1. 使用Ping做什么
2. 效果
3. 在验证两台主机是否能正常联通时做了什么
4. IP报文中有什么
由于IP协议并不是一个可靠的协议,它不保证数据被成功送达,那么,如何才能保证数据的可靠送达呢? 这里就需要使用到一个重要的协议模块ICMP(网络控制报文)协议。它传递差错报文以及其他需要注意的信息,经常供IP层或更高层协议(TCP或UDP)使用。所以它经常被认为是IP层的一个组成部分。它在IP数据报文中的封装如下:
ICMP报文 = ICMP报头+Data(这个消息可以自定义,当然每个不同类型的报文的data都会有所不同)
(ICMP_Packet = ICMPHeader + Data)
5. ICMP报文中的各个数据是什么,有什么用
type = 8, code = 0 表示 回显请求
type = 0, code = 0 表示 回显应答
6. 程序框架及具体代码
ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # ICMP type code for echo request messages ICMP_ECHO_REPLY = 0 # ICMP type code for echo reply messages ID = 0 # ID of icmp_header SEQUENCE = 0 # sequence of ping_request_msg
在这里我们调用Ping(host, timeout = 1)【自定义】函数正式开始这个过程
(3)Ping(host, timeout = 1)
定义变量---在Ping函数中我们设置了几个变量用于表示发送、成功接收、丢失包的数量 和 最长时延、最短时延、总时延
def ping(host, timeout=1): send = 0 lost = 0 receive = 0 maxTime = 0 minTime = 1000 sumTime = 0 # 1. Look up hostname, resolving it to an IP address desIp = socket.gethostbyname(host) global ID ID = os.getpid() for i in range(0, 4): global SEQUENCE SEQUENCE = i # 2. Call doOnePing function, approximately every second delay = doOnePing(desIp, timeout) * 1000 send += 1 if delay > 0: receive += 1 if maxTime < delay: maxTime = delay if minTime > delay: minTime = delay sumTime += delay # 3. Print out the returned delay print("Receive from: " + str(desIp) + ", delay = " + str(int(delay)) + "ms") else: lost += 1 print("Fail to connect.") time.sleep(1) # 4. Continue this process until stopped avgTime = sumTime / receive recvRate = receive / send * 100.0 print(" Send: " + str(send) + ", success: " + str(receive) + ", lost: " + str(lost) + ", rate of success: " + str(recvRate) + "%.") print( "MaxTime = " + str(int(maxTime)) + "ms, MinTime = " + str(int(minTime)) + "ms, AvgTime = " + str(int(avgTime)))
(4) doOnePing(destination, timeout)
def doOnePing(destinationAddress, timeout): # 1. Create ICMP socket icmpName = socket.getprotobyname('icmp') icmp_Socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmpName) # 2. Call sendOnePing function sendOnePing(icmp_Socket, destinationAddress, ID) # 3. Call receiveOnePing function totalDelay = receiveOnePing(icmp_Socket, destinationAddress, ID, timeout) # 4. Close ICMP socket icmp_Socket.close() # 5. Return total network delay return totalDelay
(5)sendOnePing(icmpSocket, destination, ID)
def sendOnePing(icmpSocket, destinationAddress, ID): icmp_checksum = 0 # 1. Build ICMP header icmp_header = struct.pack('!bbHHh', ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, icmp_checksum, ID, SEQUENCE) time_send = struct.pack('!d', time.time()) # 2. Checksum ICMP packet using given function icmp_checksum = checksum(icmp_header + time_send) # 3. Insert checksum into packet icmp_header = struct.pack('!bbHHh', ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, icmp_checksum, ID, SEQUENCE) # 4. Send packet using socket icmp_packet = icmp_header + time_send icmpSocket.sendto(icmp_packet, (destinationAddress, 80)) # 5. Record time of sending
* 将ICMP_Header的那几个打包成为数据包(其中的校验和只是为了Header的完整性而随意设置的,占位用)
* 用校验和程序检测数据包的完整性
* 加入真正的校验和(这里“真正”似乎不太正确,但暂时想不出有什么其他的词汇形容了)重新打包
* 将发送的时间(time.time())编码打包,作为ICMP的Data
* ICMP_Packet = ICMP-Header + Data
* 借助socket发送报文
* 此外,sendto(msg, (IP, Port))中的Port为80是因为Web默认使用端口号80(还有许多网络应用有特定的端口号——方便访问,一般靠前的port都是分配好的,如果是自己构建的程序则可以申请使用空闲的port)
(6)receiveOnePing(icmpSocket, destination, ID, timeout)
def receiveOnePing(icmpSocket, destinationAddress, ID, timeout): # 1. Wait for the socket to receive a reply timeBeginReceive = time.time() whatReady = select.select([icmpSocket], [], [], timeout) timeInRecev = time.time() - timeBeginReceive if not whatReady[0]: print("none") return -1 # 2. Once received, record time of receipt, otherwise, handle a timeout recPacket, addr = icmpSocket.recvfrom(1024) timeReceived = time.time() # 3. Compare the time of receipt to time of sending, producing the total network delay byte_in_double = struct.calcsize("!d") timeSent = struct.unpack("!d", recPacket[28: 28 + byte_in_double])[0] totalDelay = timeReceived - timeSent # 4. Unpack the packet header for useful information, including the ID rec_header = recPacket[20:28] replyType, replyCode, replyCkecksum, replyId, replySequence = struct.unpack('!bbHHh', rec_header) # 5. Check that the ID matches between the request and reply if ID == replyId and replyType == ICMP_ECHO_REPLY: # 6. Return total network delay return totalDelay if timeInRecev > timeout: print('overtime') return -1
select.select函数自行了解:whatReady[0] 用于判断是否接收到回显应答,返回true/false,应答不为空就是成功(继续计算时延),否则就是失败(直接返回-1跳出)
7. 完整代码
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os import struct import time import select import socket ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # ICMP type code for echo request messages ICMP_ECHO_REPLY = 0 # ICMP type code for echo reply messages ICMP_Type_Unreachable = 11 # unacceptable host ICMP_Type_Overtime = 3 # request overtime ID = 0 # ID of icmp_header SEQUENCE = 0 # sequence of ping_request_msg def checksum(strings): csum = 0 countTo = (len(strings) / 2) * 2 count = 0 while count < countTo: thisVal = strings[count + 1] * 256 + strings[count] csum = csum + thisVal csum = csum & 0xffffffff count = count + 2 if countTo < len(strings): csum = csum + strings[len(strings) - 1] csum = csum & 0xffffffff csum = (csum >> 16) + (csum & 0xffff) csum = csum + (csum >> 16) answer = ~csum answer = answer & 0xffff answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00) return answer def receiveOnePing(icmpSocket, ID, timeout): # 1. Wait for the socket to receive a reply timeBeginReceive = time.time() whatReady = select.select([icmpSocket], [], [], timeout) timeInRecev = time.time() - timeBeginReceive if not whatReady[0]: return -1 timeReceived = time.time() # 2. Once received, record time of receipt, otherwise, handle a timeout recPacket, addr = icmpSocket.recvfrom(1024) # 3. Compare the time of receipt to time of sending, producing the total network delay byte_in_double = struct.calcsize("!d") timeSent = struct.unpack("!d", recPacket[28: 28 + byte_in_double])[0] totalDelay = timeReceived - timeSent # 4. Unpack the packet header for useful information, including the ID rec_header = recPacket[20:28] replyType, replyCode, replyCkecksum, replyId, replySequence = struct.unpack('!bbHHh', rec_header) # 5. Check that the ID matches between the request and reply if ID == replyId and replyType == ICMP_ECHO_REPLY: # 6. Return total network delay return totalDelay elif timeInRecev > timeout or replyType == ICMP_Type_Overtime: return -3 # ttl overtime/timeout elif replyType == ICMP_Type_Unreachable: return -11 # unreachable else: print("request over time") return -1 def sendOnePing(icmpSocket, destinationAddress, ID): icmp_checksum = 0 # 1. Build ICMP header icmp_header = struct.pack('!bbHHh', ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, icmp_checksum, ID, SEQUENCE) time_send = struct.pack('!d', time.time()) # 2. Checksum ICMP packet using given function icmp_checksum = checksum(icmp_header + time_send) # 3. Insert checksum into packet icmp_header = struct.pack('!bbHHh', ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, icmp_checksum, ID, SEQUENCE) # 4. Send packet using socket icmp_packet = icmp_header + time_send icmpSocket.sendto(icmp_packet, (destinationAddress, 80)) def doOnePing(destinationAddress, timeout): # 1. Create ICMP socket icmpName = socket.getprotobyname('icmp') icmp_Socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmpName) # 2. Call sendOnePing function sendOnePing(icmp_Socket, destinationAddress, ID) # 3. Call receiveOnePing function totalDelay = receiveOnePing(icmp_Socket, ID, timeout) # 4. Close ICMP socket icmp_Socket.close() # 5. Return total network delay return totalDelay def ping(host, count, timeout): send = 0 lost = 0 receive = 0 maxTime = 0 minTime = 1000 sumTime = 0 # 1. Look up hostname, resolving it to an IP address desIp = socket.gethostbyname(host) global ID ID = os.getpid() for i in range(0, count): global SEQUENCE SEQUENCE = i # 2. Call doOnePing function, approximately every second delay = doOnePing(desIp, timeout) * 1000 send += 1 if delay > 0: receive += 1 if maxTime < delay: maxTime = delay if minTime > delay: minTime = delay sumTime += delay # 3. Print out the returned delay print("Receive from: " + str(desIp) + ", delay = " + str(int(delay)) + "ms") else: lost += 1 print("Fail to connect. ", end="") if delay == -11: # type = 11, target unreachable print("Target net/host/port/protocol is unreachable.") elif delay == -3: # type = 3, ttl overtime print("Request overtime.") else: # otherwise, overtime print("Request overtime.") time.sleep(1) # 4. Continue this process until stopped if receive != 0: avgTime = sumTime / receive recvRate = receive / send * 100.0 print( " Send: {0}, success: {1}, lost: {2}, rate of success: {3}%.".format(send, receive, lost, recvRate)) print( "MaxTime = {0}ms, MinTime = {1}ms, AvgTime = {2}ms".format(int(maxTime), int(minTime), int(avgTime))) else: print(" Send: {0}, success: {1}, lost: {2}, rate of success: 0.0%".format(send, receive, lost)) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: try: hostName = input("Input ip/name of the host you want: ") count = int(input("How many times you want to detect: ")) timeout = int(input("Input timeout: ")) ping(hostName, count, timeout) break except Exception as e: print(e) continue
8. 写在最后