• Majority Element II

    Given an integer array of size n, find all elements that appear more than ⌊ n/3 ⌋ times. The algorithm should run in linear time and in O(1) space.

    Find k different element, and "remove" them as a group, the remaining element must be the element that appears more than 
    ⌊n/k⌋ times. 至多有k-1个出现次数超过⌊ n/k ⌋的元素:至多有1个出现次数超过⌊ n/2 ⌋,至多有2个出现次数超过⌊ n/3 ⌋...
    For those who aren't familiar with Boyer-Moore Majority Vote algorithm, I found a great article 
    (http://goo.gl/64Nams) that helps me to understand this fantastic algorithm!! Please check it out!
    The essential concepts is you keep a counter for the majority number X. If you find a number Ythat is not X, the current counter should deduce 1. The reason is that if there is 5 X and 4 Y, there would be one (5-4) more X than Y. This could be explained as "4 X being paired out by 4 Y".
    And since the requirement is finding the majority for more than ceiling of [n/3], the answer would be less than or 
    equal to two numbers. So we can modify the algorithm to maintain two counters for two majorities.

    观察可知,数组中至多可能会有2个出现次数超过 ⌊ n/3 ⌋ 的众数

    记变量n1, n2为候选众数; c1, c2为它们对应的出现次数





    class Solution
         vector<int> majorityElement(vector<int> &a) 
              int y = 0, z = 1, cy = 0, cz = 0;
              for (auto x: a) 
                   if (x == y) cy++;
                   else if (x == z) cz++;
                   else if (! cy) y = x, cy = 1;//仔细分析,确实很有道理,假设其中一个候选众数占了1/3(遇到众数,其 
                   else if (! cz) z = x, cz = 1;
                   else cy--, cz--;
              cy = cz = 0; 
              for (auto x: a) if (x == y) cy++;
              else if (x == z) cz++;
              vector<int> r; 
              if (cy > a.size()/3) r.push_back(y); 
              if (cz > a.size()/3) r.push_back(z);
              return r;
     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<vector>
     3 using namespace std;
     6 class Solution {
     7 public:
     8     vector<int> majorityElement(vector<int>& nums) {
     9         vector<int>res;
    10         int mode1=INT_MAX, mode2=INT_MIN,cn1=0,cn2=0;
    11         for(auto x:nums)
    12         {
    13             if (x == mode1)cn1++;
    14             else if (x == mode2)cn2++;
    15             else if (!cn1)mode1 = x, cn1 = 1;
    16             else if (!cn2)mode2 = x, cn2 = 1;
    17             else cn1--, cn2--;
    18         }
    19         cn1 = 0, cn2 = 0;
    20         for (auto x :nums)
    21         {
    22             if (x == mode1)cn1++;
    23             if (x == mode2)cn2++;
    24         }
    25         if (cn1 > nums.size() / 3)res.push_back(mode1);
    26         if (cn2 > nums.size() / 3)res.push_back(mode2);
    27         return res;
    28     }
    29 };
    30 int main()
    31 {
    32     Solution test;
    33     vector<int> val = {3};//{ 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 3,2,5};
    34     vector<int>result = test.majorityElement(val);
    35     for each(auto x in result)
    36         cout << x << " ";
    37     return 0;
    38 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chess/p/4745201.html
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