#include <sys/types.h> #include <regex.h> int regcomp(regex_t *preg, const char *regex, int cflags); int regexec(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags); size_t regerror(int errcode, const regex_t *preg, char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size); void regfree(regex_t *preg);
regcomp() is used to compile a regular expression into a form that is suitable for subsequent regexec() searches.
regexec() is used to match a null-terminated string against the precompiled pattern buffer, preg. nmatch and pmatch are used to provide information regarding the location of any matches. eflags may be the bitwise-or of one or both of REG_NOTBOL and REG_NOTEOL which cause changes in matching behavior described below.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <regex.h> #define MATCH_NUM 3 char str[]={"Chinese love China! China, fighting! "}; int main(int argc, char **argv) { regex_t reg; int ret = 0, i = 0; regmatch_t matches[MATCH_NUM]; char *ps = NULL; ret = regcomp(®, "Chin.", REG_NEWLINE | REG_EXTENDED); if(ret != 0){ perror("regcomp"); exit(1); } ret = regexec(®, str, MATCH_NUM, matches, 0); if(ret != 0){ perror("regexec"); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < MATCH_NUM; i++){ ps = strndup(str + matches[i].rm_so, matches[i].rm_eo - matches[i].rm_so); if(ps) printf("The match %dst is [%s]:[%d:%d] ", i, ps, matches[i].rm_so, matches[i].rm_eo); free(ps); } regfree(®); return 0; }
~$gcc regex.c -Wall ~$./a.out The match 0st is [Chine]:[0:5] The match 1st is []:[-1:-1] The match 2st is []:[-1:-1]