• ACR2010_现实医疗环境下RA缓解率低是否可以用预测因素解释




    [315] - Low Rate of Rheumatoid Arthritis Remission in Real Life: Might Predictive Factors Explain?

    Elodie Loppin, MD 1,Ronan Garlantezec2,Elisabeth Solau-Gervais, MD, PhD1. 1rheumatology department university hospital Poitiers,2Public Heatlh department, university hospital Brest

    Objective: Remission constitutes the best achievable state in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Remission rates in usual clinical care are much more lower than the one in randomized clinical trials (1). The objective of the study was to define remission factors in “real life”.
    Methods: Remission has been assessed retrospectively for records of 364 patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving usual care. These patients were out and in patients followed in an university hospital with at least one visit in year 2008. Disease activity was evaluated on records according to DAS 28 criteria. Remission was defined by a DAS28 < 2.6.Statistical analysis used Chi-2 and multivariate analysis with the software SAS9.
    Results: The evaluation of disease activity was available for 328 patients (90 %). Mean age of the patients was 63 years (+/-13,7) and mean duration of the disease was 13,6 (+/-10,7). Rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP was positive respectively in 79.3% and 73.8 %. Eighty five percent had an erosive disease. The rate of global remission was 28 %. Factors associated statistically with remission in multivariate analyse were (Ors 95% confidence intervals): male sex (0,2-0,8), younger age (0,2-0,9), rheumatoid factor-positive (1,2-6,5) and the absence of concomitant prednisolone treatment (0,3-0,9). Younger age and rheumatoid factor-positive represents more a population with a “higher therapeutic objective” and female sex and older age patients have more a difference in the evaluation of the disease, rather than true differences in RA activity. Moreover, the remission rate was significantly different according to the treatment: 15% without DMARDs or biotherapy, 24% with DMARDs and 47% with anti-TNF alpha treatment. As regards to the three anti-TNF alpha, the remission rate was the lowest for infliximab (18%), than etanercept (43%). Patients treated with adalimumab had the highest rate of remission with 64%. The difference was significant between infliximab and adalimumab (OR : 1.2-101) and between infliximab and etanercept (OR :1,1-30,15) but not between etanercept and adalimumab.
    Conclusion: Male sex, younger age, rheumatoid factor-positive and corticoids free are associated with remission. Assessing remission in clinical practice is possible, and etanercept and adalimumab treatments are associated with higher rate of remission.


    (1) Sokka T, Hetland ML, Makinen H, Kautiainen H, Horslev-Petersen K, Luukkainen RK, et al. Remission and rheumatoid arthritis: data on patients receiving usual care in twenty-four countries. Arthritis Rheum 2008;58(9):2642-51.





    Loppin E, et al. ACR 2010. Present No: 315.




    结果:共有328例患者(90%)进行疾病活动度评估,平均年龄63岁,平均病程13.6年。RF和抗CCP抗体的阳性率为79.3%73.8%85%患者具有侵蚀性病变。总体缓解率为28%。多变量分析中与临床缓解相关的因素为:男性(95%CI 0.2-0.8),年龄较小(0.2-0.9),RF阳性(1.2-6.5),不联用强的松(0.3-0.9)。年龄较小和RF阳性代表着治疗目标更高的人群,女性和年龄较大的患者在评估疾病时会有所差别,而非RA活动度的真实差别。此外,治疗不同,临床缓解率差别显著:15%未使用DMARDs或生物制剂,24%使用DMARDs47%使用TNFα抑制剂。在三种TNFα抑制剂中,英夫利昔单抗的临床缓解率最低(18%),依那西普为43%,阿达木单抗最高(64%)。英夫利昔单抗与阿达木单抗差别显著(OR: 1.2-101),与依那西普差别显著(OR: 1.1-30.15),但依那西普与阿达木单抗之间没有显著性差异。


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