• 超赞的OOM检测(除了mat以外)


    内存泄露是 OOM 最常见的原因,但它的侦测需人工排查,往往眼看瞎也未必能找到泄露的内存。Square 新库 LeakCanary 用一种巧妙的思路实现了自动探测内存泄露,这已经帮他们减少了94%的 OOM。 在这篇文中,Square 介绍了这个帅气的库,也提出了一种新颖的获取测试设备的方式:"偷":


    LeakCanary: Detect all memory leaks!

    May 08, 2015
            at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(Bitmap.java:-2)
            at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:689)
            at com.squareup.ui.SignView.createSignatureBitmap(SignView.java:121)


    In Square Register, we draw the customer's signature on a bitmap cache. This bitmap is the size of the device's screen, and we had a significant number of out of memory (OOM) crashes when creating it.


    We tried a few approaches, none of which solved the issue:


    • Use Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 (a signature doesn't need color).
    • 使用bitmap.config.alpha_8
    • Catch OutOfMemoryError, trigger the GC and retry a few times (inspired from GCUtils).
    • 抓住OutOfMemoryError,触发GC和重试几次(灵感来自gcutils)。
    • We didn't think of allocating bitmaps off the Java heap. Lucky for us, Fresco didn't exist yet.
    • 我们不想把Java堆分配位图。幸运的是,Fresco 这个开源项目不存在这种问题。

    We were looking at it the wrong way

    The bitmap size was not a problem. When the memory is almost full, an OOM can happen anywhere. It tends to happen more often in places where you create big objects, like bitmaps. The OOM is a symptom of a deeper problem: memory leaks.


    What is a memory leak?


    Some objects have a limited lifetime. When their job is done, they are expected to be garbage collected. If a chain of references holds an object in memory after the end of its expected lifetime, this creates a memory leak. When these leaks accumulate, the app runs out of memory.


    For instance, after Activity.onDestroy() is called, the activity, its view hierarchy and their associated bitmaps should all be garbage collectable. If a thread running in the background holds a reference to the activity, then the corresponding memory cannot be reclaimed. This eventually leads to an OutOfMemoryError crash.

    例如,在Actiivity ondestroy()后,它的视图层次结构及其相关的位图应该都是垃圾收集。如果一个线程在后台运行,持有该activity引用,那么相应的内存不能被回收。这最终导致OutOfMemoryError错误,崩溃。


    Hunting memory leaks is a manual process, well described in Raizlabs’ Wrangling Dalvik series.


    Here are the key steps:


    1. Learn about OutOfMemoryError crashes via BugsnagCrashlytics, or the Developer Console.
    2. 在使用Bugsnag, Crashlytics以及 Developer Console工具去检测OutOfMemoryError这种问题。 
    3. Attempt to reproduce the problem. You might need to buy, borrow, or steal the specific device that suffered the crash. (Not all devices will exhibit all leaks!) You also need to figure out what navigation sequence triggers the leak, possibly by brute force.
    4. 重现问题,你可能需要购买或者借到一些特殊的设备来重现crash问题(并不是所有的设备都会出现这种问题),你需要知道是什么导致内存泄漏的问题,有可能是蛮力(这句翻译的有点怪,我擦)。
    5. Dump the heap when the OOM occurs (here's how).
    6. 堆积OOM的问题
    7. Poke around the heap dump with MAT or YourKit and find an object that should have been garbage collected.
    8. 使用MAT或者 YourKit 工具去发现那些对象应该被回收。
    9. Compute the shortest strong reference path from that object to the GC roots.
    10. 计算最短路径的强引用对象的GC根。
    11. Figure out which reference in the path should not exist, and fix the memory leak.
    12. 找出那些引用是不应该存在的,并处理内存对这些引用。

    What if a library could do all this before you even get to an OOM, and let you focus on fixing the memory leak?



    LeakCanary is an Open Source Java library to detect memory leaks in your debug builds.


    Let's look at a cat example:


    class Cat {
    class Box {
      Cat hiddenCat;
    class Docker {
      static Box container;
    // ...
    Box box = new Box();
    Cat schrodingerCat = new Cat();
    box.hiddenCat = schrodingerCat;
    Docker.container = box;

    You create a RefWatcher instance and give it an object to watch:


    // We expect schrodingerCat to be gone soon (or not), let's watch it.

    When the leak is detected, you automatically get a nice leak trace:


    * GC ROOT static Docker.container
    * references Box.hiddenCat
    * leaks Cat instance

    We know you're busy writing features, so we made it very easy to setup. With just one line of code, LeakCanary will automatically detect activity leaks:

    public class ExampleApplication extends Application {
      @Override public void onCreate() {

    You get a notification and a nice display out of the box:



    After enabling LeakCanary, we discovered and fixed many memory leaks in our app. We even found a few leaks in the Android SDK.

    在启用的leakcanary,我们能够发现并修复你APP里面出现的内存泄漏的问题。我们甚至发现了一些 leaks in the Android SDK

    The results are amazing. We now have 94% fewer crashes from OOM errors.


    If you want to eliminate OOM crashes, install LeakCanary now!


  • 相关阅读:
    Java 对象的内存布局(HotSpot 实现)
    HDFS 伪分布式环境搭建
    Java 多线程(四):锁(二)
    乘积小于 K 的子数组
    Netty 学习(三):通信协议和编解码
    HDFS 分布式环境搭建
    Netty 学习(一):服务端启动 & 客户端启动
    累加和为 K 的最长子数组问题
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/androidsuperman/p/0bdb7806bd5ff9c3edbdef9a913eae6f.html
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