• 朴素贝叶斯法分类器的Python3 实现



    # - * - coding: utf - 8 -*-
    # 作者:田丰
    # 邮箱:fonttian@163.com
    # 撰写时间:2017年4月26日
    # Python版本:3.6.1
    # CSDN:http://blog.csdn.net/fontthrone
    # 下一行为符号计算所导入的包
    # from fractions import Fraction
    class NaiveBayesMethod:
        NaiveBayesMethod 的内部计算方式现在为数值计算,
        朴素贝叶斯法分类器 当lam=1 时,类分类方式为为贝叶斯估计
        lam = 0 时 类分类方式为为极大似然值估计
        def __init__(self, inputArray, lam):
            self.input = inputArray
            self.lam = lam
            self.__lenInput = len(self.input)
            self.__y = self.input[self.__lenInput - 1]
            self.__onlyy = self.__only(self.__y)
            self.__county = self.__countList(self.__onlyy)
        # 计算列表总样本数 return int
        def __countList(self, list):
            count = {}
            for item in list:
                count[item] = count.get(item, 0) + 1
            return len(count)
        # 检查某列表中时候含有某个元素
        def __findy(self, list, y):
            result = True
            for i in range(0, len(list)):
                if list[i] == y:
                    result = False
            return result
        # 返回列表种类
        def __only(self, list):
            onlyy = []
            for i in range(0, len(list)):
                if self.__findy(onlyy, list[i]):
            return onlyy
        # 统计列表中某元素的个数
        def __countKind(self, list, element):
            return list.count(element)
        #  通过元素值返回位置索引
        def __findOnlyElement(self, list, x):
            return self.__only(list).index(x)
        # 先验概率
        def __py(self, x):
            # return Fraction(self.__countKind(self.__y, x) + self.lam, len(self.__y) + self.__county * self.lam)
            return (self.__countKind(self.__y, x) + self.lam) / (len(self.__y) + self.__county * self.lam)
        # 返回p(x=?)
        def __probabilityX(self, list, x):
            # return Fraction(self.__countKind(list, x) + self.lam, len(list) + self.__countList(list) * self.lam)
            return (self.__countKind(list, x) + self.lam) / (len(list) + self.__countList(list) * self.lam)
        def __probabilityYX(self, list, x, yy):
            xx = self.__findOnlyElement(list, x)
            yindex = self.__findOnlyElement(self.__y, yy)
            fz = 0
            onlyx = self.__only(list)
            onlyy = self.__only(self.__y)
            # 获取 p(y=?|x1=?) 的分子
            for i in range(0, len(list)):
                if list[i] == onlyx[xx] and self.__y[i] == onlyy[yindex]:
                    fz += 1
            # return Fraction(fz + self.lam, self.__countKind(list, onlyx[xx]) + self.__countList(list) * self.lam)
            return (fz + self.lam) / (self.__countKind(list, onlyx[xx]) + self.__countList(list) * self.lam)
        def fl(self, x, y):
            ps = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.__onlyy)):
                p1 = self.__probabilityX(self.input[0], x) * self.__probabilityYX(self.input[0], x,
                                                                                  1) * self.__probabilityX(
                    self.input[1], y) * self.__probabilityYX(self.input[1], y, self.__onlyy[i]) / self.__py(1)
            return self.__onlyy[ps.index(max(ps))]
    # 测试NaiveBayesMethod
    input = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
             [1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3],
             [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1]]
    test = NaiveBayesMethod(input, 1)
    print(test.fl(2, 1))
    test.lam = 0
    print(test.fl(2, 1))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fonttian/p/7294838.html
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