• echarts线图,柱状图,饼图option


      <div ref="chart" class="chart-container"></div>
      import {line, bar, lines} from './options'
      export default {
        data () {
          return {
            charts: null
        mounted() {
          this.charts =  this.$echarts.init(this.$refs.chart)
          window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    <style lang="scss" scoped>
      .chart-container {
        height: 100%;


    import echarts from 'echarts'
    // 间距
    const grid = {
      top: '10%',
      left: '8%',
      right: '1%',
      bottom: '10%'
    // 隐藏x轴刻度
    const hideXAxis = {
      axisTick: {
        show: false
      axisLine: {
        show: false,
    // 隐藏y轴刻度
    const hideYAxis = {
      axisTick: {
        show: false
      axisLine: {
        show: false
    // y轴做坐标线为虚线
    const yDashed = {
      splitLine: {
        lineStyle: {
          type: 'dashed',
          color: '#B9BAC3'
    // 渐变色 area
    const LinearGradient = (color1, color2) => {
      return {
        color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
          { offset: 0, color: color1}, 
          { offset: 1, color: color2 }
    // 线条阴影
    const lineShadow = {
      shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)',
      shadowBlur: 5,
      shadowOffsetY: 8
    // 修改坐标轴de字体颜色
    const axisTextColor = (color) => {
      return {
        axisLabel: {
          show: true,
          textStyle: {
    //  一条线
    export const line = () => {
      return {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis'
        xAxis: {
          type: 'category',
          data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
          boundaryGap: false,
        yAxis: {
          type: 'value',
        visualMap: {
          show: false,
          type: 'continuous',
          min: 0,
          max: 1500,
          color: ['#6354D3', '#D5CFFE']
        series: {
          data: [820, 1, 700, 400, 1290, 100, 800],
          type: 'line',
          smooth: true,
          symbol: 'none',
          areaStyle: {
              'rgba(165, 115, 255, 0.3)', 
              'rgba(213, 207, 254, 0.1)'
          lineStyle: {
    // 多条线
    export const lines = () => {
      return {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis'
        xAxis: {
          type: 'category',
          data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
          boundaryGap: false,
        yAxis: {
          type: 'value',
        series: [
            data: [41, 30, 65, 53, 83, 98, 100],
            type: 'line',
            smooth: true, 
            symbol: 'none', // 小圆点
            lineStyle: {
              // color: '#F5A1A1',
            itemStyle: {
                'rgba(245,161,161, 1)', 
                'rgba(218,85,85, .8)'
            data: [0, 92, 85, 120, 73, 55, 30],
            type: 'line',
            smooth: true, 
            symbol: 'none', // 小圆点
            lineStyle: {
              // color: '#96E07A',
            itemStyle: {
                'rgba(150,224,122, 1)', 
                'rgba(69,167,32, .8)'
            data: [24, 67, 79, 86, 65, 82, 90],
            type: 'line',
            smooth: true, 
            symbol: 'none', // 小圆点
            lineStyle: {
              // color: '#F2AD6B',
            itemStyle: {
                'rgba(242,173,107, 1)', 
                'rgba(230,122,19, .8)'
            data: [55, 67, 69, 72, 53, 39, 120],
            type: 'line',
            smooth: true, 
            symbol: 'none', // 小圆点
            lineStyle: {
              // color: '#D5D8F3',
            itemStyle: {
                'rgba(213,216,243, 1)', 
                'rgba(160,164,190, .8)'
    // 柱状图
    export const bar = () => {
      return {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: {            // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
            type: 'shadow'        // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
        xAxis: {
          type: 'category',
          data: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
        yAxis: {
          type: 'value',
        series: [
            name: '蒸发量',
            type: 'bar',
            itemStyle: {
                'rgba(150, 224, 122, 1)', 
                'rgba(69, 167, 32, .8)'
            data: [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3]
            name: '降水量',
            type: 'bar',
            itemStyle: {
                'rgba(245, 161, 161, 1)', 
                'rgba(218, 85, 85, .8)'
            data: [2.6, 5.9, 9.0, 26.4, 28.7, 70.7, 175.6, 182.2, 48.7, 18.8, 6.0, 2.3]
    // 饼图
    export const pie = () => {
      return {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'item', 
          formatter: function(params, ticket, callback) {
            return '--'
        series: [
            type: 'pie',
            radius: ['45%', '80%'],
            center: ['57%', '50%'],
            itemStyle: { // 此配置
                normal: {
                  borderWidth: 2, 
                  borderColor: '#fff',
            label: {
              normal: {
                show: false,
                position: 'center'
            data: [
                value: 5, 
                name: '直接访问', 
                itemStyle: {
                    color: '#E67A13'
                value: 6, 
                name: '邮件营销',
                itemStyle: {
                  color: '#45A720'
                value: 2, 
                name: '邮件营销',
                itemStyle: {
                  color: '#DA5555'
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chefweb/p/13215305.html
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