• CS Academy Round41 Cinema Seats






     1 const int maxn = 1e5 + 5;
     2 char str[maxn];
     3 int a[maxn];
     5 int main(){
     6     scanf("%s", str);
     7     int len = strlen(str), zeronum = 0;
     8     a[0] = (str[0] == '0'? 0: 1);
     9     zeronum += (str[0] == '0'? 1: 0);
    10     for(int i = 1; i < len; i++){
    11         a[i] = a[i - 1] + (str[i] == '0'? 0: 1);
    12         zeronum += (str[i] == '0'? 1: 0);
    13     }
    14     int maxv = 0, maxlen = 0, m = a[len - 1];
    16     for(int i = a[0]; i <= m; i++){
    17         int tmlen = lower_bound(a, a + len, i + 2) - lower_bound(a, a + len, i);
    18         if(tmlen > maxlen){
    19             maxlen = tmlen;
    20             maxv = i;
    21         }
    22     }
    23     if(maxv != 0) maxlen--;
    24     if(zeronum < maxlen) maxlen--;
    25     printf("%d
    ", maxlen); 
    26 }


    Cinema Seats

    Time limit: 1000 ms
    Memory limit: 128 MB


    In a cinema there is a long row of NN seats. Some of them are occupied, some of them are free. At most one of the people who are already seated can move to another seat.

    A group of friends are going to come the cinema. What is the largest size of the group such that they can take a contiguous sequence of seats?

    Standard input

    The first line contains a binary string of length NN. The i^{th}ith​​ character is 0 is the i^{th}ith​​ seat is empty, and 1 if the seat is taken.

    Standard output

    Print the answer on the first line.

    Constraints and notes

    • 2 leq N leq 10^52N105​​ 
    • There will be at least one taken seat
    • There will be at least one free seat

    You can move the person seating in the 44th seat to the 77th, obtaining the configuration 10000111. In this way, the group size will be 44, sitting from the 22nd chair up to the 55th one.

    12222111 - the group's chairs were marked with 2


    One way is to move the person from the 33rd seat to the 55th one.

    This way, the cinema row becomes 000110, leaving a sequence of 33 seats for the group.



    Move the person from the 66th seat to the 11st one.

    This way, it's posible to sear a group of size 66

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bolderic/p/7337976.html
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