• 流程控制之while循环


    # print('start....')
    # while True:
    # name =input('Please enter your name:')
    # pwd = input('please enter your pwd:')
    # if name == 'egon' and pwd == '123':
    # print('login successful')
    # else:
    # print('user or pwd err')
    # print('end...')

    # print('start..')
    # tag = True
    # while tag:
    # name = input('please your name>>:')
    # pwd = input('Please your pwd>>:')
    # if name == 'oOC' and pwd =='123':
    # print('login successful')
    # tag = False
    # else:
    # print('usr or pwd err')
    # print('end..')

    #课堂练习2 break 强行终止本层循环
    # count = 1
    # while count < 6:
    # print(count)
    # count+=1

    # count = 1
    # while True:
    # if count > 5:
    # break
    # print(count)
    # count += 1

    # print('star...') #输入错误一直输
    # while True:
    # name = input('Please your name>>:')
    # pwd = input('Please your password>>:')
    # if name == 'oOC' and pwd == '123':
    # print('login successful')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('usr or pwd err')
    # print('end ...')

    # print('star...')
    # count = 0
    # while True:
    # if count == 3 :
    # print('输错次数太多')
    # break
    # name = input('Please your name>>:')
    # pwd = input('Please your pwd>>:')
    # if name == 'egon' and pwd == '123':
    # print('login successful')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('user or pwd err')
    # count +=1
    # print('end...')

    # count = 0
    # while count <= 10:
    # print('loop',count)
    # count +=1

    # count = 0
    # while count <= 10:
    # if count%2 == 0:
    # print('loop',count)
    # count += 1

    # count = 0
    # while count <= 9:
    # if count%2 ==1:
    # print('loop',count)
    # count +=1

    # import time
    # num = 0
    # while True:
    # print('count', num)
    # time.sleep(1)
    # num+=1

    # name='egon'
    # password='123'
    # while True:
    # inp_name=input('用户名: ')
    # inp_pwd=input('密码: ')
    # if inp_name == name and inp_pwd == password:
    # while True:
    # cmd=input('>>: ')
    # if not cmd: #cmd输入为假是 not cmd 为真 进行continue
    # continue
    # if cmd == 'quit':
    # break
    # print('run <%s>' %cmd)
    # else:
    # print('用户名或密码错误')
    # continue
    # break

    # name='egon'
    # password='123'
    # tag=True
    # while tag:
    # inp_name=input('用户名: ')
    # inp_pwd=input('密码: ')
    # if inp_name == name and inp_pwd == password:
    # while tag:
    # cmd=input('>>: ')
    # if not cmd:continue
    # if cmd == 'quit':
    # tag=False
    # continue
    # print('run <%s>' %cmd)
    # else:
    # print('用户名或密码错误')

    #使用while循环输出1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
    # count = 0
    # while count < 10:
    # count += 1
    # if count == 7:
    # continue
    # print(count)

    # count = 1
    # sum = 0
    # while count <=100:
    # sum = sum + count
    # count += 1
    # print(sum)

    #输出1- 100内的所有奇数
    # count = 1
    # while count < 100:
    # if count % 2 == 1:
    # print(count)
    # count += 1

    #输出1- 100内的所有偶数
    # count = 1
    # while count <= 100:
    # if count % 2 == 0:
    # print(count)
    # count += 1

    #求1-2+3-4+5 ... 99的所有数的和
    # tag = 1
    # count = 1
    # sum = 0
    # while count <= 99:
    # sum = sum + tag * count
    # tag *= -1
    # count += 1
    # print(sum)

    # name = 'oOC'
    # password = '123'
    # count = 1
    # while count <= 3:
    # in_name=input('Please enter your name:')
    # in_pass=input('Please enter your password:')
    # if in_name == name and in_pass == password:
    # print('login success')
    # break
    # print('username or password is not correct!')
    # count += 1

    # name = 'oOC'
    # password = '123'
    # count = 1
    # tag = True
    # while tag:
    # if count <= 3:
    # in_name = input('Please enter your name:')
    # in_pass=input('Please enter your password:')
    # if in_name == name and in_pass == password:
    # print('login success')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('username or password is not correct!')
    # count += 1
    # else:
    # print('login failed!')
    # tag = False

    # num = 31
    # count = 1
    # while count <= 3:
    # guess_num = input('Please enter the num:')
    # guess_num = int(guess_num)
    # if guess_num == num:
    # print('Correct!')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('Wrong!Please try again!')
    # count += 1
    # else:
    # print('foolish!')

    # num = 31
    # count = 1
    # while count < 4:
    # guess_num = input('Please enter the num:')
    # guess_num = int(guess_num)
    # count +=1
    # if guess_num == num:
    # print('Correct!')
    # break
    # elif count == 4:
    # tag = input('Could u play the game again?[Y/N]')
    # if tag == 'Y':
    # count = 1
    # else:
    # break
    # else:
    # print('Wrong!Please try again!')

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/OutOfControl/p/9646813.html
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