--cmd 启动oracle数据库
sqlplus /nolog
conn / as sysdba;
--删除本地文件 表空间
--drop tablespace sjbook_data including contents and datafiles;
--drop tablespace sjbooks_temp including contents and datafiles;
create temporary tablespace sjbooks_temp
tempfile 'E:ProjectTeam3沈局大数据客运databasesjbooks_temp.dbf'
size 100m
autoextend on
next 100m maxsize 2048m
extent management local;
create tablespace sjbook_data
datafile 'E:ProjectTeam3沈局大数据客运databasesjbook_data.dbf'
size 100m
autoextend on
next 100m maxsize 15000m
extent management local;
--创建用户 emp_sjbooks 密码quickhigh
create user temp_sjbooks identified by quickhigh
default tablespace sjbook_data
temporary tablespace sjbooks_temp;
grant connect,resource,dba to temp_sjbooks;
grant create any sequence to temp_sjbooks;
grant create any table to temp_sjbooks;
grant delete any table to temp_sjbooks;
grant insert any table to temp_sjbooks;
grant select any table to temp_sjbooks;
grant unlimited tablespace to temp_sjbooks;
grant execute any procedure to temp_sjbooks;
grant update any table to temp_sjbooks;
grant create any view to temp_sjbooks;
imp system/Quickhigh0411@SJBOOKS file=D:SJBOOKS20170815.dmp fromuser=(sjbooks) touser=(sjbooks)
exp system/quickhigh@SJBOOK file=F:DatabaseSJBOOKS201811261442.dmp owner=(sjbooks)
select count(*) from dba_tables where OWNER = 'SJBOOKS'
alter tablespace BUSINESS_DATA add datafile 'D:appzgoradataSJBOOKSBUSINESS_DATA2.DBF' SIZE 500M autoextend on ;