• JNI中异常报错底层处理逻辑


    if(env->ExcetionCheck()) {


      static jboolean ExceptionCheck(JNIEnv* env) {
        ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
        ScopedCheck sc(kFlag_CritOkay | kFlag_ExcepOkay, __FUNCTION__);
        JniValueType args[1] = {{.E = env}};
        if (sc.Check(soa, true, "E", args)) { // 会check下是否为异常
          JniValueType result;
          result.b = baseEnv(env)->ExceptionCheck(env); // 然后通过顶层的env来捕获这个有异常
          if (sc.Check(soa, false, "b", &result)) {
            return result.b;
        return JNI_FALSE;


       * The format string is a sequence of the following characters,
       * and must be followed by arguments of the corresponding types
       * in the same order.
       * Java primitive types:
       * B - jbyte
       * C - jchar
       * D - jdouble
       * F - jfloat
       * I - jint
       * J - jlong
       * S - jshort
       * Z - jboolean (shown as true and false)
       * V - void
       * Java reference types:
       * L - jobject
       * a - jarray
       * c - jclass
       * s - jstring
       * JNI types:
       * b - jboolean (shown as JNI_TRUE and JNI_FALSE)
       * f - jfieldID
       * m - jmethodID
       * p - void*
       * r - jint (for release mode arguments)
       * u - const char* (Modified UTF-8)
       * z - jsize (for lengths; use i if negative values are okay)
       * v - JavaVM*
       * E - JNIEnv*
       * . - VarArgs* for Jni calls with variable length arguments
       * Use the kFlag_NullableUtf flag where 'u' field(s) are nullable.
      bool Check(ScopedObjectAccess& soa, bool entry, const char* fmt, JniValueType* args)
          REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
        ArtMethod* traceMethod = nullptr;
        if (has_method_ && soa.Vm()->IsTracingEnabled()) {
          // We need to guard some of the invocation interface's calls: a bad caller might
          // use DetachCurrentThread or GetEnv on a thread that's not yet attached.
          Thread* self = Thread::Current();
          if ((flags_ & kFlag_Invocation) == 0 || self != nullptr) {
            traceMethod = self->GetCurrentMethod(nullptr);
        if (((flags_ & kFlag_ForceTrace) != 0) ||
            (traceMethod != nullptr && soa.Vm()->ShouldTrace(traceMethod))) {
          std::string msg;
          for (size_t i = 0; fmt[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
            TracePossibleHeapValue(soa, entry, fmt[i], args[i], &msg);
            if (fmt[i + 1] != '\0') {
              StringAppendF(&msg, ", ");
          if ((flags_ & kFlag_ForceTrace) != 0) {
            LOG(INFO) << "JNI: call to " << function_name_ << "(" << msg << ")";
          } else if (entry) {
            if (has_method_) {
              std::string methodName(ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(traceMethod, false));
              LOG(INFO) << "JNI: " << methodName << " -> " << function_name_ << "(" << msg << ")";
              indent_ = methodName.size() + 1;
            } else {
              LOG(INFO) << "JNI: -> " << function_name_ << "(" << msg << ")";
              indent_ = 0;
          } else {
            LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("JNI: %*s<- %s returned %s", indent_, "", function_name_, msg.c_str());
        // We always do the thorough checks on entry, and never on exit...
        if (entry) {
          for (size_t i = 0; fmt[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
            if (!CheckPossibleHeapValue(soa, fmt[i], args[i])) {
              return false;
        return true;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Tu9oh0st/p/16188208.html
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