• Python redis模块详解

    在使用 Redis、Codis 时,我们经常需要做一些批量操作,通过连接数据库批量对 key 进行操作:







    批量初始化redis 客户端:

     1 from redis import Redis
     2 def setExpiredKeys():
     3     try:
     4         if redis_pass == 'none':
     5             redisclient = Redis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port,db=0)
     6         else:
     7             redisclient = Redis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port, password=redis_pass)
     8         # 初始化 redis 客户端:redisclient
     9         # info = redisclient.info()
    11     except Exception as e:
    12         raise e
    13 if __name__ == '__main__':
    14     redis_host = ''
    15     redis_port = 6001
    16     redis_pass = '123456'
    17     setExpiredKeys()


    1. Redis.info() 源代码:


    1 def info(self, section=None):
    2 """
    3 Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server
    4 """
    5 if section is None:
    6     return self.execute_command('INFO')
    7 else:
    8     return self.execute_command('INFO', section)
    1 info = redisclient.info()            # 返回 Redis Server Info的所有信息
    2 info = redisclient.info('Keyspace')  # 返回指定section的信息    
    1 output:
    2 {'db0': {'keys': 20005, 'expires': 5322, 'avg_ttl': 84036169}}

    2. Redis.get() 源代码


    1 def get(self, name):
    2         """
    3         Return the value at key ``name``, or None if the key doesn't exist
    4         """
    5         return self.execute_command('GET', name)
    1 info = redisclient.get('name')     # 返回value:'Jack'

    3. Redis.client_list() 源代码

     1 def client_list(self, _type=None):
     2         """
     3         Returns a list of currently connected clients.
     4         If type of client specified, only that type will be returned.
     5         :param _type: optional. one of the client types (normal, master,
     6          replica, pubsub)
     7         """
     8         "Returns a list of currently connected clients"
     9         if _type is not None:
    10             client_types = ('normal', 'master', 'replica', 'pubsub')
    11             if str(_type).lower() not in client_types:
    12                 raise DataError("CLIENT LIST _type must be one of %r" % (
    13                                 client_types,))
    14             return self.execute_command('CLIENT LIST', b'TYPE', _type)
    15         return self.execute_command('CLIENT LIST')
    1 info = redisclient.client_list()        # 获取client列表
    1 output:
    2 [
    3 {'id': '1319', 'addr': '', 'fd': '7', 'name': '', 'age': '5263', 'idle': '444', 'flags': 'N', 'db': '0', 'sub': '0', 'psub': '0', 'multi': '-1', 'qbuf': '0', 'qbuf-free': '0', 'obl': '0', 'oll': '0', 'omem': '0', 'events': 'r', 'cmd': 'client'}, 
    4 {'id': '1329', 'addr': '', 'fd': '8', 'name': '', 'age': '1', 'idle': '0', 'flags': 'N', 'db': '0', 'sub': '0', 'psub': '0', 'multi': '-1', 'qbuf': '0', 'qbuf-free': '32768', 'obl': '0', 'oll': '0', 'omem': '0', 'events': 'r', 'cmd': 'client'}
    5 ]

    4. Redis.config_ 配置参数相关源代码:

     1 def config_get(self, pattern="*"):
     2     "Return a dictionary of configuration based on the ``pattern``"
     3     return self.execute_command('CONFIG GET', pattern)
     5 def config_set(self, name, value):
     6     "Set config item ``name`` with ``value``"
     7     return self.execute_command('CONFIG SET', name, value)
     8 def config_rewrite(self):
     9     "Rewrite config file with the minimal change to reflect running config"
    10     return self.execute_command('CONFIG REWRITE')


    1 info = redisclient.config_get('maxmemory')
    2 info1 = redisclient.config_set('maxmemory','100MB')
    3 info2 = redisclient.config_rewrite()
    1 output:
    2 info : {'maxmemory': '104857600'}
    3 info1: True
    4 info2: b'OK'

    5. Redis.scan_iter() 源代码

     1 def scan_iter(self, match=None, count=None):
     2     """
     3     Make an iterator using the SCAN command so that the client doesn't
     4     need to remember the cursor position.
     5     ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern
     6     ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns
     7     """
     8     cursor = '0'
     9     while cursor != 0:
    10         cursor, data = self.scan(cursor=cursor, match=match, count=count)
    11         for item in data:
    12             yield item
    1 redisclient.scan_iter(count=500):     # 每次扫描并返回500个key,



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cuisi/p/11924234.html
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