• 11.23CSS笔记


      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8" content="This is a meta data" name="dengyexun">
      5     <title>Title</title>
      6     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="home.html">
      7     <style>
      8         body {
     10         }
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     52             width: 100px;
     53             background-color: burlywood;
     54         }
     55         ul.animal{
     56             list-style-type: square;
     57         }
     58         ul.trans{
     59             list-style-type: circle;
     60         }
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     91             margin: 5px;
     92             outline: dotted green;
     93         }
     94         h2.left_pos{
     95             position: absolute;
     96             top: 50px;
     97             left: 20px;
     98         }
     99         h2.right_pos{
    100             position: relative;
    101             right: 20px;
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    173 </head>
    174 <body>
    176     <input id="getIn" type="text" name="one"/>
    177     <p class="fix_pos">This is a fixed position</p>
    178     <script>
    179         document.write('hello!')
    180     </script>
    181     <br>
    182     <br>
    183     <br>
    184     <br>
    185     <br>
    186     <br>
    187     <h2 class="left_pos">This is a relative position</h2>
    188     <h2 class="right_pos">This is a relative position</h2>
    189     <h2>This is a relative position</h2>
    192     <ul class="animal">
    193         <li>cat</li>
    194         <li>dog</li>
    195         <li>pig</li>
    196     </ul>
    197     <ul class="trans">
    198         <li>bike</li>
    199         <li>car</li>
    200         <li>plane</li>
    201     </ul>
    202     <table>
    203         <tr>
    204             <th>list_01</th>
    205             <th>list_02</th>
    206             <th>list_03</th>
    207         </tr>
    208         <tr>
    209             <td>dog</td>
    210             <td>cat</td>
    211             <td>bird</td>
    212         </tr>
    213         <tr>
    214             <td>flower</td>
    215             <td>green</td>
    216             <td>blue</td>
    217         </tr>
    218     </table>
    219     <br>
    221     <table id="info">
    222         <tr>
    223             <th>name</th>
    224             <th>age</th>
    225             <th>sex</th>
    226         </tr>
    227         <tr class="alt">
    228             <td>Brown</td>
    229             <td>23</td>
    230             <td>male</td>
    231         </tr>
    232         <tr>
    233             <td>Alice</td>
    234             <td>18</td>
    235             <td>female</td>
    236         </tr>
    237         <tr class="alt">
    238             <td>Bob</td>
    239             <td>33</td>
    240             <td>male</td>
    241         </tr>
    242         <tr>
    243             <td>Tom</td>
    244             <td>17</td>
    245             <td>male</td>
    246         </tr>
    247         <tr class="alt">
    248             <td>Jerry</td>
    249             <td>18</td>
    250             <td>female</td>
    251         </tr>
    252         <tr>
    253             <td>King</td>
    254             <td>5</td>
    255             <td>male</td>
    256         </tr>
    257     </table>
    259     <div class="ex">
    260         This is a temp
    261         I like you
    262         I would like to give you some colors see see!
    263     </div>
    266 {#    <img id="true_pic" src="/static/img/dyx.png" width="300" height="350" alt="this is a picture">#}
    267 {#    <img id="clip_pic" src="/static/img/dyx.png" width="300" height="300">#}
    269     <div class="scroll">
    270         键盘上有3个指示灯,左边两个对应于常用的Num lock和Caps Lock键,想必大家都熟悉,下面为大家介绍对应最右边指示灯的Scroll Lock键:
    271         Scroll Lock键最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,这个键不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽25行、长80个字符的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。
    272     </div>
    274     <span style="cursor: text">
    275             text
    276     </span>
    277     <span style="cursor: alias">
    278         alias
    279     </span>
    280     <span style="cursor: crosshair">
    281         crosshair
    282     </span>
    283     <span style="cursor: inherit">
    284         inherit
    285     </span>
    287     <br>
    288     <br>
    289     <br>
    290     <div class="container">
    291         <div class="header"><h1 class="header">I am very sad yesterday and today!Because I lost my IDcard</h1> </div>
    292         <div class="left">Don't be afraid! I can got it! you must love the life</div>
    293         <div class="content">国家科技部国际合作科技项目评审专家;国家科技部人才留学评审专家;
    294 301             国际国内学术期刊Neurocomputing, IEEE 会刊,中国科学E辑、自然科学进展、电子学报、软件学报、自动化学报等评审专家</div>
    302         <div class="footer">Copyright 2017 by deng</div>
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    323 </html>
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    spring boot自动配置原理
    Window Nacos 单机配置与启动
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/demo-deng/p/7885605.html
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