队列按照先进先出(First In First Out, FIFO)的规则管理数据。
- enqueue(x):在队列末尾添加元素x
- dequeue():从队列开头取出元素
以AOJ(Aizu Online Judge)中的一题多任务处理为例进行说明。题目链接 http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_3_B
There are (n) processes in a queue. Each process has (name_i) and (time_i). The round-robin scheduling handles the processes in order. A round-robin scheduler gives each process a quantum (a time slot) and interrupts the process if it is not completed by then. The process is resumed and moved to the end of the queue, then the scheduler handles the next process in the queue.
For example, we have the following queue with the quantum of 100ms.
A(150) - B(80) - C(200) - D(200)
First, process A is handled for 100ms, then the process is moved to the end of the queue with the remaining time (50ms).
B(80) - C(200) - D(200) - A(50)
Next, process B is handled for 80ms. The process is completed with the time stamp of 180ms and removed from the queue.
C(200) - D(200) - A(50)
Your task is to write a program which simulates the round-robin scheduling.
(n) (q)
(name_1) (time_1)
(name_2) (time_2)
(name_n) (time_n)
In the first line the number of processes (n) and the quantum q are given separated by a single space.
In the following (n) lines, names and times for the (n) processes are given. (name_i) and (time_i) are separated by a single space.
For each process, prints its name and the time the process finished in order.
1 ≤ n ≤ 100000
1 ≤ q ≤ 1000
1 ≤ (time_i) ≤ 50000
1 ≤ length of (name_i) ≤ 10
1 ≤ Sum of (time_i) ≤ 1000000
Sample Input 1
5 100
p1 150
p2 80
p3 200
p4 350
p5 20
Sample Output 1
p2 180
p5 400
p1 450
p3 550
p4 800
import java.util.Scanner;
class Task{
String name;
int time;
public class Main {
static final int len = 100005;
static Task[] num = new Task[len];
static int head = 0;
static int tail = 0;
// 没有考虑队列满的情况
public static void enqueue(Task task){
num[tail] = task;
tail = (tail+1) % len;
// 没有考虑队列空的情况
public static Task dequeue(){
Task temp = num[head];
head = (head+1) % len;
return temp;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int n = sc.nextInt();
int q = sc.nextInt();
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
// 此处不能直接使用num[i].name,因为数组内放的是对象,对象的默认值为null,会抛出空指针异常。必须先创建对象
Task temp = new Task();
temp.name = sc.next();
temp.time = sc.nextInt();
tail = n;
int sum = 0;
while (head != tail){
Task temp = dequeue();
if (temp.time <= q){
sum += temp.time;
System.out.println(temp.name + " " + sum);
else {
temp.time -= q;
sum += q;