• 133. Clone Graph

    Clone an undirected graph. Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbors.

    OJ's undirected graph serialization:

    Nodes are labeled uniquely.

    We use # as a separator for each node, and , as a separator for node label and each neighbor of the node.

    As an example, consider the serialized graph {0,1,2#1,2#2,2}.

    The graph has a total of three nodes, and therefore contains three parts as separated by #.

    1. First node is labeled as 0. Connect node 0 to both nodes 1 and 2.
    2. Second node is labeled as 1. Connect node 1 to node 2.
    3. Third node is labeled as 2. Connect node 2 to node 2 (itself), thus forming a self-cycle.

    Visually, the graph looks like the following:

        0 --- 2

     1 /**
     2  * Definition for undirected graph.
     3  * class UndirectedGraphNode {
     4  *     int label;
     5  *     List<UndirectedGraphNode> neighbors;
     6  *     UndirectedGraphNode(int x) { label = x; neighbors = new ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode>(); }
     7  * };
     8  */
     9 public class Solution {
    10     Map<Integer,UndirectedGraphNode> map = new HashMap<>();
    11     public UndirectedGraphNode cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode node) {
    12         if(node==null) return null;
    13         if(map.containsKey(node.label)){
    14             return map.get(node.label);
    15         }
    16         UndirectedGraphNode copy = new UndirectedGraphNode(node.label);
    17         map.put(node.label,copy);
    18         for(UndirectedGraphNode un:node.neighbors){
    19             copy.neighbors.add(cloneGraph(un));
    20         }
    21         return copy;
    22     }
    23 }


     1 /**
     2  * Definition for undirected graph.
     3  * class UndirectedGraphNode {
     4  *     int label;
     5  *     List<UndirectedGraphNode> neighbors;
     6  *     UndirectedGraphNode(int x) { label = x; neighbors = new ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode>(); }
     7  * };
     8  */
     9 public class Solution {
    10     public UndirectedGraphNode cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode node) {
    11         if(node==null) return null;
    12         Map<Integer,UndirectedGraphNode> map = new HashMap<>();
    13         UndirectedGraphNode copy = new UndirectedGraphNode(node.label);
    14         map.put(copy.label,copy);
    15         LinkedList<UndirectedGraphNode> queue= new LinkedList<>();
    16         queue.add(node);
    17         while(!queue.isEmpty()){
    18             UndirectedGraphNode n = queue.pop();
    19             for(UndirectedGraphNode neighbor:n.neighbors){
    20                 if(!map.containsKey(neighbor.label)){
    21                     map.put(neighbor.label,new UndirectedGraphNode(neighbor.label));
    22                     queue.add(neighbor);
    23                 }
    24                 map.get(n.label).neighbors.add(map.get(neighbor.label));
    25             }
    26         }
    27         return copy;
    28     }
    29 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codeskiller/p/6553610.html
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