• How To: 用 SharePoint 计算列做出你自己的KPI列表(转)

     转自  努力的小熊 http://www.cnblogs.com/Bear-Study-Hard/archive/2012/06/12/2545961.html



             要做成这个KPI效果需要一个辅助的Column。我先简单叙述一下场景。一个SharePoint Task列表,我们要根据Today和Due Date两个时间之间的关系来显示不同的KPI。


             1 Today < Due Date = Green Status Icon

             2 Today >= Due Date = Red Status Icon

             3 Due Date not filled out = N/A

             1 Create Today Column. Column type is "Date and Time".

             2 Create the first Calculated Column and named "DateDiff".

             3 Input formula: =IF([Due Date]="";"2";IF(Today<[Due Date];"1";"0")).

                     "0" : Today >= Due Date

                     "1" : Today < Due Date

                     "2" : Due Date = "" 

             4 Select "Single line of text" of "The data type returned from this formula is".


             5 Upload icons to the picture library which we want to use.



        1. 直接将三个文件放入Layouts目录即可,这样多个站点都可以通用这3个图片。

         2. src=http://nnitsharepoint/SiteImage/ewr209m.gif修改为 src=../_layouts/IMAGES/ewr219m.gif


    =IF(Status="Cancel","<DIV><img src=_layouts/IMAGES/ewr210m.gif></DIV>",IF(Status="Issue","<DIV><img src=_layouts/IMAGES/ewr219m.gif></DIV>",IF(Status="Completed","<DIV><img src=_layouts/IMAGES/ewr217m.gif></DIV>","")))

             6 Back to the list. Create "Status Icon" column. Column Type is "Calculated". "The data type returned from this formula" is "Single line of text". Input the formula:

             =IF([DateDiff]="1","<DIV><img src=http://nnitsharepoint/SiteImage/ewr209m.gif></DIV>",IF([DateDiff]="0","<DIV><img src=http://nnitsharepoint/SiteImage/ewr210m.gif></DIV>",IF([DateDiff]="2","N/A")))

             7 We will get this result of this list.


             8 Now we have to change HTML to a picture.

             Add a Content Editor Web Part to the page and add it below the Tasks Web Part. And input its content. 


    <script type="text/javascript">
    // Text to HTML
    var theTDS = document.getElementsByTagName("TD");
    var i = 0;
    var TDContent = "";
    while (i < theTDS.length) {
        try {
            TDContent = theTDS[i].innerText || theTDS[i].textContent;
            if ((TDContent.indexOf("<DIV") == 0) && (TDContent.indexOf("</DIV>") >= 0)) {
                theTDS[i].innerHTML = TDContent;
        catch (err) { }
        i = i + 1;
    // ExpGroupRenderData overwrites the default SharePoint function
    // This part is needed for collapsed groupings
    function ExpGroupRenderData(htmlToRender, groupName, isLoaded) {
        var tbody = document.getElementById("tbod" + groupName + "_");
        var wrapDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
        wrapDiv.innerHTML = "<TABLE><TBODY id=\"tbod" + groupName + "_\" isLoaded=\"" + isLoaded + "\">" + htmlToRender + "</TBODY></TABLE>";
        var theTBODYTDs = wrapDiv.getElementsByTagName("TD");
        var j = 0;
        var TDContent = "";
        while (j < theTBODYTDs.length) {
            try {
                TDContent = theTBODYTDs[j].innerText || theTBODYTDs[j].textContent;
                if ((TDContent.indexOf("<DIV") == 0) && (TDContent.indexOf("</DIV>") >= 0)) {
                    theTBODYTDs[j].innerHTML = TDContent;
            catch (err) { }
            j = j + 1;
        tbody.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapDiv.firstChild.firstChild, tbody);

             9 We will see the result like this.


             10 Delete the Today column. We get the correct result.


             原文地址: http://sharepointpratik.blogspot.dk/2011/06/add-image-to-custom-list-with_30.html(需要FQ) 


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    numpy 学习
    Python 循环简介
    Python中第一个if else逻辑判断小程序
    java 规范
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ceci/p/2862745.html
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