define MAX_BALANCE                    10000
    #define MIN_BALANCE                    -10000

    //Enum value

        //Fit to the play window size. How wide (height) the window is, how
        //is the move. Keep aspect ratio.

        //Stretch to the play window size. Don't keep the aspect ratio.

        //Full screen play.

        //When the size of video is smaller than the play window, it displayes
        //as the video size. If it's bigger , it just like the DISP_FIT mode.

    //The media file property
    typedef struct
        //The volume range is –10,000 to 0.
        //Divide by 100 to get equivalent decibel value (for example –10,000 = –100 dB).
        LONG lVolume;

        //The value from –10,000 to 10,000 indicating the stereo balance
        //As with the Volume property, units correspond to .01 decibels (multiplied by –1 when plBalance is a positive value).
        //For example, a value of 1000 indicates –10 dB on the right channel and –90 dB on the left channel.
        LONG lBalance;

        //Width of the video  
        LONG lWidth;

        //Height of the video
        LONG lHeight;

        //Approximate bit rate
        LONG lBitRate;

    class CMedia  
        BOOL GetEvent(LONG *plEvCode, LONG *plParam1, LONG *plParam2);
        BOOL SetNotifyWindow(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg,long lInstanceData);
        BOOL SetVolume(LONG lVolume, LONG lBalance = 0);
        BOOL SetDisplayMode(DISPLAYMODE mode);
        BOOL GetMediaProperty(PMEDIAPROPERTY pOutProperty);
        static CMedia * GetInstance();
        void Close();
        BOOL CheckVisibility();
        void SetVideoWindow(HWND hWndVideo);
        BOOL Open(TCHAR * pszFileName);
        BOOL Stop();
        BOOL Pause();
        BOOL Play();
        virtual ~CMedia();


        // Collection of interfaces
        IGraphBuilder *m_pGB;
        IMediaControl *m_pMC;
        IMediaEventEx *m_pME;
        IVideoWindow  *m_pVW;
        IBasicAudio   *m_pBA;
        IBasicVideo   *m_pBV;
        IMediaSeeking *m_pMS;

        TCHAR m_szFileName[MAX_PATH];
        HWND m_hWndVideo; //The window play video
        HWND m_hWndNotify; //The window notify
        BOOL m_bExitThrd;
        BOOL m_bThrdRunning;
        static CMedia * m_pInstance;
        DISPLAYMODE m_DispMode;


    #endif //#ifndef MEDIA_H
    // Media.cpp: implementation of the CMedia class.

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "Media.h"

    //Macro define

    //Default play mode

    CMedia *CMedia::m_pInstance = NULL;

    // Construction/Destruction


        if(m_pInstance != NULL)
            delete m_pInstance;
            m_pInstance = NULL;


    //    Play the media file
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    BOOL CMedia::Play()
        // Run the graph to play the media file

        if(m_pMC == NULL)
            return FALSE;



        return TRUE;

    //    Pause.
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    BOOL CMedia::Pause()

        if(m_pMC == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

    //    Stop.
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    BOOL CMedia::Stop()

        if(m_pMC == NULL || m_pMS == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        m_pMS->SetPositions(0, AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning,NULL,AM_SEEKING_NoPositioning);    
        return TRUE;

    //    Open the media file. When succeed in calling the function ,
    //you should call the Close() to release the resource
    BOOL CMedia::Open(TCHAR *pszFileName)
        BOOL bResult = FALSE;

        if(_tcslen(pszFileName) >= MAX_PATH)
            goto END;

            //Check the file existing
            if(hdFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                //The file doesn't exist
                goto END;

    // Initialize COM
        if(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) != S_OK)
            goto END;

        // Get the interface for DirectShow's GraphBuilder
        if(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGraphBuilder, (void **)&m_pGB) != S_OK)
            goto END;

        // Have the graph construct its the appropriate graph automatically
        if(m_pGB->RenderFile(m_szFileName, NULL) != NOERROR)
            goto END;

        // QueryInterface for DirectShow interfaces
        if(m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void **)&m_pMC) != NOERROR)
            goto END;
        if(m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx, (void **)&m_pME) != NOERROR)
            goto END;
        if(m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaSeeking, (void **)&m_pMS) != NOERROR)
            goto END;

        // Query for video interfaces, which may not be relevant for audio files
        if(m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoWindow, (void **)&m_pVW) != NOERROR)
            goto END;
        if(m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicVideo, (void **)&m_pBV) != NOERROR)
            goto END;

        // Query for audio interfaces, which may not be relevant for video-only files
        if(m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (void **)&m_pBA) != NOERROR)
            goto END;
        // Is this an audio-only file (no video component)?
        if (CheckVisibility() == TRUE)
            if(m_pVW->put_Owner((OAHWND)m_hWndVideo) != NOERROR)
                goto END;

            if(m_pVW->put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN) != NOERROR)
                goto END;

        //Set play mode
        bResult = TRUE;


        if(bResult == FALSE)
            //Release the resource

        return bResult;

    //    This method sets an owning parent for the video window.
    //    hWnd : [in] Handle of new owner window.
    void CMedia::SetVideoWindow(HWND hWndVideo)
        m_hWndVideo = hWndVideo;

    //    Check the file visibility
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    //    TRUE: Video
    //    FALSE: It's not the video
    BOOL CMedia::CheckVisibility()
        if (!m_pVW)
            //No VideoWindow interface.  Assuming audio/MIDI file or unsupported video codec
            return FALSE;
        if (!m_pBV)
            //No BasicVideo interface.  Assuming audio/MIDI file or unsupported video codec.
            return FALSE;
        // If this is an audio-only clip, get_Visible() won't work.
        // Also, if this video is encoded with an unsupported codec,
        // we won't see any video, although the audio will work if it is
        // of a supported format.
        long lVisible;
        if(m_pVW->get_Visible(&lVisible) != NOERROR)
            return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
    //    Release the resource which opened in the Open()    
    void CMedia::Close()

        // Relinquish ownership (IMPORTANT!) after hiding

        if(m_pMC != NULL)
            m_pMC = NULL;

        if(m_pME != NULL)

            m_pME = NULL;

        if(m_pMS != NULL)
            m_pMS = NULL;

        if(m_pBV != NULL)
            m_pBV = NULL;
        if(m_pBA != NULL)
            m_pBA = NULL;
        if(m_pVW != NULL)
            m_pVW = NULL;

        if(m_pGB != NULL)
            m_pGB = NULL;

        // Finished with COM


    //    Get the instance of object
    CMedia * CMedia::GetInstance()
        if(m_pInstance == NULL)
            m_pInstance = new CMedia();

        return m_pInstance;

    //    Get the media file property.
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    BOOL CMedia::GetMediaProperty(PMEDIAPROPERTY pOutProperty)

        MEDIAPROPERTY prop = ...{0};

        if(m_pBA == NULL || m_pBV == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        //Get the audio property

        //Get the video property
        if(CheckVisibility() == TRUE)


        *pOutProperty = prop;

        return TRUE;

    //    Set the display mode.
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    BOOL CMedia::SetDisplayMode(DISPLAYMODE mode)
        if(m_pVW == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        m_DispMode = mode;

        if(mode == DISP_FULLSCREEN)
            //Restore to the normal mode
            RECT rcWnd = ...{0};
            LONG lWndWidth = rcWnd.right - rcWnd.left;
            LONG lWndHeight = rcWnd.bottom - rcWnd.top;

            MEDIAPROPERTY prop = ...{0};

            if(mode == DISP_FIT || mode == DISP_NATIVE)
                LONG lDispLeft,lDispTop,lDispWidth,lDispHeight;

                if(mode == DISP_NATIVE && lWndWidth >= prop.lWidth && lWndHeight >= prop.lHeight)
                    lDispLeft = (lWndWidth - prop.lWidth) / 2;
                    lDispTop = (lWndHeight - prop.lHeight) / 2;
                    lDispWidth = prop.lWidth;
                    lDispHeight = prop.lHeight;
                    if(prop.lWidth * lWndHeight > lWndWidth * prop.lHeight)
                        lDispWidth = lWndWidth;                
                        lDispHeight = (LONG)((float)lDispWidth / (float)prop.lWidth * prop.lHeight);
                        lDispLeft = 0;
                        lDispTop = (lWndHeight - lDispHeight) / 2;        
                    else if(prop.lWidth * lWndHeight < lWndWidth * prop.lHeight)
                        lDispHeight = lWndHeight;
                        lDispWidth = (LONG)((float)lDispHeight / (float)prop.lHeight * prop.lWidth);
                        lDispLeft = (lWndWidth - lDispWidth) / 2;
                        lDispTop = 0;
                        lDispWidth = lWndWidth;                
                        lDispHeight = lWndHeight;
                        lDispLeft = 0;
                        lDispTop = 0;


            else if(mode == DISP_STRETCH)


        return TRUE;

    //    Set the volume.
    //    When you call the function,you should call Open() before.
    //    lVolume:[in] The volume (amplitude) of the audio signal.
    //            Range is –10,000 to 0.
    //    lBalance:[in]  The balance for the audio signal. Default value is 0.
    //            The value from –10,000 to 10,000 indicating the stereo balance.
    BOOL CMedia::SetVolume(LONG lVolume, LONG lBalance)
        if(m_pBA == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        if(lVolume < MIN_VOLUME && lVolume > MAX_VOLUME && lBalance < MIN_BALANCE && lBalance > MAX_BALANCE)
            return FALSE;


        return TRUE;

    //    Registers a window that will handle messages when a specified event occurs.
    //    hWnd:[in] Handle of window to notify. Pass NULL to stop notification.
    //    wMsg:[in] Window message to be passed as the notification.
    //    lInstanceData:[in] Value (instance data) to be passed as the lParam parameter for the lMsg message.
    BOOL CMedia::SetNotifyWindow(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg,long lInstanceData)
        if(m_pME == NULL)
            return FALSE;


        return TRUE;
    //    This method retrieves the notification event.
    BOOL CMedia::GetEvent(LONG *plEvCode, LONG *plParam1, LONG *plParam2)
        if(m_pME == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        LONG evCode, evParam1, evParam2;    

        if(m_pME->GetEvent(&evCode, &evParam1, &evParam2, 0) == NOERROR)
            *plEvCode = evCode;
            *plParam1 = evParam1;
            *plParam2 = evParam2;

            // Spin through the events
            m_pME->FreeEventParams(evCode, evParam1, evParam2);        
            return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

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