• February 8th, 2018 Week 6th Thursday

    When you fall in love, friends, let yourself fall.


    To love someone is like moving into a new house.

    At first we will fall in love in everything new, we wonder every morning that this is our own, as if they are afraid that someone will suddenly come tumbling through the door and say that there has been a serious mistake and that it simply was not meant to would live so fine.

    But as the years go by, the facade worn, the wood cracks here and there, and we start to love this house not so much for all the ways it is perfect in that for all the ways it is not.

    But we have been familiar with all its nooks and crannies.

    How to avoid that the keys get stuck in the lock if it is cold outside.

    Which floorboards have some give when we step on them, and exactly how to open the doors for them not to creak.

    That's it, all the little secrets that make it our home, and our love.

    I think, that is true love, life-long time.

    Let your dreams stay big and your worries stay small.


    From Rascal Flatts, "My Wish".

    Dream big, dare to fall, and keep grounded with what is important in life.

    I always feel anxious about my future because of my uncertainity about how my past would lead to the future.

    Many simple problems, at least in other's view, become insurmountable for me.

    When others asked me whether I need help, yet I couldn't make my problems clear.

    Can you help me, just point out the very reason that leads to my lower abilities and how I can to improve my abilities of solving problems?

    I only need one ray of light to chase all the shadows away.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dengwenwu/p/8578102.html
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