• 【C#】LINQ学习笔记

      LINQ(Language Integrated Query)全称基于关系数据的 .NET 语言集成查询,用于以对象形式管理关系数据,并提供了丰富的查询功能,它和Linq to xml、Linq to objects、Linq to dataset、Linq to entities等组成了强大的LINQ。

          LINQ是C# 3.0引入的新特性,C#3.0也引入了其他一些新特性,以更好的使用LINQ,LinQ说白了就是使我们可以更方便更快捷的操作集合



        public class Student
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }


        Student toroto = new Student {Id = 1, , Name = "toroto"};
        Student bomo = new Student {Id = 2, , Name = "bomo"};


            List<Student> students = new List<Student>
                    new Student {Id = 1, Name = "toroto"},
                    new Student {Id = 2, Name = "bomo"}
            Dictionary<string, Student> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Student>
                    {"toroto", new Student {Id = 1, Name = "toroto"}},
                    {"bomo", new Student {Id = 2, Name = "bomo"}}


            var i = 10;
            var f = 10.5f;
            var b = true;
            var student = new Student();
            var list = new List<Student>();


            var stu = new {Id = 1, Name = "toroto"};


        (参数列表) => {函数体}     如: (a, b) => { return a + b; };

      7、扩展方法(需要.Net 3.5)

            public static class DatetimeEx
                public static void Show(this DateTime date, string msg)


    2、LinQ To Object

      接下来才是重点,LinQ的使用很简单,很简洁明了,查询到的结果使用 foreach 遍历


            public class Student
                public int Id { get; set; }
                public int Age { get; set; }
                public int ClassNum { get; set; }
                public string Name { get; set; }
            var students = new List<Student>
                    new Student {Id = 2, Age = 22, ClassNum = 2, Name = "bomo"},
                    new Student {Id = 1, Age = 21, ClassNum = 1, Name = "toroto"},
                    new Student {Id = 3, Age = 19, ClassNum = 2, Name = "tobi"},
                    new Student {Id = 4, Age = 20, ClassNum = 1, Name = "cloud"}


            var res = from student in students          //选择集合
                      where student.Age > 20            //条件
                      orderby student.Age descending    //升序:ascending 降序:descending
                      select student;                   //结果集合
            foreach (var student in res)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", student.Name, student.Age);



            var groups = from student in students
                         group student by student.ClassNum
                         into Class
                         select new
                                 Students = Class,
                                 ClassNum = Class.Key
            foreach (var group in groups)
                Console.WriteLine("Class {0}:", group.ClassNum);
                foreach (var student in group.Students)


            var res = from student in students
                      orderby student.ClassNum ascending, student.Age descending 
                      select student;
            foreach (var student in res)
                Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}, Age:{1}, ClassNum:{2}", student.Name, student.Age, student.ClassNum);


            int[] numbersA = {0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9};
            int[] numbersB = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8};
            var pairs =
                from a in numbersA
                from b in numbersB
                let diff = Math.Abs(a-b)            //中间值/额外值 或 操作
                where a < b
                select new {a, b, diff = diff};
            foreach (var pair in pairs)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}>{1}:{2}", pair.a, pair.b, pair.diff);



            public class Student
                public int Id { get; set; }
                public int Age { get; set; }
                public int ClassNum { get; set; }
                public string Name { get; set; }
            public class Score
                public int Id { get; set; }
                public int ChineseScore { get; set; }
                public int MathScore { get; set; }
                public int EnglishScore { get; set; }

        使用 join 查询

            var students = new List<Student>
                    new Student {Id = 1, Age = 21, ClassNum = 1, Name = "toroto"},
                    new Student {Id = 2, Age = 22, ClassNum = 2, Name = "bomo"},
                    new Student {Id = 3, Age = 19, ClassNum = 2, Name = "tobi"},
                    new Student {Id = 4, Age = 20, ClassNum = 1, Name = "cloud"}
            var scores = new List<Score>
                    new Score { Id = 1, ChineseScore = 77, MathScore = 80, EnglishScore = 85},
                    new Score { Id = 2, ChineseScore = 40, MathScore = 90, EnglishScore = 75},
                    new Score { Id = 3, ChineseScore = 68, MathScore = 30, EnglishScore = 80},
                    new Score { Id = 4, ChineseScore = 85, MathScore = 100, EnglishScore = 88},
            var res = from student in students
                      join score in scores on student.Id equals score.Id
                      select new {Student = student, Score = score};
            foreach (var student in res)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:ChineseScore:{1}, MathScore:{2}, EnglishScore:{3}", student.Student.Name,
                                  student.Score.ChineseScore, student.Score.MathScore, student.Score.EnglishScore);


            var students = new List<Student>
                    new Student {Id = 1, Age = 21, ClassNum = 1, Name = "toroto"},
                    new Student {Id = 2, Age = 22, ClassNum = 2, Name = "bomo"},
                    new Student {Id = 3, Age = 19, ClassNum = 2, Name = "tobi"},
                    new Student {Id = 4, Age = 20, ClassNum = 1, Name = "cloud"}
            var scores = new List<Score>
                    new Score { Id = 1, ChineseScore = 77, MathScore = 80, EnglishScore = 85},
                    new Score { Id = 1, ChineseScore = 87, MathScore = 90, EnglishScore = 95},
                    new Score { Id = 2, ChineseScore = 40, MathScore = 90, EnglishScore = 75},
                    new Score { Id = 3, ChineseScore = 68, MathScore = 30, EnglishScore = 80},
                    new Score { Id = 4, ChineseScore = 85, MathScore = 100, EnglishScore = 88},
            var res = from student in students
                      join score in scores on student.Id equals score.Id into Sco
                      select new {Student = student, Score = Sco};
            foreach (var student in res)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:", student.Student.Name);
                foreach (var score in student.Score)
                    Console.WriteLine("ChineseScore:{0}, MathScore:{1}, EnglishScore:{2}", score.ChineseScore,
                                      score.MathScore, score.EnglishScore);

      由于数据库不是很熟,所以这里只记录LinQ To Object,应该很多操作都是相同的,下次在写LinQ To SQL


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bomo/p/3066964.html
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