• linux 系统中的 /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin 各个目录的意义

    This directory contains executable programs which are needed in single user mode and to bring the sys‐ tem up or repair it.

    /sbin Like /bin, this directory holds commands needed to boot the system, but which are usually not executed by normal users.
    与/ bin一样,此目录包含引导系统所需的命令,但通常不由普通用户执行。

    /usr/bin This is the primary directory for executable programs. Most programs executed by normal users which are not needed for booting or for repairing the system and which are not installed locally should be placed in this directory. 这是可执行程序的主目录。 普通用户执行的大多数程序(不需要用于引导或修复系统以及未在本地安装)都应放在此目录中。

    /usr/sbin This directory contains program binaries for system administration which are not essential for the boot process, for mounting /usr, or for system repair. 此目录包含用于系统管理的程序二进制文件,这些程序二进制文件对于引导过程,安装/ usr或系统修复不是必需的。
    /usr/local/bin Binaries for programs local to the site. 本地程序的二进制文件。
    /usr/local/sbin Locally installed programs for system administration.
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