• 数学图形之圆环

    这一节将为你展示如何生成圆环,以及各种与圆环相关的图形,有Cyclide surface,Horn Torus, tore de klein等.




    vertices = D1:72 D2:72
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    r = 3*cos(u) + 7
    z = 3*sin(u)
    y = r*sin(v)
    x = r*cos(v)
    y = y + 5



    vertices = D1:72 D2:72
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    a = 10.0
    b = rand2(0.5, a)
    x = (a + b*cos(v))*sin(u)
    y = b*sin(v)
    z = (a + b*cos(v))*cos(u)
    vertices = D1:100 D2:100

    u = from 0 to (PI*2) D1 v = from 0 to (PI*2) D2
    = rand2(1, 10) b = rand2(1, 10)
    = (a + b*cos(v))*cos(u) z = (a + b*cos(v))*sin(u) y = b*sin(v)

    (3)Horn Torus


    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from 0 to (PI*2) D1
    v = from 0 to (PI*2) D2
    x = (1 + cos(v))*cos(u)
    y = sin(v)
    z = (1 + cos(v))*sin(u)
    a = 10
    x = x*a
    y = y*a
    z = z*a


    vertices = D1:72 D2:72
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    a = 10.0
    b = rand2(0.5, a)
    x = (a + b*cos(v))*sin(u)
    y = b*sin(v) + if(sin(v) > 0, 10, -10)
    z = (a + b*cos(v))*cos(u)


    vertices = D1:72 D2:72
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    a = 10.0
    b = rand2(0.5, a)
    x = (a + b*cos(v))*sin(u)
    y = b*sin(2*v)
    z = (a + b*cos(v))*cos(u)

    (6)tore de klein

    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from 0 to (PI*2) D1
    v = from 0 to (PI*2) D2
    a = rand2(1, 10)
    b = rand2(1, 10)
    k = rand_int2(1, 20)
    k = k / 2
    x = (a+b*cos(v))*cos(u)
    z = (a+b*cos(v))*sin(u)
    y = b*sin(v)*cos(k*u)


    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from 0 to (PI*2) D1
    v = from 0 to (PI*2) D2
    a = rand2(1, 10)
    b = rand2(0.5, a)
    t = sqrt(a*a - b*b)
    e = rand2(-2,2)
    x = t*sin(v)*cos(u) - e*(b + a*cos(v))*sin(u)
    z = t*sin(v)*sin(u) + e*(b + a*cos(v))*cos(u)
    y = b*sin(v)


    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    a = sin(u)
    b = cos(u)
    c = sin(v)
    d = cos(v)
    r = 3 + c + b
    o = 2 * v
    x = r*sin(o)
    y = a + 2*d
    z = r*cos(o)
    x = x*5
    y = y*5
    z = z*5


    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    a = rand2(5, 10)
    c = rand2(1, a/2)
    b = sqrt(a*a - c*c)
    d = rand2(1, 10)
    w = a - c*cos(u)*cos(v)
    x = d*(c - a*cos(u)*cos(v)) + b*b*cos(u)
    y = b*sin(u)*(a - d*cos(v))
    z = b*sin(v)*(c*cos(u) - d)
    x = x/w
    y = y/w
    z = z/w


    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from (0) to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (2*PI) D2
    r = 2
    m = rand2(r, r*10)
    n = r*cos(u) + m
    y = r*sin(u)
    x = n*cos(v)
    z = n*sin(v)


    vertices = D1:100 D2:100
    u = from 0 to (2*PI) D1
    v = from 0 to (PI*2) D2
    a = rand2(1, 10)
    b = rand2(1, 10)
    x = a*cos(u)
    y = b*cos(v)
    z = a*sin(u) + b*sin(v)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/WhyEngine/p/3875181.html
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