• 杀死那个石家庄人

    Artist: 万能青年旅店    Omnipotent Youth Society (Band)
    Song: 杀死那个石家庄人    To Kill a Man from the City of Shijiazhuang

    傍晚六点下班   Get off the work at dusk
    换掉药厂的衣裳        take off shirt with blue collar
    妻子在熬粥          Wife is preparing dinner
    我去喝几瓶啤酒     Lemme drink my pint of bitter
    如此生活三十年     Such life for three decades
    直到大厦崩塌       Until the tower tumbles down
    云层深处的黑暗啊   darkness deep in cloud is flooding
    淹没心底的景观     over the landscape in my dream

    在八角柜台         By the display counter
    疯狂的人民商场     frenzied crowd in shopping center
    用一张假钞         buy a fake gun
    买一把假枪         with a counterfeit bill
    保卫她的生活       so she could protect her life
    直到大厦崩塌       until the tower tumbles down
    夜幕覆盖华北平原   night's veil looming over the north
    忧伤浸透她的脸     sorrow soaking through her face

    河北师大附中        hebei normal high school
    乒乓少年背向我      a boy playing ping pong face away
    沉默的注视          in silence he stares
    无法离开的教室      the inescapable classroom
    生活在经验里        nothing ever new in life
    直到大厦崩塌        until the tower tumbles down
    一万匹脱缰的马      ten thousand steeds off-leash is raging
    在他脑海中奔跑      towards the skyline in his mind

    如此生活30年        such life for three decades
    直到大厦崩塌        until the tower tumbles down
    云层深处的黑暗啊    darkness deep in cloud is flooding
    淹没心底的景观      over the landscape in my dream

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bloodofhero/p/14382957.html
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